

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Water and health in mining settings in sub-saharan africa : A mixed methods geospatial visualization

Industrial mining transforms local landscapes, including important health determinants like clean water and sanitation. In this paper, we combined macro-level quantitative and micro-level qualitative data to show how mining projects affect water infrastructures and ultimately the health of affected communities. Although we observed a positive trend of water infrastructure in mining settings, surro

Hinder och lojalitetsplikt i AB 04

Då särskild lagreglering saknas för entreprenadförhållanden har organisation-en Byggandets kontraktskommitté förhandlat fram för branschen anpassade standardavtal. Både beställar- och entreprenörsidan företräds vid avtalsarbetet. Avtalet AB 04 är det för branschen viktigaste och omfattar utförandeentrepre-nader. Tidsaspekten är central eftersom förseningar kan innebära väsentliga kostna-der för bDue to the lack of regulation regarding construction contract law in Sweden, the application of standard-form contracts is common. Negotiation between representatives from both parties has resulted in the contract AB 04 which is the most important contract of the industry. A delayed contract is often associated with great expenses such as penalty or the loss of rental revenue. The fourth chapter

Skin, soap, and spaghetti : Investigations of co-existing solid and liquid phases in organic materials using solid-state NMR with dynamics-based spectral editing

Solid-state NMR methods incorporating dynamics-based spectral editing have a remarkable versatility for resolving and separately characterizing co-existing solid and liquid phases or domains in biologically and technically relevant organic materials. While 13C spectra acquired under magic-angle spinning and 1H decoupling provide atomic resolution, the signal intensities obtained with the CP and IN

Sundvik Kollektivhus

Under de senaste fem åren har olika ekonomiska faktorer som påverkar bostadssituationen i Sverige ökat avsevärt, med skyhöga elpriser, bostadräntor och en hög inflation bl.a. Läget har gjort det omöjligt för främst unga, äldre eller människor i utanförskap att införskaffa en egen bostad. Samtidigt är landet ett av de länder som har flest ensamboenden i sina städer, vilket är en stor orsak till psyOver the past five years, various economic factors affecting the housing situation in Sweden have significantly increased, including skyrocketing electricity prices, housing interest rates, and high inflation, among others. This situation has made it impossible for primarily young people, the elderly, or individuals facing social exclusion to acquire their own homes. At the same time, the country

Into the Metaverse: Technological Advances Shaping the Future of Consumer and Retail Marketing

This chapter explores how technological advances can shape our future consumption, marketing, and society. Using a McLuhanian theoretical lens, and the metaverse as an illustrative example of emerging technological development, the chapter unpacks the marketing and socio-political implications of technological advances. It delves into how brands have been using the current rendition of the metaver

Food laborers as stewards of island biocultural diversity : Reclaiming local knowledge, food sovereignty, and decolonization

Creating nutritious and ecologically regenerative food cultures depends on the local knowledge of food system laborers. Food producers in small island developing states center socioecological interdependence in their livelihoods and, as such, conserve biocultural diversity. Amid burgeoning health, economic, and climate crises brought on by colonialism, reclaiming food sovereignty requires a critic

The power of appearance : Self-expression through clothing behind bars

This paper investigates how the American contra Scandinavian prison system relate to prison clothing. Furthermore, it discusses the history of prison uniform and how prison uniform connects to identity. With the end goal of examining whether prison clothing contributes to the ever so nourished discourse, in which clothing is simply described as part of vanity. The research conducted is a direct re

Housing conditions and respiratory health in children in mining communities : An analysis of data from 27 countries in sub-Saharan Africa

Background: Poor housing conditions, such as poor building materials and weak structures as well as high levels of indoor air pollution, are important risk factors for a broad range of diseases, including acute respiratory infections (ARI). In mining areas, research on the determinants of respiratory health predominantly focuses on exposures to outdoor air pollutants deriving from mining operation

Long-term linguistic outcome in adults with congenital cytomegalovirus infection

BACKGROUND: Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) is the most common prenatal infection and the main infectious cause of neurodevelopmental abnormalities in developed countries. Long-term neuropsychological outcome of cCMV infection is still not well understood. This is the first study that presents linguistic follow-up data performed on adults who were infected in utero.METHOD: All individuals from a

Mechanisms Underlying the Specification of Definitive Hematopoiesis

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) maintain blood through self-renewal and differentiation. Although HSC transplantation is the only cure for various blood disorders, generating and maintaining HSCs in vitro remains challenging, partly due to a limited understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying human HSC ontogeny. In embryos, definitive HSCs arise from hemogenic endothelium via

Kungen och juridiken

Podcast "Öppet fall" från Lunds universitet, Juridiska fakulteten: Kan kungen få sitt körkort indraget om han kör för fort? Äger kungen Stockholms slott? Kan kungen blockera ett regeringsskifte? Får kungen konvertera och bli muslim? En panel med jurister från Lunds universitet svarar på frågor om kungen och juridiken.