

Din sökning på "*" gav 526754 sökträffar

Varför kommer turisterna till Kiruna?

Vi har valt att undersöka vad det är för typ av värden som perifera områden som har uttalade natur- och kulturvärden lyfter fram, för att stärka sin turismnäring och vilka konsekvenser som uppstår i användningen av värdena för regionen/destinationen. Våra frågeställningar är följande: Vilka turistiska värden förmedlar och synliggör aktörerna på en turistdestination? Uppfattar vi att de värden som

A comparative study of the domestic and offshore contexts of IT Outsourcing: a risk based perspective

IT Outsourcing (ITO) nowadays is a common initiative among companies across different business branches. Technological advancements have made IT a broad field of application which requires extensive operation by IT departments of any company. The companies need to remain competitive in the marketplace and in order to do that they have to free up their resources from routine IT tasks. This can be a

Ownership of the Poverty Reduction Strategy in Rwanda

Ownership is said to be the key principle of efficient aid and crucial for a successful outcome of the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS). However, it is a contested concept and has been criticised for being vague and contradictory. This study discusses problems of developing cooperation and aid, with focus on the concept of ownership, and tries to define ownership and assess the state of ownership

Development of a Fixing Device for Corrugated Cardboard Testing

utföras med befintliga materialmodeller. Vid framtagning av en ny materialmodell för wellpapp behövs något att verifiera mot för att kontrollera att egenskaperna stämmer överens med verkligheten. För detta ändamål utvecklas inom detta examensarbete en infästning för dragprov av wellpapp. För att kunna utvärdera de olika framtagna förslagen har beräkningar i ANSYS utförts för att kontrollera hur sp

Technology Licensing Agreements. Comparative Study between the EU and the U.S.

Innovation is the source of new products and processes that expand the frontiers of competition. Advancements in technology are continuously occurring throughout the world as firms seek to develop new ideas for their products, services and markets. Most technology licensing is pro-competitive and should be encouraged by competition authorities. Nevertheless, in legal and economic spheres the conne

The German Volkswagengesetz and the free movement of capital

My thesis deals with the VW-Gesetz and its compatibility with the free movement of capital (Art. 56 EC). The whole topic is highly political because Volkswagen is the biggest car-producer in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) and provides many jobs in that area. There have been attempts to takeover the company, which have not been successful because the VW-Gesetz includes several provisions, which make

The Efficiency and The Democratic Legitimacy of Commission's Policy Networks

The objective of the present work is to study the relationship between the European Commission and the so-called ''civil society'' through policy networks. It is considered whether a fair consultation of specialized partners can increase the level of democratic legitimacy and efficiency in the European Union. This hypothesis is considered in the light of the assumption that risk ma

The Swedish Monopoly on Gambling - How to address the shifting reality of the Swedish gambling market

Gambling and the national gambling markets has so far not been harmonised through any Community law regulation or directive. Instead gambling is covered by the general principles of Community provisions for the free movement of services article 49, and the closely connected article 43 regulating the freedom of establishment. This has been established through the case law of the ECJ. The Member Sta

Legal Protection of the Individual in Crisis Situations within the Territory of a State: Theoretical Background and Instrumentarium for Improvement of the Framework

In the traditional model of international law, to which however reality has never exactly corresponded, situations of armed violence fall into clearly defined categories which in their turn appertained to a certain set of rules of international law applicable. For armed conflicts between sovereign states ('war'), international humanitarian law provides a full body of rules. On the other ha

"Legality in international criminal law; a human rights standard?"

The principle of legality is a fundamental principle of criminal law. It grants the defendant in a criminal trial protection from the arbitrary use of state power by binding the state to certain rules and guarantees. The exercise of state power in criminal prosecutions is bound by the separation of powers, the rule of law and the idea that criminal law should provide fair warning to the individual

A Theory of Corporate Governance for the EC: Assessing the economic and legal peculiarities as starting point for policy making

This thesis provides a critical overview of the development of corporate governance practices in the EC. It seeks to determine if the Community should follow the US response to corporate governance fallouts or instead promote its own practices, taking into consideration the legal and economic backgrounds of the Member States. The analysis is supported with economic data, practical and doctrinal vi

Unilateral Effects Analysis in EC Merger Control

The 2004 Merger Regulation introduced a change to the substantive test for the Commission's intervention in mergers. The Commission is now able to block mergers which significantly impede effective competition in the EC. The purpose of the change was to guarantee that the Commission could deal with all harmful effects to competition resulting from a merger. More specifically, the purpose was t


The creation of an internal market is one of the objectives of the EC Treaty, and the Competition provisions are crucial to the achievement of this goal. Article 81(1) EC Treaty prohibits agreements which may distort trade between the Member States. The consequence of violating such a prohibition is given by the Treaty itself in Article 81(2): voidness. However, the consequences of such voidness a

Religious Liberties in Secular Public Education

This thesis is intended to analyse the religious liberties recognized by the international human rights' instruments in secular education, to discuss the legal approaches, interpretations, case laws of different international human rights bodies and to understand how religious liberties interact with public education in secular states in terms of practice and theory. In modern world and especi

The Exercise of Freedom of Establishment by Lawyers within the EU

It was not until the 1970's, when the claims that lawyers profession fell within the exception of official authority (Article 45 EC) were defeated in the Reyners judgement and the lawyer's profession was held to be within the scope of freedom of establishment. In 1977, the Community legislator adopted a Legal service directive. The directive applies to the lawyers from any Member State whe