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Riskhanteringen vid Vittskövle gods under 1800-talet
Analysing hybrid drive system topologies
In this thesis a simulation model is presented that enables a comparison of different hybrid topologies, with respect to fuel consumption, emissions and performance. The obtained results stress the properties of the different topologies and form a foundation for the choice of hybrid topology. The simulation models included in this thesis are the result of collaboration with Petter Strandh at the D
IAEA's Role in the International Politics of Atomic Energy
Abstract is not available
Sjukpenningreglerna i ett arbetsrättsligt perspektiv, Vänbok till Ronnie Eklund, Iustus Förlag AB, 2010, s. 627-640.
Hemma bra men inte bäst? : åldrandets strategier och hemmets betydelse
Åldrandet medför en skiftning i sättet att se sitt hem och sin bostad. Kroppens åldersförändring tillsammans med föreställningar om ålderdomen medför att det egna hemmet uppfattas som ett problem. Hemmet har dock en meningsskapande betydelse, vilket gör att det kan upplevas som svårt att flytta därifrån.
Seeing Animals. Anthropomorphism between Fact and Function.
Selection for Heterozygosity Gives Hope to a Wild Population of Inbred Wolves
Recent analyses have questioned the usefulness of heterozygosity estimates as measures of the inbreeding coefficient (f ), a finding that may have dramatic consequences for the management of endangered populations. We confirm that f and heterozygosity is poorly correlated in a wild and highly inbred wolf population. Yet, our data show that for each level of f, it was the most heterozygous wolves t
Differentiated Knowledge Bases and the Nature of Innovation Networks
It is argued in this paper that the nature of innovation networks can vary substantially with regard to the type of knowledge that is critical for innovation. Subject to the knowledge base of an industry, networks between companies can differ in various aspects, such as their geographical configuration, their structure, the type of actors holding a strategic position and the type of relations betw
Jan Håfström
A System for Coupled Road Traffic Utility Maximisation and Risk Management Using VANET
The inflammatory response to arterial injury
Atherosclerosis as a disease is postulated to stem from a response to injury of the arterial wall by various stimuli. The inflammatory response is proposed to mediate intimal formation after injury. One pathway of cellular response to injury is through transcription factor NF-kB. We show that balloon injury of rat arteries leads to increased NF-kB activity and ICAM-1 expression, associated with i
Påverkan av hastighetsval i bostadsområden genom information
Husmännens och torparnas demografi - skillnader och likheter i fyra skånska församlingar, 1815-1865
Hotad idyll. Berättelser om svenskt folkhem och kallt krig
I "Hotad idyll" förenas litteraturvetenskapens intressen för texter med historievetenskapens intresse för bredare sammanhang för att nå en större förståelse av historiska skeenden. I fokus står de föreställningar som präglade den vardagliga idyllen i 1950- och 1960-talens Sverige.
Designing preparedness – Emergency preparedness in a community context
There has been an increased focus in society on preparedness for emergency response in recent years. Today there is legislation that requires all Swedish authorities at the local, regional and national levels to prepare for emergency management and response. Since the task is rather new, most authorities are just beginning to address it. How the preparedness process should be designed and integrat
Studies on the cystatin C gene in patients with hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy (HCCAA) with cerebral haemorrhage
Internal rivalries and foreign threats 1869-1879 : Acta Æthiopica. Vol. 3
Högt pris för smutsig luft
Analytical Approximation of Contingent Claims
This PhD thesis consists of three separate papers. The common theme is methods to calculate analytical approximations for prices of different contingent claims under various model assumptions. The first two papers deals with approximations of standard European options in stochastic volatility models. The third paper is focused on approximating prices of commodity swaptions in a general model frame