Bromide Anation Kinetics of Some Platinum(IV) Bromo Aqua Complexes
Bromide anations of PtBr5H2O− in the presence of PtBr42− or bromine, of trans-PtBr4(H2O)2 in the presence of PtBr42− and of cis-PtBr4(H2O)2 in the presence of bromine have been studied in 0.50 M perchloric acid medium at 25 °C.The rate law for the bromide anation of PtBr5H2O−indicates two parallel reaction paths. The term k′Br−2 corresponds to a bromide assisted mechanism. The second term in the rBromide anations of PtBr5H2O− in the presence of PtBr42− or bromine, of trans-PtBr4(H2O)2 in the presence of PtBr42− and of cis-PtBr4(H2O)2 in the presence of bromine have been studied in 0.50 M perchloric acid medium at 25 °C. The rate law for the bromide anation of PtBr5H2O−indicates two parallel reaction paths. The term k′Br−2 corresponds to a bromide assisted mechanism. The second term in the