Din sökning på "*" gav 528282 sökträffar
Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer. Aspects on treatment strategies, outcome after surgery and prognostic biomarkers
Real-Time Deployment Aspects of C-Band and Millimeter-Wave 5G-NR Systems
Fifth-generation (5G) new radio (NR) deployments are being rolled out in both the C–band (3.3 - 5.0 GHz) and millimeter-wave (mmWave) band (24.5 - 29.5 GHz). For outdoor scenarios, the C–band is expected to provide wide area coverage and throughput uniformity, whereas the mmWave band is expected to provide ultra-high throughput to dedicated areas within the C-band coverage. Due to the differences
Reaching for the Mountains at the End of a Rebelocracy: Changes in Land and Water Access in Colombia's Highlands During the Post-peace Agreement Phase
The armed conflict shaped and determined land-uses, water access and social and environmental norms in highlands regions in Colombia for several decades. The withdrawal of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) after the Peace Agreement with the government of Colombia in 2016, has brought new dynamics in access and uses of land leading to increasingly visible social-environmental impact
Det maktfullkomliga nuet håller på att bli alltings mått
Do markets encourage risk-seeking behaviour?
Excessive risk-taking in markets can have devastating consequences as the latest financial crises have highlighted. In this paper, we ask whether markets as an institution encourages such excessive risk-taking. To establish causality, we isolate the effects of market interaction in a laboratory experiment keeping other possibly confounding factors constant. We find that the opposite is true. Marke
Genome-wide association study identifies novel single nucleotide polymorphisms having age-specific effect on prostate-specific antigen levels
Background: Testing for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in blood are widely used and associated with prostate cancer risk and outcome. After puberty, PSA levels increase by age and multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been found to be associated with PSA levels. However, the relationship between the effects of SNPs and age on PSA remains unknown. Methods: To test for SNP × a
Hur mår pendlare i Skåne?
Kartläggning av bebyggelse med risk för höga temperaturer : Metodbeskrivning av GIS-verktyg utifrån marktäckning
Värmeböljor är den klimateffekt som väntas få störst påverkan på hälsan i Europa, och värmeböljor förväntas bli vanligare, intensivare och mer långvariga iframtiden.I tätorter skapas ett lokalt klimat som gör att befolkningen där kan bli mer exponerad för värme än i glesare bebyggda områden. Det gäller särskilt tätbebyggda områden med hög andel hårdgjorda ytor och lite vegetation. I sådana områden
"Senarelägg skoltiderna - nu!"
Klimatförändringar och biologisk mångfald : Slutsatser från IPCC och IPBES i ett svenskt perspektiv.
De stora miljö- och samhällsproblemen kommer inte ensamma. De är sammankopplade på olika sätt. Detta innebär utmaningar men ger också möjligheter att utveckla åtgärder och lösningar. Det gäller både för klimatfrågan och frågan om att motverka förlusten av biologisk mångfald och ekosystem. Kunskapens betydelse för att hantera dessa och andra aspekter är ovärderlig, såväl kring specifika frågeställn
Aerobic barley mg-protoporphyrin ix monomethyl ester cyclase is powered by electrons from ferredoxin
Chlorophyll is the light-harvesting molecule central to the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is synthesized through 15 enzymatic steps. Most of the reactions have been characterized using recombinant proteins. One exception is the formation of the isocyclic E-ring characteristic of chlorophylls. This reaction is catalyzed by the Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase encoded by Xantha
Children Listen: Psychological and Linguistic Aspects of Listening Difficulties During Development
Psychometric properties of the Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults Screening Questionnaire (ASDASQ) in a sample of Italian psychiatric outpatients
Background: The present study aimed to examine the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults Screening Questionnaire (ASDASQ), a screening tool for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among psychiatric outpatients. Methods: We recruited 340 subjects via an outpatient psychiatric service in Italy. Forty-eight had a diagnosis of ASD, confirmed after a compr
Assessment of Hydro-Geochemical Properties of Groundwater under the Effect of Desalination Wastewater Discharge in an Arid Area
Desalination to increase irrigation water supply for agricultural production is becoming important in water scarce regions. While desalination has positive effects on the potential irrigation water quantity and quality, the technique may also be a considered as potential source of groundwater pollution. The present study investigated the effects of desalination wastewater discharge on groundwater
Stakeholder Communication as a Strategy for Resilient Destinations in Sustainable Tourism Development
In the latest World Tourism Barometer, UNWTO (2020) predicts that global tourism could decline by up to 80% this year. While many tourism-dependent economies in Europe are currently suffering from under-tourism, the heated debate between tourism developers and local stakeholders about adverse impacts of over-tourism is likely to reignite even stronger once the inrush of tourists returns. As a resu
Spray combustion with multiple-injection in modern engine conditions
Combustion of fuel in diesel engines emits substances harmful to the environment such as soot. These emissions can be reduced by either in-cylinder treatments or after-treatments. One of the common in-cylinder treatments is multiple-injection, which divides a single fuel injection to multiple smaller injections. There are many open questions on the physical processes of the ignition, combustion an
Dna polymerase alpha subunit b is a binding protein for erlotinib resistance in non-small cell lung cancer
Erlotinib inhibits epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase activity and is used to treat non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Despite its high efficacy, recurrence can occur in patients who become resistant to the drug. To address the underlying mechanism of Erlotinib resistance, we investigated additional mechanisms related to mode-of-drug-action, by multiple protein-binding interactions,
Big Science, Ethics, and the Scalar Effects of Urban Planning
The urban expansion currently under development around the two materials science facilities MAX IV and European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden, surrounds two meticulously designed research facilities steered by global demands. The new urban area, together with the research facilities dedicated to science and the development of knowledge, expands the city of Lund onto high-quality agricultural l
Description and prediction of reading decoding skills in Swedish children with Developmental Language Disorder
Aim: Research is lacking in terms of reading decoding skills among clinical samples of Swedish-speaking children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). Method: The present cross-sectional study included a sample of 61 children (8-12 years) with DLD attending school language units, years 1 to 5. Our purpose was to study reading decoding skills and predictors for decoding, such as a phonologica