Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar
Biogenesis, assembly and turnover of photosystem II units - Discussion
Use of Instrumental Variables in Self-Tuning Regulators
Characterization of an Electrical Sensor for Combustion Diagnostics
Popular Abstract in Swedish Joniseringssensorn är en elektrisk sensor för diagnostik i förbränningsmotorer. Sensorn används idag för att till exempel detektera knack. Sensorn bygger på att energifrigörelsen i motorn leder till jonisering av olika ämnen, vilket betyder att gasens lednigsförmåga ökar. Detta kan mätas genom att lägga en spänning över tändstiftsgapet under förbränningen och registreraThe ionization sensor is an electrical probe for diagnostics in internal combustion engines. The combustion process affects the electrical properties of the gas in the cylinder. Thus the sensor signal contains copious information about the conditions in the combustion chamber. A thorough characterization of the sensor makes it possible to take advantage of a larger portion of this information for
Taming nationalism? Political community building in the post-Soviet Baltic lstates.
PIXE analysis to estimate the elemental composition of ectomycorrhizal rhizomorphs grown in contact with different minerals in forest soil
The aim of this study was to investigate possible interactions between minerals and ectomycorrhizal (EM) mycelia. Fungal rhizomorphs growing in association with apatite and/or biotite were sampled both from a laboratory experimental system (Rhizopogon sp. and Pinus muricata) and from mesh bags buried in forest soil in the field. The elemental composition of the samples was analyzed with particle-i
'Lijkrevning', det är 'anatomi' på svenska : om Lars Roberg och hans poetiska anatomi
Nitric oxide synthase activity in human trophoblast, term placenta and pregnant myometrium.
MIST - A user-friendly metabolic simulator
The Metabolic Interactive Simulation Tool, MIST, is a software package, running under Microsoft Windows 3.1, which can be used for dynamic simulations, stoichiometric calculations and control analysis of metabolic pathways. The pathways can be of any complexity and are defined by the user in a simple, interactive way. The user-defined enzymatic rate equations can be compiled either by an external
Intellectual Capital Disclosure through Annual Reports: A Study of the Swedish Retail Industry
This article is based on a content analysis of intellectual capital (IC) in annual reports from 1998 to 2002. The aim of the study was to compare the content of voluntary information on IC in the corporate annual reports covering a period of 4 years. The results from the study, based on 15 Swedish companies in the retail sector, show that for the year 2002 the information on human capital in the a
DSC studies of gamma irradiation influence on gelatinisation and amylose-lipid complex transition occurring in wheat starch.
Differential scanning calorimetry studies are presented dealing with the influence of gamma irradiation (carried out in the solid state) on the structure of amylose–lipid complex in wheat starch. Suspensions of the control and the wheat starch irradiated with a 30 kGy gamma rays (characterised by starch-to-water ratio of 1:1 and ca. 1:4) were examined during several courses of heating and cooling
Neuronal integration in an abutting-retinas culture system
PURPOSE: Limited integration is consistently observed between subretinal transplants and host retinas. In the current study, an in vitro model system for studying connections forming between two abutting retinas was developed.METHODS: Neuroretinas were dissected from normal wild-type (WT) mice and green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic mice (obtained at postnatal days [P]0, P5, or P60), as wel
High spectral resolution solar absorption measurements of ethylene (C2H4) in a forest fire smoke plume using HITRAN parameters: Tropospheric vertical profile retrieval
The tropospheric mixing ratio profile of ethylene (C2H4) has been retrieved from a high spectral resolution ground-based infrared solar absorption spectrum. The spectrum was recorded during intense fires in New South Wales, Australia on January 1, 2002, and was analyzed with the C2H4 spectral parameters added to the 2000 HITRAN compilation. Absorption by C2H4 in the smoke-affected spectrum extends
Niveulone, a heterocyclic spiro terpenoid from the ascomycete Dasyscyphus niveus
The new heterocyclic spiro terpenoid niveulone (1) was isolated from the cultural fluid of the ascomycete Dasyscyphus niveus, and its chemical structure and relative configuration were determined by spectroscopic techniques.
All in the family [Review of the motion picture Requiem]
Reviews the film, Requiem, directed by Hans-Christian Schmid (2006). This award-winning (for both its star, Sandra Hüller, and the film itself) German film is based on the case of Anneliese Michel, a 23-year-old German woman who died in 1976, probably of starvation (she weighed 68 lb. just before her death) and exhaustion, after 67 exorcism rites. Hüller's nuanced performance chills the spine far
Electric control of spin polarization orientation in a magnetic-electric barrier structure
We investigate spin-dependent transport properties of two-dimensional electron systems modulated by both the stray field from a ferromagnetic metal (FM) stripe and the electrostatic potential (EP) provided by two normal metal Schottky stripes which sandwich the FM stripe. The EP consists of a single barrier and a single well. By switching the gate voltages applied to the Schottky stripes, the barr
Total and cause-specific mortality in cohorts of asbestos-cement workers and referents between 1907 and 1985
No title
Rome in Sweden? The Catholic Offensive in Ecumenical-National Context Since World War II, ecumenical principles have been used as historical measures. This has led to re-interpretations of historical events and to alterations of sources, for example the letters and diaries by Elisabeth Hesselblad, the renewer of St. Birgitta’s order. In the literature on the Swedish Archbishop Nathan Söderblom, th
Företagets agerande i förhållande till naturbelastningen: Hur företaget möter myndigheternas miljökrav
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna studie behandlar huvudsakligen hur företagen väljer att anpassa sig till myndigheternas krav utifrån miljöskyddslagen. Undersökningen fångar en viss historisk tidpunkt då lagstiftning och myndigheter har en viktig betydelse. Det är en mycket dramatisk fas av den miljöekonomiska utvecklingen. I samhället har man inte tidigare artikulerat miljökraven på ett sådant sThis study primarily focuses on the ways in which companies choose to adapt themselves to the demands of the authorities as based on the Swedish environmental protection act. The time during which the burden upon nature became a serious, important question for companies is a very dramatic phase of a historical process. Before the arrival of more comprehensive legislation, no loads upon nature were
Linewidth modelling of C2H2-N-2 mixtures tested by rotational CARS measurements
The acetylene-nitrogen system is investigated in a combined theoretical and experimental effort in view of its thermometry applications. Accurate values of the rotational Raman linewidths of acetylene are of crucial importance for the computation of spectra from rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) used for temperature and concentration evaluations. Since the direct measurements