Indirect Discrimination and the European Court of Justice. A comparative analysis of European Court of Justice case-law relating to discrimination on the grounds of, respectively, sex and nationality
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Monitoring of free gas embedded in scattering media, such as wood, fruits, and synthetic materials, is demonstrated by use of diode laser spectroscopy combined with sensitive modulation techniques. Gas detection is made possible by the contrast of the narrow absorptive feature of the free-gas molecules with the slow wavelength dependence of the absorption and scattering cross sections in solids an
Popular Abstract in Swedish I motsats härtill ökade patienternas reaktioner på hudsnittet i magen om de fått akupunktur under narkosen innan operationen började. I våra prospektiva randomiserade undersökningar på patienter som skulle opereras i buken (IV-V) jämförde vi akupunktur med låtsas-akupunktur under pågående narkos. Det visade sig att om patienterna fått akupunktur efter nedsövningen, behThe aims of the present thesis (I-V) were to evaluate the analgesic and adverse effects of manual acupuncture for low-back and pelvic pain during pregnancy (I) and for labour pain (II-III), and also to study the effects of low-frequency electro acupuncture (EA) on clinical physiological responses to skin incision in anaesthetized patients (IV-V). Acupuncture in obstetric patients (I-III) Manual
This study examined retirement decisions among people who had left working life before 65 years of age and those working beyond 65 years in an extended working life. The results were used to make a model about their considerations, weighting and decision making, and important factors and themes in working beyond 65 years of age or retiring before 65. The interviewees seemed to have considered and
Fluorescence measurements using lidar techniques have been shown to be useful for monitoring of algal growth on e.g. historical monuments. In this experiment similar measurements were performed on electrical insulators to examine the correlation between algal growth and the quality of the insulator, a factor of importance in the high-voltage grid management
Abstract not available
Objective. An extensive remodeling of the human cervical connective tissue occurs throughout pregnancy, with a decrease in the total concentration of collagen and proteoglycans. We hypothesized that the profound changes in proteoglycan production in the cervix would be seen in corresponding cervical fibroblasts as well. Methods. Cervical biopsies were obtained from five non-pregnant women, five wo