

Din sökning på "*" gav 534711 sökträffar

What Was That All About? On Internal Crisis Communication and Communicative Coworkership during a Pandemic

Purpose – The aim of this paper is to contribute with increased knowledge of the complex role of internal communication during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically, the authors want to address the following research questions. How can the overall approach to internal crisis communication during the pandemic be interpreted, and what view of internal crisis communication does this

Beslutsfattande ur tre perspektiv

In this paper I present two normative standpoints that have been used to de ne and evaluate human decision making: ’economic man’ and ’ecological rationality’. I argue that both norms are unsuitable to understand decision making in a natural environment. I do so by trying to apply them to a real-life decision situation; that of buying pasta in a Swedish supermarket. Neither account is su ciently f


Inom byggsektorn måste byggnader vara mer energieffektiva än någonsin tidigare. Tuffare byggregler kräver allt mer exakta energibehovsberäkningar för att säkerställa byggnadens operativa prestanda. Överföringsvärmeöverföringsförluster genom byggnadens kuvert spelar en nyckelroll i byggnadens totala energiprestanda. Att underskatta dessa förluster kan leda till att energikraven inte uppfylls. För nWithin the construction sector buildings are required to be more energy efficient than ever before. Tougher building regulations require ever more accurate energy demand calculations to ensure a building’s operational performance. Transmission heat transfer losses through a building’s envelope play a key role in the overall energy performance of the building. Underestimating these losses may lead

COVID-19 in solid organ transplant recipients : A national cohort study from Sweden

Solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients run a high risk for adverse outcomes from COVID-19, with reported mortality around 19%. We retrospectively reviewed all known Swedish SOT recipients with RT-PCR confirmed COVID-19 between March 1 and November 20, 2020 and analyzed patient characteristics, management, and outcome. We identified 230 patients with a median age of 54.0 years (13.2), who were pre

Newer Forms of Contract-Based Dispute Resolution : An examination of efficiency-driven procedures in light of traditional adversarial procedures

This thesis takes an interest in newer forms of contract-based dispute resolution used in commercial disputes. Public civil trial and arbitration has for a long time been the procedure of choice for disputing commercial parties. Arbitration is still by far the most established and used procedure when it comes to private dispute resolution. However, for some decades, newer forms of private procedurThis thesis takes an interest in newer forms of contract-based dispute resolution used in commercial disputes. Public civil trial and arbitration has for a long time been the procedure of choice for disputing commercial parties. Arbitration is still by far the most established and used procedure when it comes to private dispute resolution. However, for some decades, newer forms of private procedur

No title

Recension/anmeldelse af Tine Aagaard & Lise Hounsgaard (red.) Menneske – sundhed, samfund og kultur Forlaget Klim 2020, 412 sider – 349,95 kr.

On Steady Water Waves and Flows with Vorticity in Three Dimensions

In this thesis we study the steady Euler equations in three dimensions where the solution is assumed to have nonvanishing vorticity. The thesis is based on three research papers. In the first and the third we study the steady Euler equations in the context of the water wave problem, which means we are solving a free boundary problem, while in the second paper we study the equations in a fixed cyli

Late Local Recurrence and Metastasis in Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Extremities and Trunk Wall : Better Outcome After Treatment of Late Events Compared with Early

Background: Approximately 80% of soft tissue sarcoma (STS) recurrences, local and metastatic disease, are diagnosed within the first 3 years after primary diagnosis and treatment. Recurrences, however, can present after a longer period of remission. Our goal was to identify factors that may predict the risk of late recurrence. Methods: We identified 677 patients with STS of the extremities and tru

Correlates of bullying perpetration among Lebanese adolescents : a national study

Background: Presently, 1 in 4 Lebanese adolescents is involved in bullying, with 12% being perpetrators. In Lebanon, around 90% of bullying incidents occur in schools. Given the lack of studies tackling bullying perpetration in Lebanon, this study aims to identify and target risk factors of bullying perpetration among Lebanese adolescents, which would serve future prevention and intervention progr

Direct response of tree growth to soil water and its implications for terrestrial carbon cycle modelling

Wood growth constitutes the main process for long‐term atmospheric carbon sequestration in vegetation. However, our understanding of the process of wood growth and its response to environmental drivers is limited. Current dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) are mainly photosynthesis‐driven and thus do not explicitly include a direct environmental effect on tree growth. However, physiological


Studies of laser-induced fluorescence in rat tissues, including cancer tumors have been performed. Contrast enhancement techniques have been developed which improve the ability to localize a tumor when using fluorescence from the tumor-seeking substance hematoporphyrin derivative (HPD). A multi-color fluorescence imaging technique has been tested. A discussion of clinical applications is included.

Next generation bioengineering of lung tissue for transplantation

Lung transplantation is the only option for end-stage lung diseases, but organ shortage remains problematic. Generating lungs ex vivo could overcome shortages with current approaches being explored for lung tissue engineering utilizing a biologically derived, synthetic or hybrid scaffold which is seeded with cells and cultured ex vivo. Ideally, cells could be sourced from the transplant recipient