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Starch digestibility of five cooked black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties
Five common bean varieties were cooked and studied regarding starch digestibility. Cooking time of different cultivars ranged between 2.55 and 5.92 h. Available starch (AS) values decreased with the storage time and the bean sample that had the lowest AS content (control sample, without storage) showed the shortest cooking time. A similar pattern was found for resistant starch (RS); the varieties
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Tropical roots and tubers (TRT) are important staple foods in the tropics. TRT are produced by small farmers and have received only limited attention. The objective of this paper was to evaluate nutritionally important carbohydrate fractions and proximal composition of cooked cassava (Manihot esculenta), cocoyam - or tannia- (Xantosoma sp) and yam (Dioscorea alata) grown in Costa Rica. Twenty boil
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In vitro digestibility and resistant starch content of some industrialized commercial beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Commercial bean products were studied in terms of chemical composition and starch digestibility. In general, commercial cooked flours did not show differences in protein and ash contents. Canned beans also did not show statistical differences (α=0.05) in protein, but they were different in ash, perhaps due to botanical variety. Lipid content varied in the different flours, due to the formulation u
Starch modification from a nutritional point of view
Starch is an important ingredient of many processed foods. The natural versatility of this polymer has been greatly expanded through physical and chemical modification processes, leading to new food applications. However, the alteration of starch functional properties may also affect its digestibility features, promoting changes that range from increased digestion rate to reduced overall enzymic a
mHealth Self-Report Monitoring in Competitive Middle- and Long-Distance Runners : Qualitative Study of Long-Term Use Intentions Using the Technology Acceptance Model
BACKGROUND: International middle- and long-distance running competitions attract millions of spectators in association with city races, world championships, and Olympic Games. It is therefore a major concern that ill health and pain, as a result of sports overuse, lead to numerous hours of lost training and decreased performance in competitive runners. Despite its potential for sustenance of perfo
On the nutritional properties of starch and dietary fiber in cassava bread
Joachim Koester, The Other Side of the Sky, Turner Contemporary
”Of Spirits and Empty Spaces,” VOLUME, what you see is what you hear
How wide is the Goldilocks Zone in your health system?
In astrophysics, the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ describes the circumstellar habitable zone, in which planets, sufficiently similar to Earth, could support human life. The children’s story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, one of the most popular fairy tales in the English language, uses this metaphor to describe conditions for life that are neither too hot nor too cold and neither too close to the sun nor
Fast spectrophotometry of WD 1145+017
WD 1145+017 is currently the only white dwarf known to exhibit periodic transits of planetary debris as well as absorption lines from circumstellar gas. We present the first simultaneous fast optical spectrophotometry and broad-band photometry of the system, obtained with the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) and the Liverpool Telescope, respectively. The observations spanned 5.5 h, somewhat longer t
Proximal composition and in vitro starch digestibility in flaxseed-added corn tortilla
BACKGROUND: The effect of addition of flaxseed flour (10:90, 15:85 and 20:80, w/w) on the chemical composition and starch digestibility of corn tortilla was investigated. Tortillas were baked and frozen in liquid nitrogen, freeze-dried, ground and analyzed for fat, protein, ash, total starch (TS), available starch (AS) and resistant starch (RS) contents as well as for starch hydrolysis rate and pr
Composite wheat-plantain starch salted noodles. Preparation, proximal composition and in vitro starch digestibility
Salted noodles were prepared with different contents of wheat grits and plantain starch (PS). The blends were hydrated with 2% NaCl (w/v), homogenized, and the resulting doughs were sheeted through a pasta machine, cut into strips ∼30cm in length, cooked, and their composition and in vitro starch digestibility was assessed. Moisture (6.43-7.60%) and ash contents (2.08-3.12%) increased by the addit
Fibre concentrate from mango fruit : Characterization, associated antioxidant capacity and application as a bakery product ingredient
Mango is a still underutilized fruit from tropical regions. The aim of this work was to characterize a mango dietary fibre concentrate (MDF) with antioxidant capacity, using the unripe fruit. MDF was obtained and its chemical composition, soluble (SDF) and insoluble dietary fibre (IDF), extractable polyphenols, water- and oil-holding capacities and anti-radical efficiency, were evaluated. MDF show
In vitro starch digestibility and predicted glycemic index of corn tortilla, black beans, and tortilla-bean mixture : Effect of cold storage
People in the rural areas of Mexico consume corn tortillas and beans as basic components of their diet. However, little is known about the nutritionally relevant features of starch present in such combined meals. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro bioavailability of starch in tortilla-bean mixtures stored at 4 °C for different times, as compared to that of corn tortill
Effect of cooking procedures and storage on starch bioavailability in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Common commercial beans were cooked using two procedures: under pressure (autoclaving) and traditional cooking. Total starch extraction was higher in beans cooked with the traditional procedure (41.69-42.81%) than in the autoclaved samples (37.04-38.16%) and did not change during storage at 4°C. However, available and total resistant starch levels in vitro were not influenced by the cooking proced
Steam-Cooking and Dry Heating Produce Resistant Starch in Legumes
Starch was isolated from either raw or steam-heated black, red, and lima beans. Isolates from steam-heated legumes were rich in indigestible (resistant) starch (19-31%, dmb), a fact not observed when raw seeds were used. Similarly, resistant starch measured directly in conventionally and high-pressure steamed beans was 3-5 times higher than in the raw pulses, suggesting retrogradation as the major