

Din sökning på "*" gav 534207 sökträffar

The genome of the pygmy right whale illuminates the evolution of rorquals

Background: Baleen whales are a clade of gigantic and highly specialized marine mammals. Their genomes have been used to investigate their complex evolutionary history and to decipher the molecular mechanisms that allowed them to reach these dimensions. However, many unanswered questions remain, especially about the early radiation of rorquals and how cancer resistance interplays with their huge n

Policy sequencing for early-stage transition dynamics – A process model and comparative case study in the water sector

Sustainability scholars increasingly recognize that policy mixes can positively impact socio-technical transitions. However, the temporal dimension of policy interventions remains under-researched, especially in the context of early transition dynamics that typically emerge in niche contexts. In this article, we explore how policy sequencing can play a key role in supporting the scaling-up of earl

Exposure of LDPE nanoplastics of different fractions to Daphnia magna

Små partiklar från nedbrytning av plasten polyeten kan leda till ytterligare miljöutmaningar Plast produceras idag i stor omfattning och en stor del av plasten som används hamnar i naturen. När plasten bryts ned till mindre partiklar av bland annat mekaniska påfrestningar och UV ljus, kan dessa ta sig in i vävnader hos djur och människor och orsaka skada. I vilken utsträckning dessa partiklar påvePlastic pollution is an urgent environmental problem. Plastic can break down in nature into micro- and nanoplastics, and the impacts of these, and especially nanoplastics on the environment are not fully understood. Particles have been shown to accumulate in tissues of animals, where they are believed to cause cell damage. In this project, LDPE was broken down, filtered to obtain nanoplastics, sep

Navigating Gender Biases: How female leaders confront external and internalised stereotypes in a male world

The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of external and internalised stereotypes female leaders in maledominated environments face, as well as to shed light on opportunities of countering stereotypes in order to give voice to new perspectives and experiences, allowing for improvements for future female leaders. The research contributes to literature on stereotypes around fe

Bibliometriska indikatorer som medskapare av verkligheten : Hur prestationsbaserade utvärderingssystem inverkar på samhällsvetenskapliga forskningspraktiker och vetenskapliga kommunikation

The scope of this master thesis is the scientific publishing in Social Science at Lund University. By combining bibliometric studies and qualitative interviews, this thesis investigates how scholars in Social Sciences at Lund University respond to performance- based evaluation. The aim is to explore how research practices, publication patterns and disciplinary norms are affected by the increased r

Incorporation of main line impact into life cycle assessment of nutrient recovery from reject water using novel membrane contactor technology

Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) nutrient recovery has recently gained traction in the search for new pathways for fertilizer production. In particular, concentrated waste streams such as reject water from sludge digestion are suitable. The environmental impact of a novel nutrient recovery technology using a membrane contactor (NPHarvest) was examined with an environmental life cycle assessment (

Exploring Science-Based Targets: Initial Insights from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Lärdomar från småföretag som minskar sina utsläpp med Science Based Targets Vi vet alla hur viktigt det är att stoppa klimatförändringarna som sker, men ansvaret kanske inte alltid ligger på dig eller mig. Ofta fokuseras det på vad vi kan göra som individer, men alla problem hade inte löst sig även om vi slutade flyga eller åt mer vegetariskt. Omställningen måste även göras av företagen som stårWith climate change resulting from a history of uncontrolled greenhouse gas emissions, all parts of society now need to take action - maybe most importantly the private sector. Since 2015 the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative has committed over 5000 companies worldwide to heavily reduce their total emissions at a pace that scientists deem necessary for average global temperature rise to stay

Between Environmental Burden and Utopia: Music and Art Festivals as Prefigurative Spaces for Sustainability Transformations

There is a need to identify leverage points for a broader cultural transformation that addresses the root causes of the nature-climate emergency. Music and art festivals are creative free spaces outside the everyday workings of society that have the potential to plant the seeds of a holistic, sustainable future. I combine prefiguration and the three spheres of transformation in a framework to inve

Developing an Ar milling process to improve the contact quality to InAs nanowires

The aim of this work was to develop a stable and reproducible argon milling process for InAs nanowires to remove the native oxide layer that increases electrical resistance. This was done by identifying a few milling parameters and studying them in relation to the milling rate of silicon dioxide (SiO2). After further experiments with different milling parameters, a set of parameter values was foun

