

Din sökning på "*" gav 533194 sökträffar

Clinical characteristics of children with Borrelia-related peripheral facial palsy and utility of cerebrospinal fluid testing

AimTo describe the aetiology and clinical characteristics of acute peripheral facial palsy (PFP) in children and investigate the utility of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) criteria for diagnosing Borrelia-related PFP (BPFP) based on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria based on serology.MethodsWe retrospectivel

The Atomic Future : Technology, Labor and World Peace in the Thought of ʿAli Rashid Shaʿath

In 1946, one year after the atomic bombings of Japan, Palestinian thinker ʿAli Rashid Shaʿath (1908–1967) published a book entitled Min al-binsilin ila al-qunbula al-zarriya (From Penicillin to the Atomic Bomb). An accessible work of popular science, it con- tains highly optimistic reflections on the future and predicts the following two events as a result of nuclear technology and energy: a worke

Finland Rattled by Political Strikes Against the Conservative Governments’ Anti-Union Agenda

For the past months, Finland has been shaken by recurring strike waves, involving hundreds of thousands of workers in all sectors of the economy. The strikes are political, not directed at any particular company or related to bargaining demands. Instead, the primary target is the conservative Finnish government, and its plan to implement a wide set of policies aimed at improving the manufacturing

Analysis of modulations of mental fatigue on intra-individual variability from single-trial event related potentials

Background: Intra-individual variability (IIV), a measure of variance within an individual's performance, has been demonstrated as metrics of brain responses for neural functionality. However, how mental fatigue modulates IIV remains unclear. Consequently, the development of robust mental fatigue detection methods at the single-trial level is challenging. New methods: Based on a long-duration flan

Multimorbidity healthcare expenditure in Belgium : a 4-year analysis (COMORB study)

Background: The complex management of health needs in multimorbid patients, alongside limited cost data, presents challenges in developing cost-effective patient-care pathways. We estimated the costs of managing 171 dyads and 969 triads in Belgium, taking into account the influence of morbidity interactions on costs. Methods: We followed a retrospective longitudinal study design, using the linked

Development of a Digital Volume Correlation Framework for Analyzing Deformations in Axially Loaded Meniscus Samples

Avancerad bildanalys ger förståelse för skadade meniskers beteende under belastning En uppfriskande joggingtur i skogen kan lätt förvandlas till något annat om man inte har styr på benen. Den stötdämpande menisken är en liten men ack så viktig struktur i knät som tyvärr också är känslig för skador och sjukdom. Ett nyligen utfört projekt har med hjälp av 3D-bilder tagna under belastning av meniskpThe knee menisci distribute and dampen mechanical loads. Vulnerability to injury and disease of the meniscus is a global issue, particularly concerning osteoarthritis. The connection between the breakdown of meniscal tissue and its mechanical response is not entirely understood. This thesis seeks to contribute to filling this knowledge gap by developing and implementing a digital volume correlatio

Identifying emission sources for EMC improvements - Analyzing the origin and propagation of electromagnetic emissions from an electronic device

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is a vital part of product development, and understanding the sources and causes of the emissions can facilitate tremendously in reaching compliance requirements and reduce the work needed for troubleshooting. At Axis Communications, where this thesis has taken place, the knowledge of EMC is an important part of their work and they aspire to improve further. Thi

Mapping civil society elites: multi‑dimensional measure of resource stratifcation in civil society (MMRSC)

This paper presents a novel methodological approach, multi-dimensional measure of resource stratifcation in civil society (MMRSC). The method aims at mapping civil society organisations based on diferent types of resources for studying resource stratifcation in civil society. The approach is based on six indicators consisting of economic, political, and media resources, internal and external to ci

Restoring EU’s habitats – A comparison of the restoration obligations regarding terrestrial natural habitats of the Habitats Directive and the proposed Nature Restoration Regulation

I uppsatsen undersöks den rättsliga inverkan av den föreslagna förordningen om restaurering av natur jämfört med befintliga skyldigheter enligt habitatdirektivet, med fokus på livsmiljöer på land. Med hjälp av en rättsdogmatisk metod analyseras författningarnas bestämmelser och potentiella skillnader. Europeiska kommissionen anser att habitatdirektivet vid sidan av fågeldirektivet är av avgörande The thesis explores the legal implications of the proposed Nature Restoration Regulation compared to existing obligations under the Habitats Directive, focusing on terrestrial habitats. Using a doctrinal legal method, it analyses the statutes' provisions and potential differences. The European Commission views the Habitats Directive as essential in EU nature conservation alongside the Birds Di

Who Decides the Rules of the Market?

Med immaterialrätter och ekosystem kan spelutgivare bestämma vilka som äntrar marknaden. Det medför konkurrensrättsliga frågeställningar när spelutgivaren i vissa fall dessutom är vertikalt integrerad. Vertikal integration är en del av en spelutgivares affärsstrategi, men samtidigt innebär det att den konkurrerar dels på samma marknad som organisatörer av turneringar, dels på marknaden för spelutgWith intellectual property rights and ecosystems, publishers can decide who enters the market. This leads to competition law concerns when the publisher is in some cases also vertically integrated. Vertical integration is part of a publisher’s business strategy, but at the same time it means that it competes in the same market as tournament organisers as well as in the market for publishers who gr