

Din sökning på "*" gav 530055 sökträffar

Recombinant expression and purification of sugar beet Phytoglobins in Escherichia Coli BL21 (DE3) including metabolic engineering of the heme biosynthesis

Kan hemoglobin från växter lösa humana problem? Dagligen tar vi för givet att vårt blod syresätts tillräckligt för att orka med alla sysslor. Detta möjliggörs av det livsviktiga proteinet hemoglobin som finns i vårt blod. I dagens samhälle råder det dock blodbrist samtidigt som många drabbas av järnbrist. Det är där forskningen på växthemoglobin kommer in i bilden. Experimenten som genomförts i dThe protein hemoglobin (Hb) is vital for us humans to ensure enough oxygen replacement in the body. Hb-resembling proteins also exist in plants, these are called phytoglobins (Pgbs). Pgbs are very interesting since they can play a considerable role in the development of blood substitutes and iron supplements for human use. A few years ago, genes that code for Pgb in sugar beet were found and ident

Chip Management in Milling and Drilling of Ductile Cast Iron

This paper presents a comprehensive cross-functional analysis of machining operations for ductile cast iron components in the automotive industry, focusing on the problem of chip carryover and its impact on downstream processes. The research aims to understand the role of machining and identify the source of the issue, by analyzing different machining sequences and the chips that affect the final

Kampen mot hemlöshet - En kvalitativ intervjustudie av bostadsmodeller som syftar till att motverka vuxna missbrukares hemlöshet

This study aims to investigate how social workers within housing accommodation work with the Staircase model and Housing First model to support homeless substance abuse clients on their way out of homelessness. My focus was to compare these two housing models with each other within the city of Helsingborg and investigate how the social workers experienced how the Staircase model and Housing First

Detection of Metal Objects using Magnetic Sensors attached to a Drone

The aim of this project is to develop a method to detect metal objects with measurements from a magnetic sensor that is attached to a drone. This is challenging due to disturbances from currents and metal parts in the drone and the measuring equipment as well as the influence of the Earth's magnetic field. The measurements are also negatively affected by instability in the drone due to, for ex

Prostitution i religionens namn

Företeelsen tidsbestämda äktenskap, en rättstolkning inom shiaislam, har länge varit föremål för debatt därför att många anser att det är förtäckt prostitution. Utifrån en svensk kontext torde det dock inte vara helt orimlig kritik som riktas mot företeelsen när de enda rekvisiten för ett tidsbestämt äktenskap är betalning och tidsbestämning. Jag förnekar emellertid inte problembilden utan tvärtomTemporary marriage (also known as sigheh in persian) is a kind of marriage practiced by Shia Muslims allows men and women to marry for a pre-determined period of time, it could be several years or one hour. Once the contractual time has lapsed, the marriage is automatically dissolved. Critics of the temporary marriage argue that there is similiarities between mut'ah marriage and prostitution

The Future of Warehouse Automation: Will Drones Ever Take Off?

Background: In recent years, manually controlled drones have taken off on the commercial market, as well as in the agricultural industry and in humanitarian logistics. This has increased the interest in investing in autonomously controlled drones to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Some projects have been initiated in warehouses but the research in the field is still limited. Purpose: The pu

”Familjen åkte utomlands eftersom de var rädda för vad kontakten med socialtjänsten skulle kunna mynna ut i” - En kvalitativ studie om den aktuella kritiken mot socialtjänsten

Today's social services are constantly criticized in the media. Trust in Swedish authorities has never been so low and the main contributor to this is the easily accessible criticism on social media. The criticism is based on clients' stories, including personal and impersonal experiences of the meeting with social services. The study aimed to investigate how critical clients and social wo

Upphovsrätt i ABK 09 vid offentlig upphandling - En proportionalitetsbedömning av kontraktsvillkor som innebär avsteg från immaterialrättsskrivningen i ABK 09 vid offentlig upphandling

I detta arbete undersöks förhållandet mellan proportionalitetsprincipen i Lag (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling (LOU) och kontraktsvillkor som gör avsteg från immaterialrättsskrivningen i Allmänna bestämmelser för konsultuppdrag inom arkitekt- och ingenjörsverksamhet (ABK 09). Arbetet avser behandla de avsteg som leder till ett upphovsrättsligt förvärv av en ensamrätt eller exklusiv äganderätt.This thesis examines the relationship between the principle of proportionality in The Public Procurement Act and contract terms that deviate from the intellectual property provision in the General Conditions of Contract for Consulting Agreements for Architectural and Engineering Assignments for the Year 2009. The thesis intends to study deviations that lead to the requirement of a transfer of an e

