

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

The Concept of Norms in Sociology of Law

The aim of this article is to propose a method for creating a more coherent concept of norms – and to deliver a tentative and open suggestion on how to define norms in a way that might fit into the context of Sociology of Law (further on shortened, SoL). The idea is that the norm concept can be chiselled out through ontological analysis, and that this analysis can be conducted in a way that allow

Carriership of factor v leiden and evolutionary selection advantage.

Historically, lethal exsanguinations and severe infections have been two major causes of maternal death. Gene mutations that lower the risk of profuse hemorrhage or severe infections would give a survival advantage. A single mutation of coagulation factor V, known as FV Leiden (FVL), can be such a beneficial mutation. FVL is common among Caucasians and today confers an increased risk of thromboemb

Experience acquiring and retargeting a portable Ada compiler

A technique for implementing Ada with reasonable effort on a piece of non-standard hardware is described. The target machine is a single processing element in an experimental multiprocessor based on NS32000. A portable Ada front-end compiler was used for retargeting, and the process of acquiring and evaluating the front end is described. Based on this experience, comments on the validation, qualit

Inequality, Globalization and Health

This thesis contains four independent studies that analyze various aspects of the nexus of inequality, globalization, and health with the aim to build our knowledge so some of the empirical relationships connecting these three concepts. Using data on four welfare attributes in Zambian households, Chapter 2 explores three approaches to evaluate multidimensional inequality. The examination indicate

Pulsations in the umbilical vein during labor are associated with increased risk of operative delivery for fetal distress.

OBJECTIVES: Under physiological conditions the blood flow velocity waveform in the umbilical vein (UV) has an even non-pulsating pattern. Pulsations in the UV have been described in human fetuses exposed to chronic hypoxia and heart failure. Current techniques for fetal surveillance during labor and delivery involve a risk of both over- and underestimation of fetal hypoxia. We aimed to examine whe

Spatial Diversity and Channel Statistics-Based RF-Baseband Co-design for Antenna Selection

For MIMO systems, we introduce two novel architectures that significantly reduce the required number of expensive RF chains and still perform as well as a conventional full complexity solution for many cases of interest. We combine RF pre-processing - based solely on channel statistics and not instantaneous channel state - with selection and corresponding baseband signal processing. For a system w

Many genetically defined ABO subgroups exhibit characteristic flow cytometric patterns.

BACKGROUND: A flow cytometric method for detection of low levels of A/B antigen had been developed previously in our laboratory. The aim of this study was to investigate if this approach could be utilized to characterize different ABO subgroups and constitute a useful tool in a reference laboratory. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Blood samples causing ABO discrepancies (n = 94) by routine serology were

Rural Development and Territorial Dynamics in the Province of Misiones, Argentina

During the 1990s, Latin America went through important structural transformations. The continent experienced a profound alteration in the relations between the state, society, market and natural environment. Societies have been trying to accommodate, contest and resist this restructuring, particularly once it became evident its negative effects on poverty reduction and the increasingly social and

Hypoxic conditions induce a cancer-like phenotype in human breast epithelial cells.

Solid tumors are less oxygenated than their tissue of origin. Low intra-tumor oxygen levels are associated with worse outcome, increased metastatic potential and immature phenotype in breast cancer. We have reported that tumor hypoxia correlates to low differentiation status in breast cancer. Less is known about effects of hypoxia on non-malignant cells. Here we address whether hypoxia influences

Bortom kärnfamiljen? Omsorgsgörande från barns perspektiv.

Omsorg kring barn studeras oftast utifrån föräldrars perspektiv och utifrån antaganden om kärnfamiljen som omsorgens nav. Vad händer om vi istället tar utgångspunkt i barns berättelser om omsorg? Vilka omsorgspraktiker och –relationer framträder då?

Meningitis sepsis after IUD insertion, a case presentation.

Neisseria meningitidis is a normal commensal of human mucous membranes that is no longer considered to be restricted to the nasopharynx. Due to the practice of oral sex, the mucous membranes of the cervix, urethra or anus have become a potential infection site for this bacterium. Inserting an intrauterine device (IUD), can alter the protective barrier of the endocervical mucosa, allowing for bacte