How Homo became sapiens: On the evolution of thinking
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Background Although childbearing is known to protect against breast cancer, whether or not breastfeeding contributes to this protective effect is unclear. Methods Individual data from 47 epidemiological studies in 30 countries that included information on breastfeeding patterns and other aspects of childbearing were collected, checked, and analysed centrally, for 50 302 women with invasive breas
Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes mellitus är en kronisk sjukdom som orsakas av en oförmåga att bilda och/eller känna av insulinets effekt i vävnaderna, vilket leder till förhöjda blodsockervärden. Diabetes som debuterar i unga år och där insulinproduktionen oftast är upphävd klassas som typ 1 diabetes. Typ 2 diabetes debuterar senare i livet och här finns olika grader av insulinproduktion kvarDiabetic retinopathy is a common complication to diabetes mellitus and is still a major cause of impaired vision in the Western world. The aim of the present study was to identify medical risk factors influencing the development and progression of retinopathy in type 1 diabetic patients, and to investigate the effects of laser treatment on visual acuity and glare. Although the development of sigh
Reliable analytical methods are increasingly needed in the food and beverage industry for the determination of specific components (e.g. sugars, proteins, vitamins, fats) and for detecting and quantifying chemical contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, and pathogenic microorganisms. The need arises from numerous regulatory actions and increased consumer concern about food comp
This paper presents a hybrid interconnect network consisting of a local network with dedicated wires and a global hierarchical network. A distributed memory approach enables the possibility to use generic memory banks as routing buffers, simplifies the implementation and reduces the area requirements of routers. A SystemC simulation environment (SCENIC) has been developed to simulate and instrumen
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling fokuserar en religiös aktör i det civila samhället under en konfliktfylld tid. Judiska, muslimska och kristna barn studerade tillsammans i anglikanska missionsskolor under den brittiska mandattiden i Palestina. Jerusalem var då etniskt och religiöst delat. Det anglikanska utbildningsprojektet var en del av den Anglikanska kyrkans försök att främja konflThis thesis concerns a religious actor in the civil society in times of violent conflict. During the British Mandate period in Palestine, Jewish, Muslim and Christian children studied together at Anglican missionary schools. At this time Jerusalem bore all the imprints of ethnic and religious separation and division. The Anglican educational project became part of the efforts made by the Anglican
It is expected that, in the future, gas turbines will be operated on gaseous fuels currently unutilized. The ability to predict the range of feasible fuels, and the extent to which existing turbines must be modified to accommodate these fuels, rests on the nature of these fuels in the combustion environment. Understanding the combustion behavior is aided by investigation of syngases of similar com
There has been an increasing interest in a new technique for making emulsions known as membrane emulsification, which uses a microporous membrane operated in cross-flow. The continuous phase is pumped along the membrane and sweeps away dispersed phase droplets forming from pore openings as shown in Fig. 1. The effects ofprocess parameters in membrane emulsification have been studied, especially on