

Din sökning på "*" gav 527843 sökträffar

A delivery system for inhalation of nitric oxide evaluated with chemiluminescence, electrochemical fuel cells, and capnography

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a system for delivery of inhaled nitric oxide.DESIGN: Prospective, laboratory study.SETTING: Engineering laboratory.SUBJECTS: A standard ventilator (Servo Ventilator 300), supplemented with extra gas modules for nitric oxide delivery.INTERVENTIONS: Two ventilator-integrated gas modules, delivering < or = 10 parts per million (ppm) or < or = 100 ppm of nitric oxide, were used

Early effects on the intestinal barrier and pancreatic function after enteral stimulation with protease or kidney bean lectin in neonatal rats

Gut maturation naturally accelerates at weaning in altricial mammalian species, such as the rat. Mimicking this, gut development can also be induced precociously, 3–4 d earlier than it would occur naturally, by enteral exposure to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), or various proteases. We investigated the early effects of gut provocation on intestinal barrier and pancreatic functions, to get a better und

Self-cleaning and surface chemical reactions during hafnium dioxide atomic layer deposition on indium arsenide

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) enables the ultrathin high-quality oxide layers that are central to all modern metal-oxide-semiconductor circuits. Crucial to achieving superior device performance are the chemical reactions during the first deposition cycle, which could ultimately result in atomic-scale perfection of the semiconductor-oxide interface. Here, we directly observe the chemical reactions

Assimilating solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence into the terrestrial biosphere model BETHY-SCOPE v1.0 : Model description and information content

The synthesis of model and observational information using data assimilation can improve our understanding of the terrestrial carbon cycle, a key component of the Earth's climate-carbon system. Here we provide a data assimilation framework for combining observations of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) and a process-based model to improve estimates of terrestrial carbon uptake or gross

Brominated Flame Retardants and Organophosphate Esters in Preschool Dust and Children's Hand Wipes

Children spend a considerable part of their day in preschool, where they may be exposed to hazardous chemicals in indoor dust. In this study, brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and organophosphate esters (OPEs) were analyzed in preschool dust (n = 100) and children's hand wipe samples (n = 100), and diphenyl phosphate (DPHP) was analyzed in urine (n = 113). Here we assessed children's exposure via

Are entrepreneurial cultures stable over time? Historical evidence from China

Are entrepreneurial cultures stable over time? In this paper, we use historicalmeasures of the outgrowth of entrepreneurial culture in China and test whether these correlate with entrepreneurial activities today. We employ provincial panel data from China documenting the regional distribution of entrepreneurial activities during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912) and pri

Experimental studies of ion transport in cementitious materials under partially saturated conditions

Cementproduktion står idag för en ansenlig andel av världens koldioxidutsläpp, vilket driver utvecklingen av bindemedel med lägre koldioxidutsläpp. För utsläppen i ett längre perspektiv är dock de nya bindemedlens beständighet absolut avgörande. De flesta nedbrytningsmekanismer är direkt relaterade till både fukt- och jontransport. Dessa processer har undersökts i många studier, men huvudsakligen Cement production is responsible for a significant portion of manmade CO2 emissions. This motivates the development of cementitious binders with a lower carbon footprint. Considering the emissions in a longer perspective, the durability of concrete structures is absolutely essential. Most degradation of concrete structures is closely related to both moisture transport and ion transport. Many studi

Decision support for bridge condition assessment

The paper presents the first steps of the development of a theoretical framework for a rational yet practical decision making process concerning the condition assessment of existing bridges in Sweden. The main focus is on how to choose the appropriate level of enhanced conditions assessment considering aspects of model sophistication, uncertainty consideration and knowledge content utilisation. A

Application of Analytical Expressions for Retarded-Time Potentials in Analyzing the Transient Scattering by Dielectric Objects

Application of analytical formulas for the retarded-time potentials in Müller- and PMCHWT-type time-domain integral equations (TDIEs) is presented. The impulsively excited scalar and vector potentials are evaluated in closed form, and the coupling coefficients can be calculated with high accuracy. Examples of transient analysis of the electromagnetic scattering from dielectric objects are provide

Analyzing Electromagnetic Systems on Electrically Large Platform Using a GTM-PO Hybrid Method with Synthetic Basis Functions

A hybrid method of generalized transition matrix (GTM) and physical optics (PO) with synthetic basis functions (SBF) is proposed to analyze electromagnetic systems on electrically large platforms. Based on domain decomposition method (DDM), the proposed approach is to divide the whole problem into a GTM region and a PO region. The GTM algorithm can simulate antennas and scatterers accurately, and

A modified construction method of synthetic basis functions for phased antenna array

This paper introduces a modified construction method of synthetic basis functions (SBFs) for analyzing the radiation problems of phased antenna arrays. The effect of the feeding sources and the responses of incident electromagnetic fields are two relatively independent solution spaces. Singular value decomposition (SVD) method is used to extract the characteristic modes to the array from the two s

Holocene Hydroclimate Variability in Central Scandinavia Inferred from Flood Layers in Contourite Drift Deposits in Lake Storsjön

Despite the societal importance of extreme hydroclimate events, few palaeoenvironmental studies of Scandinavian lake sediments have investigated flood occurrences. Here we present a flood history based on lithological, geochemical and mineral magnetic records of a Holocene sediment sequence collected from contourite drift deposits in Lake Storsjön (63.12° N, 14.37° E). After the last deglaciation,

Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas : A Nationwide Registry-Based Study

Background and Aims: To investigate the paraclinical and pathological features of surgically resected intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms in Sweden. Materials and Methods: A review of prospectively collected data on patients undergoing pancreatic resection for a histopathologically verified intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm between 2010 and 2016 was performed using the Swedish National

Alpha-1-microglobulin protects from heme induced placenta and kidney damage in a pregnant ewe model for preeclampsia

INTRODUCTION: Previous gene expression analysis have identified fetal hemoglobin (HbF) as a plausible etiological factor in preeclampsia. Free hemoglobin and its degradation products, e.g. heme, are known to cause oxidative stress, tissue damage, and vaso-constriction, typical findings in preeclampsia.OBJECTIVE: To study alpha-1-microglobulin (A1M), an endogenous radical scavenger and heme-binder,