

Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar

Att göra utredningar inom offentlig sektor

Även om spännvidden är stor vad gäller fackområde, beslutssituation och omfattning har utredningarna det gemensamt att de behöver vägledas av rekommendationer för hur utredningsarbete bedrivs och bedöms på bästa sätt. Att göra utredningar inom offentlig sektor strävar efter att presentera olika metodfrågor på ett enkelt sätt. Boken förklarar också logiken bakom olika metodkrav, till exempel kravet

Bridging People and Perspectives : General and Language-Specific Social Network Structure Predict Mentalizing Across Diverse Sociolinguistic Contexts

Mentalizing, or reasoning about others’ mental states, is a dynamic social cognitive process that aids in communication and navigating complex social interactions. We examined whether exposure to diverse perspectives, afforded by occupying influential social network positions, predicted bilingual adults’ performances on a behavioral mentalizing rating task in regions of high and low linguistic div

Därför ska påskens upplopp tolkas som politik

Påskhelgens upplopp har mötts med ett kompakt avståndstagande från det svenska politiska etablissemanget. Enligt justitieminister Morgan Johansson finns det bara ett sätt att möta upplopp, ”att sätta hårt mot hårt”. Denna tidnings ledarsida konstaterar närmast programmatiskt oförstående att “det finns inga förklaringar, inga undanflykter som håller” när den beskriver vad som skett. Ändå är det jus

Construction schedule, an influential factor on air pollution in urban infrastructure projects

Urbanization growth and aging infrastructures necessitate new infrastructure construction projects in congested urban areas. Urban construction projects interrupt the regular on-road vehicle traffic flow that affects air pollution concentration in the adjacent areas. The project schedule, however, is a possible contributor to the air pollution which has been neglected to date. This research propos

Evidence for large microbial-mediated losses of soil carbon under anthropogenic warming

Anthropogenic warming is expected to accelerate global soil organic carbon (SOC) losses via microbial decomposition, yet, there is still no consensus on the loss magnitude. In this Perspective, we argue that, despite the mechanistic uncertainty underlying these losses, there is confidence that a strong, positive land carbon–climate feedback can be expected. Two major lines of evidence support net

Limonene and linalool hydroperoxides review : Pros and cons for routine patch testing

Limonene and linalool are among the most common fragrance terpenes used in everyday products. They are pre-haptens, forming hydroperoxides (Lim-OOHs, Lin-OOHs) upon oxidation and inducing frequent positive patch test reactions in patients with dermatitis, and yet they are not routinely tested in Europe. This review evaluates current patch testing with Lim-OOHs and Lin-OOHs by asking whether hydrop

Structural mediation of human brain activity revealed by white-matter interpolation of fMRI

Understanding how the anatomy of the human brain constrains and influences the formation of large-scale functional networks remains a fundamental question in neuroscience. Here, given measured brain activity in gray matter, we interpolate these functional signals into the white matter on a structurally-informed high-resolution voxel-level brain grid. The interpolated volumes reflect the underlying

Novel sustainable alternatives for the fashion industry: A method of chemically recycling waste textiles via acid hydrolysis

The fashion industry has a considerable environmental impact, especially due to the increased generation of waste textiles as a result of fast fashion business models. Although fiber-to-fiber recycling processes are being developed, such a process is in reality a downcycling process, in which the mechanical properties of the textile fibers are impoverished with each cycle. Thus, new alternatives a

Metal Exposure and SNCA rs356219 Polymorphism Associated With Parkinson Disease and Parkinsonism

Objective: In the province of Brescia, Italy, historical neurotoxic metal exposure has occurred for several decades. This study aimed to explore the role of metal exposure and genetics on Parkinson's Disease (PD) and Parkinsonism. Methods: Cases were enrolled from four local clinics for movement disorders. Randomly selected controls non-affected by neurological or psychiatric conditions were enrol

Acoustic cell patterning in hydrogel for three-dimensional cell network formation

In the field of engineered organ and drug development, three-dimensional network-structured tissue has been a long-sought goal. This paper presents a direct hydrogel extrusion process exposed to an ultrasound standing wave that aligns fibroblast cells to form a network structure. The frequency-shifted (2 MHz to 4 MHz) ultrasound actuation of a 400-micrometer square-shaped glass capillary that was

Chemical evaluation of eumelanin maturation by tof-sims and alkaline peroxide oxidation hplc analysis

Residual melanins have been detected in multimillion-year-old animal body fossils; how-ever, confident identification and characterization of these natural pigments remain challenging due to loss of chemical signatures during diagenesis. Here, we simulate this post-burial process through artificial maturation experiments using three synthetic and one natural eumelanin exposed to mild (100◦C/100 ba

Exposome-wide ranking of modifiable risk factors for cardiometabolic disease traits

The present study assessed the temporal associations of ~ 300 lifestyle exposures with nine cardiometabolic traits to identify exposures/exposure groups that might inform lifestyle interventions for the reduction of cardiometabolic disease risk. The analyses were undertaken in a longitudinal sample comprising > 31,000 adults living in northern Sweden. Linear mixed models were used to assess the av

Information and communication technology in home-based rehabilitation–a discussion of possibilities and challenges

Background: Information and communication technology (ICT) has been proven to have effect in terms of providing alternative ways to deliver rehabilitation services. The intention with this paper is to serve as a foundation for discussions regarding the future development, design, and delivery of home-based rehabilitation, including ICT. Aim: To reflect on and discuss the possibilities and challeng

Doppler ultrasound cardiac gating of intracranial flow at 7T

Background: Ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging (MR) may be used to improve intracranial blood flow measurements. However, standard cardiac synchronization methods tend to fail at ultra-high field MR. Therefore, this study aims to investigate an alternative synchronization technique using Doppler ultrasound. Methods: Healthy subjects (n = 9) were examined with 7T MR. Flow was measured in t

Gravitoviscous protoplanetary disks with a dust component : III. Evolution of gas, dust, and pebbles

Aims. We study the dynamics and growth of dust particles in circumstellar disks of different masses that are prone to gravitational instability during the critical first Myr of their evolution. Methods. We solved the hydrodynamics equations for a self-gravitating and viscous circumstellar disk in a thin-disk limit using the FEOSAD numerical hydrodynamics code. The dust component is made up of two

Ambulatory oxygen for treatment of exertional hypoxaemia in pulmonary fibrosis (PFOX trial) : A randomised controlled trial

Introduction Interstitial lung diseases are characterised by scarring of lung tissue that leads to reduced transfer of oxygen into the blood, decreased exercise capacity and premature death. Ambulatory oxygen therapy may be used to treat exertional oxyhaemoglobin desaturation, but there is little evidence to support its efficacy and there is wide variation in clinical practice. This study aims to

HAMLET a human milk protein-lipid complex induces a pro-inflammatory phenotype of myeloid cells

HAMLET is a protein-lipid complex with a specific and broad bactericidal and tumoricidal activity, that lacks cytotoxic activity against healthy cells. In this study, we show that HAMLET also has general immune-stimulatory effects on primary human monocyte-derived dendritic cells and macrophages (Mo-DC and Mo-M) and murine RAW264.7 macrophages. HAMLET, but not its components alpha-lactalbumin or o