Starshades: Geoengineering Solutions and Technosignatures in Direct Imaging Phase Curves

En förhöjd temperatur på jorden på grund av solens utveckling kan leda till förödande konsekvenser. Allteftersom solen åldras ökar den nämligen i ljusstyrka – vilket gör att vår planet nås av en större mängd ljus. Därmed värms planeten upp och detta kan på sikt leda till en förstärkt växthuseffekt och en skenande temperatur. Även om temperaturändringen inte är märkbar i nuläget kommer den om ungefThe stellar luminosity increases as a star evolves which inevitably yields a higher temperature on planets in orbit around the star. It is reasonable to assume that intelligent civilizations would tackle this issue through installing artificial structures that can alter the radiation received by the planet. Such structures, if they exist, are potentially detectable with current or near-future tech

Unveiling the EU VAT Treatment of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): An Extensive Analysis of the VAT Consequences for NFT Trading

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have gained significant attention in recent years as a rapidly growing form of crypto assets with unique characteristics. However, existing tax regulations have struggled to keep up with these developments. This thesis addresses the taxation of NFTs within the European Union (EU) and highlights the legal gap in their treatment, given their exclusion from the Markets in C

Housing Accessibility at Home and Rehabilitation Outcomes After a Stroke : An Explorative Study

PURPOSE: To explore if aspects of the physical home environment are related to rehabilitation outcomes among community-living persons poststroke.BACKGROUND: Research demonstrates that healthcare environments are important for high-quality care and that the design of the physical environment is associated with improved rehabilitation outcomes. However, relevant research focusing on outpatient care

Användning av hälsodata för forskningsändamål - En undersökning av kraven i dataskyddsförordningen och etikprövningslagen

Hälsodata har stor betydelse för forskning om sjukdomar och behandlingsmetoder. Ett sätt att genomföra forskningen är att samla in hälsodata direkt för det specifika forskningsändamålet. Ett annat sätt är att återanvända hälsodata som redan har samlats in för andra ändamål för det aktuella forskningsändamålet. De två centrala regelverken som reglerar när och hur hälsodata får användas inom forskniHealth data is of great importance for research on diseases and treatment methods. One way to conduct the research is to collect health data directly for the specific research purpose. Another way is to reuse health data that has already been collected for other purposes for the current research purpose. The two central regulations that regulate when and how health data may be used in research are

“Där försvinner något av den svenska profilen”: En jämförelse av socialdemokraternas ideologiska ställningstagande under 1980- och 1990-talet, angående medlemskapet i EU

The Swedish welfare system has been subject to extensive research, because of its unique alloy of capitalist and socialist ideas and principles. The Social Democratic formulation of the idea of the people’s home has been an integral part of the Swedish political discourse for the better part of a century. During the 1980’s and 1990’s, the hegemony of the social democratic ideology came into questi

The Communist Party of China and Strategic Narratives During the Covid-19 Pandemic : Identity and Narrative Construction in the Party Journal Qiushi

This thesis analyzes how the Communist Party of China (CPC) has used the Covid-19 pandemic to enhance its identity as a global actor. This builds upon theories of soft power and demonstrates the advantages of using strategic narratives to analyze soft power in the current global system. I analyzed articles on the subject published in the English online version of the CPC’s offical party journal Qi

Personlighet och kontext: Hur neuroticism och dess fasetter interagerar med social önskvärdhet i en pressad situation

Relationen mellan personlighet och social önskvärdhet har sedan länge varit debatterad. I denna studie undersöktes individens tendens till att svara socialt önskvärt och deras nivå av neuroticism. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur korrelationen mellan neuroticism och social önskvärdhet såg ut samt hur en pressad situation kan skapa en interaktionseffekt mellan dessa. Studien hade två frågeställThe nature of the relationship between personality and social desirability has long been debated. This study examined the individual's tendency to respond socially desirable and their level of neuroticism. The aim of this study was to examine how the correlation between social desirability and neuroticism looked and whether a pressured situation was causing an interaction effect on the correla