Retail as Unusual : Retailing in a time of extreme uncertainty

Things are far from usual in the world right now. We have suffered two years of restrictions, closures, and shortages because of a global health crisis. A war in Europe has caused supply chain disruptions and energy price shocks. The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union has hindered cross-border movement of capital (both human and physical) in Europe. And we are witnessing an increased fr

TLR4-mediated release of heparin-binding protein in human airways : a co-stimulatory role for IL-26

BACKGROUND: Bacterial infection causes accumulation of neutrophils that release antimicrobial proteins including heparin-binding protein (HBP). In human airways, this neutrophil accumulation can be re-capitulated via intrabronchial exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) agonist, that also causes a local increase in the neutrophil-mobilizing cytokine IL-26. Although LPS

Century-long butterfly range expansions in northern Europe depend on climate, land use and species traits

Climate change is an important driver of range shifts and community composition changes. Still, little is known about how the responses are influenced by the combination of land use, species interactions and species traits. We integrate climate and distributional data for 131 butterfly species in Sweden and Finland and show that cumulative species richness has increased with increasing temperature

Greening the Grid of Indonesia – Second Life Application for Lithium-Ion Electric Vehicle Batteries in Indonesia’s Energy System

Som ett resultat av ökad efterfrågan på elektricitet från urban elektrifiering, den växande ekonomin och global uppvärmning står Indonesien inför stora utmaningar. För att lyckas med hållbar storskalig elektrifiering krävs stora mängder litiumjonbatterier som kan balansera elnätet. Den ökande efterfrågan på dessa har lett till brist på batterimineraler vilket försvårar situationen för landet. SaWith the increasing energy demand from urban electrification, the growing economy and global warming, Indonesia has some extensive challenges ahead. Additionally, growing demand for Li-ion batteries is causing shortages of virgin battery minerals in parallel with the increasing demand for energy storage to accommodate electrification. On the contrary, the future abundance of used electric vehicle

3D geospatial data requirements for simulating noise using the Nord2000 model: Case study of the impact of building façade types and roof configurations on simulated traffic noise levels

The European Union implements the Environmental Noise Directive (END), which offers a framework for evaluating and assessing environmental noise. All EU members are required to create strategic noise maps to inform the public about noise pollution and its effects. This study followed these directives and guidelines to collect the required data and employed the NORD2000 model to simulate traffic no

European Union and Trade Flows: The Case of Lithuania

This paper examines the impact of EU integration on Lithuania's direction of trade flows. Using a gravity model and bilateral trade data from 1995 to 2020, the study aims to understand changes in trade flows after joining the EU and provide practical implications for policymakers, businesses, and investors. The findings show that EU membership has positively influenced Lithuania's trade fl

Utveckling av verktyg för att säkerställa god ergonomi i handhållna produkter

Det här examensarbetet innefattar framtagningen av ett verktyg som hjälper produktutvecklare designa ergonomiska produkter. Många produkter som idag når tillverkning, eller till och med marknaden, är inte alltid så ergonomiska som det hade kunnat önskas. Emellertid kan dessa problem förebyggas i ett tidigt skede genom väl genomtänkt utformning på produkter och adekvata ergonomiska utvärderingar. DThis master thesis consists of the development of a tool which helps product developers design ergonomic products. Many products which end up being manufactured, or end up on the market, are not as well thought out as one could wish. However, this problem can be prevented at an early stage by well thought out designs and adequate evaluations. This was a topic discussed with Avalon Innovation Techn

Implementation of Large-scale Grid Storage in Malmö

Denna rapport undersöker möjligheten till implementering av en storskalig energilagringslösning i Malmö och dess effekt på elbalansen. Arbetet utgår från Texel Energy Storage AB:s termokemiska batterilösning som lagrar energi i form av värme, vilken sedan utvinns som elektrisk energi genom en Stirlingmotor. Texel planerar att implementera en 400 MW-lösning i Malmö år 2027 - introducerad i tre faseThis report investigates the possibility for an implementation of a large-scale grid storage solution in Malmö and its effect on the electricity balance. The work is centred around Texel Energy Storage AB’s thermochemical battery solution that stores energy as heat, which is converted to electricity through a Stirling engine. Texel plans to introduce a 400 MW storage solution in Malmö in 2027 – in