

Din sökning på "*" gav 535040 sökträffar

Self-assembly in Melts of Block copolymer-based Systems Featuring Supramolecular Interactions

Popular Abstract in English From everyday experience we know that water and oil do not mix. In the scientific language we say they phase separate from each other. This happens because a water molecule and an oil molecule are inherently incompatible, the former exhibiting a ‘polar’ character and the latter a ‘non-polar’ one. Water and oil molecules are small, meaning that they are made up of only The subject of this thesis is experimental investigation of self-assembly in solvent-free (ionic) macromolecular systems that contain block copolymer chains as the basic constituent component in combination with low molecular weight amphiphiles. In particular, especial attention is paid to study thoroughly a new class of block copolymer-based ionic supramolecules, named as Linear-b-AmphComb, that

A Hybrid UWB Modulation Design Compatible for both Coherent and Transmit-Reference Receivers

In a pulsed UWB system, either coherent receivers or transmit-reference (TR) receivers can be used to demodulate the signals. For coherent receivers, which are typically based on a Rake Structure, the large number of resolvable multipaths is a major challenge for channel estimation and receiver complexity. TR receivers can effectively collect energy from all the received multipath components with

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Maten handlar om vår fysiska överlevnad, men maten har också viktiga sociala funktioner i familjen/hushållet. I vår undersökningen ser vi hur konsumtionen ser ut i familjerna; konsumtionen blir en utbytesprocess mellan barn och föräldrar, mellan flickor och pojkar. Rapporten baserar sig på en empirisk studie med gruppintervjuer med 7-8 åriga barn från fyra nordiska länder, Sverige, Norge, Danmark Food is essential for our survival, but food has important social functions in the family/household as well. In our study we examine how consumption looks in the family; consumption becomes a process of exchange between children and parents, and between girls and boys. The report is based on an empirical study consisting of group interviews with 7-8 year old children from four Nordic countries: Sw

In-group bias control

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många människor förespråkar en egalitär norm. I detta ingår att man ska bemöta människor på lika villkor och inte låta sig påverkas av irrelevanta faktorer som människors etniska ursprung, sexuella läggning eller norska brytning. Forskning visar dock att vi människor tenderar att tänka i termer av kategorier, och detta gäller även hur vi uppfattar andra människor. Vi ärThis thesis explores in-group bias control. It is well-known that people tend to have extra liking for people they identify themselves with. An extra positive in-group attitude may cause discrimination, even in the absence of any negative attitudes towards the out-group. At the same time are many people motivated to behave and present themselves as unbiased. We study whether people attempt to cont

Molecular Exchange in Colloidal Dispersions

This thesis is a study of molecular exchange between the aggregates in a colloidal dispersion. The problem of oil molecular transport at resolubilization of big oil drops by smaller microemulsion droplets is considered as an experimental model system. The resolubilization kinetics was measured through a temperature jump into a droplet microemulsion phase from a two-phase region of microemulsion dr

A case study using sampling to improve software inspection effectiveness

Software inspections have shown to contribute improved software quality. However, as they are time consuming; sometimes the resources available are not sufficient to inspect all documents. Instead of selecting documents ad hoc, sample-driven inspections (SDI) is proposed as a systematic approach to select which subset of documents to inspect. The selection is based on a pre-inspection, where sampl

Att granska och diskutera. Lyrikanalyser

Med den här boken inbjuds studenter att granska och diskutera analyser skrivna av sina lärare. Boken utgör ett komplement till Lars Elleströms Lyrikanalys. En introduktion och är tänkt att användas som arbetsmaterial på seminarier, men även för själv­studier. I boken ingår tjugosex analyser av tretton välkända lyriktexter skrivna av Andreas Gryphius, Carl Michael Bellman, Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Chromosomal Instability and Genomic Amplification in Bone and Soft Tissue Tumours

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta cancerformer uppvisar förvärvade kromosomavvikelser. En del enklare avvikelser har visat sig förekomma enbart i en viss tumörform och kan därför användas som diagnostiska markörer. I de flesta fall föreligger emellertid ett komplext och ospecifikt avvikelsemönster, ibland med ett mycket kraftigt ökat antal kopior av vissa DNA-sekvenser, så kallad genamplifieriAcquired genetic abnormalities are found in all types of malignant tumours and may contribute to neoplastic processes by altering protein structure or dosage. Many bone and soft tissue tumours (BSTT) are characterised by complex patterns of chromosome changes, including extensive intratumour heterogeneity and amplification of DNA sequences. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that the