Din sökning på "*" gav 533379 sökträffar
Parkinson's Disease among Immigrant Groups and Swedish-Born Individuals : A Cohort Study of All Adults 50 Years of Age and Older in Sweden
Background: There is a lack of studies of Parkinson's disease (PD) in immigrants. Objective: To study the association between country of birth and incident PD in immigrants in Sweden versus Swedish-born individuals. Methods: Study population included all adults aged 50 years and older in Sweden (n=2775736). PD was defined as having at least one registered diagnosis of PD in the National Patient Re
Dissociation dynamics of the diamondoid adamantane upon photoionization by XUV femtosecond pulses
This work presents a photodissociation study of the diamondoid adamantane using extreme ultraviolet femtosecond pulses. The fragmentation dynamics of the dication is unraveled by the use of advanced ion and electron spectroscopy giving access to the dissociation channels as well as their energetics. To get insight into the fragmentation dynamics, we use a theoretical approach combining potential e
Prediction of Damage Accrual in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Using the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics Frailty Index
Objective: The Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) frailty index (FI) has been shown to predict mortality, but its association with other important outcomes is unknown. We examined the association of baseline SLICC FI values with damage accrual in the SLICC inception cohort. Methods: The baseline visit was defined as the first visit at which both organ damage (SLICC/American
Metabolically Healthy Obesity (MHO)-New Research Directions for Personalised Medicine in Cardiovascular Prevention
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To discuss new findings on the heterogeneity of obesity and associated risks.RECENT FINDINGS: Obesity is a public health problem of immense importance on a global scale. However, epidemiological findings and clinical studies have revealed that obesity is a heterogeneous phenotype and that not all obese subjects run the same risk for complications. Current research has tried to d
Offentligt finansierad bokmässa med slagsida
Partierna i Göteborg bör publicera sina fakta om Ibn Rushd
Normalisering av slöjan är vansinne
Huma skiljer inte mellan hur en religiös text skapades, hur den tolkades i historisk social kontext och hur texten bör tolkas idag. De religiösa påbud Huma följer är skrivna av män och har tolkats av män i en patriarkalisk kontext.
Gamla Testamentet och Artificiell Intelligens: En Naturlig Koppling?
Religion träffar Blaženka Scheuer, universitetslektor i ämnet Gamla testamentets exegetik vid Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap vid Lunds universitet för ett samtal om Gamla testamentet (GT) och artificiell intelligens. Två ämnen som kanske vid ett första ögonkast står långt ifrån varandra; men för Blaženka är kopplingen självklar.
Visually impaired customers and (in)hospitable places
Exploring the role of extracellular matrix proteins to develop biomarkers of plaque vulnerability and outcome
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common cause of death in industrialized countries. One underlying cause is atherosclerosis, which is a systemic disease characterized by plaques of retained lipids, inflammatory cells, apoptotic cells, calcium and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in the arterial wall. The biologic composition of an atherosclerotic plaque determines whether the plaque is
Rättigheter och rättvisa
Kampen för social rättvisa tar sig många former, alltifrån att ta saken till domstolen till protester på gatorna. I detta kapitel introducerar jag Luc Boltanskis och Laurent Thévenots teori om rättfärdigande och diskuterar hur den kan användas för att analysera sociala aktörers krav på rättigheter och rättvisa i rättssociologisk forskning. I slutet av kapitlet ger jag två exempel från min forsknin
Stockholm and Bogotá Citizenship Culture Survey Comparisons
Mary in Early Christian Faith and Devotion by Stephen J. Shoemaker (review)
Myoclonus-dystonia (DYT11, DYT-SGCE) - a channelopathy?
INTRODUCTION: Kaczyńska et al. reported a family with myoclonus-dystonia (M-D) caused by a truncating SGCE mutation, in which two members had epilepsy. Further, patients had mild psychiatric and developmental deficits. CLINICAL REFLECTIONS: Characteristic motor features of M-D include myoclonus, dystonia and tremor. A wide range of additional disease manifestations are known. A few patients with M
General Practitioners’ Experiences of Digital Written Patient Dialogues : A Pilot Study Using a Mixed Method
Background: The path between patients and health care providers has adopted new advanced information technologies. However, opinions vary about the digital care meeting. Physicians have expressed concerns about increased workload, changes in working methods, and information security. Purpose: To explore physicians’ experiences and satisfaction of digital primary health care. Method: A convergent m
Tips - så gör du om det skiter sig på riktigt
Acknowledging materiality without fetishizing it : Some pitfalls in speaking for matter
Shadow Management : Neoliberalism and the Erosion of Democratic Legitimacy through Ombudsmen with Cases Studies from Swedish Higher Education
We argue that the neoliberal tradition and new public management reforms of the public sector effectively erode the core (liberal) democratic values of the rule of law and transparency. The tension between public law and managerially-influenced governmental policy is in practice resolved by the emergence of what we call “shadow management” in public administration, whereby managerial decisions tha