Din sökning på "*" gav 530868 sökträffar
Criticizing Religion in Mediatized Debates
Reduced epilepsy development in synapsin 2 knockout mice with autistic behavior following early systemic treatment with interleukin-6 receptor antibody
BACKGROUND: Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have an increased risk of developing epilepsy. Both ASD and epilepsy have been associated with increased levels of immune factors in the blood, including the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 6 (IL-6). Mice lacking the synapsin 2 gene (Syn2 KO) exhibit ASD-like behavior and develop epileptic seizures. Their brains display neuroinflamma
Cell-specific switch for epileptiform activity : critical role of interneurons in the mouse subicular network
During epileptic seizures, neuronal network activity is hyper synchronized whereby GABAergic parvalbumin-interneurons may have a key role. Previous studies have mostly utilized 4-aminopyridine to induce epileptiform discharges in brain slices from healthy animals. However, it is not clear if the seizure-triggering ability of parvalbumin-interneurons also holds true without the use of external conv
Conifer-killing bark beetles locate fungal symbionts by detecting volatile fungal metabolites of host tree resin monoterpenes
Outbreaks of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) have decimated millions of hectares of conifer forests in Europe in recent years. The ability of these 4.0 to 5.5 mm long insects to kill mature trees over a short period has been sometimes ascribed to two main factors: (1) mass attacks on the host tree to overcome tree defenses and (2) the presence of fungal symbionts that support suc
Comparative 1H NMR study of hydroxy protons in galabioside and its S-linked 4-thiodisaccharide analogue in aqueous solution
The NMR data obtained from hydroxy protons have been used to investigate the presence and absence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in aqueous solutions of 2-(trimethylsilyl)ethyl galabioside (α-D-Galp-(1→4)-β-D-Galp-O(CH2)2SiMe3) and the S-linked 4-thiodisaccharide analogue. The data show that there is a weak hydrogen bond interaction between O-6H and O-2'H in galabioside, but not in the thio-an
Soil Moisture Assimilation Improves Terrestrial Biosphere Model GPP Responses to Sub-Annual Drought at Continental Scale
Due to the substantial gross exchange fluxes with the atmosphere, the terrestrial carbon cycle plays a significant role in the global carbon budget. Drought commonly affects terrestrial carbon absorption negatively. Terrestrial biosphere models exhibit significant uncertainties in capturing the carbon flux response to drought, which have an impact on estimates of the global carbon budget. Through
Stem cell-based interventions for the treatment of stroke in newborn infants
Objectives: This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows:. To evaluate the benefits and harms of stem cell-based interventions for the treatment of stroke in newborn infants compared to control (placebo or no treatment) or stem-cell based interventions of a different type or source.
Fluorescence lifetime imaging through scattering media
Fluorescence lifetime determination has proven to be useful, e.g. identification of molecules, quantitative estimation of species concentration and determination of temperatures. Lifetime determination of exponentially decaying signals is challenging if signals of different decay rates are being mixed, resulting in erroneous results. Such issues occur when the contrast of the measurement object is
A Switched Array Sounder for Dynamic Millimeter-Wave Channel Characterization: Design, Implementation and Measurements
A prerequisite for the design and evaluation of wireless systems is the understanding of propagation channels. While abundant propagation knowledge exists for bands below 6 GHz, the same is not true for millimeter-wave frequencies. In this paper, we present the design, implementation and measurement-based verification of a re-configurable 27.5-29.5 GHz channel sounder. Based on the switched array
Kartläggning och analys av Skånes elförsörjning
In Sweden there has been an increasing power shortage recently, especially in the region of Scania, which has resulted in escalating electricity prices and in turn a public will to fix the problem. The situation is a result of the existing electricity production being decommissioned or replaced by more variable alternatives together with the fact that electricity transmission from other parts of S
The heterogeneity of obesity for risk of cardiometabolic disease. Epidemiology and clinical aspects
Modelling and Simulation of Gearset Behavior : Effects of Manufacturing Errors and Electrification
Due to electrification, new demands are imposed on gears regarding e.g., quality, noise, lubrication, and gear ratio.Therefore, a better understanding of gearset meshing and operation is needed. Experiments are valuable tools, butalso tend to be cumbersome and time consuming. Moreover, contact pressure cannot be measured satisfactorily.Thus, a simulation tool is needed. In this thesis, an LTCA sim
The Political Economy of Water Markets: 40 Years of Debates, Experiments and Lessons Learned
Sensitivity analysis of indicator weights for the construction of flood vulnerability indexes : A participatory approach
The assessment of flood vulnerability is a complex task that involves numerous uncertainties. Within this context, sensitivity analyses are crucial to better understand the variability of vulnerability index outcomes according to different input parameters. The present study sheds light on the importance of assessing the sensitivity of different criteria weights to construct flood vulnerability in
Comparative analysis of atmospheric parameters from high-resolution spectroscopic sky surveys : APOGEE, GALAH, Gaia-ESO
Context. SDSS-IV APOGEE-2, GALAH, and Gaia-ESO are high-resolution, ground-based, multi-object spectroscopic surveys providing fundamental stellar atmospheric parameters and multiple elemental abundance ratios for hundreds of thousands of stars of the Milky Way. Data from these and other surveys contribute to investigations of the history and evolution of the Galaxy. Aims. We undertake a compariso
Sympoietiska rum - prototyper för artöverskridande arkitektur
Sympoietiska rum är en undersökande och reflekterande process som utforskar hur sympoiesis kan användas som redskap för att generera mötesplatser mellan olika arter i staden. Projektet har sin utgångspunkt i konceptet sympoiesis, vetenskapshistorikern och vetenskapsteoretikern Donna Haraways teori om samhörigheten mellan olika arter. Jag har använt sympoiesis som teoretisk grund för att spekulera Sympoietic spaces is an investigative and reflective process that explores how sympoiesis can be used as a tool to speculate in multispecies meeting spaces in the city. The project has its starting point in the concept of sympoiesis, science historian and science theorist Donna Haraway’s theory of the interconnected relationships between species. Various questions have driven the work forward and
Hållbarhetsbetyget ESG - är spelreglerna desamma för alla?
The growing expansion of importance amid financial stakeholders regarding sustainability has led to an extended demand and need of reliable reporting amongst sustainability metrics. Previous research and information about ESG reporting and how ESG ratings are calculated are flawed. This thesis investigates if there are differences between how ESG ratings are assessed between companies producing da
The Wisdom in Teeth : Neuronal Differentiation of Dental Pulp Cells
Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are found in almost all postnatal organs. Under appropriate environmental cues, multipotency enables MSCs to serve as progenitors for several lineage-specific, differentiated cell types. In vitro expansion and differentiation of MSCs give the opportunity to obtain hardly available somatic cells, such as neurons. The neurogenic potential of MSCs makes them a pr
Ursäkta, får man lov att marknadsföra på detta viset? : en retorisk analys och kritisk diskursanalys av framställningen av vitt nikotinsnus av varumärket Volt i podcasten “Ursäkta”
Denna uppsats “Ursäkta, får man lov att marknadsföra på detta viset? En retorisk analys och kritisk diskursanalys av framställningen av det vita snuset Volt i podcasten ‘Ursäkta’” är skriven av Emma Almers och Klara Bergholtz, studenter vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds Universitet, inom ämnesområdet Medie- och Kommunikationsvetenskap. Uppsatsen redovisar hur vitt nikotins