Din sökning på "*" gav 533861 sökträffar
Populärkultur och amerikanisering
Maten märks: förutsättningar för konsumentmakt
Många människor anser sig numera ha större makt i rollen som konsumenter än som medborgare som röstar i partival. Som konsumenter kan vi idag ta ställning till en rad olika anspråk som görs på produkter och tjänster. Hur ser vi konsumenter på livsmedel som genom olika märken påstås ha unika egenskaper i produktionsledet: för miljön, för konsumentens hälsa, för arbetsförhållanden för fabriks- och
Review article; Lena Wennberg. Social Security for Solo Mothers in Swedish and EU Law. On the constructions of normality and the boundaries of social citizenship.
Angy Palumbo: The pen name that was real
New regions of stability
On the cavity problem for the general linear medium in Electromagnetic Theory
In this paper we study the propagation problem of a time harmonic electromagnetic field inside a cavity filled with a generic bianisotropic medium. We define the concepts of eigenfrequencies and modes of the cavity and we propose a method to prove their existence and countability. We extend, in this respect, the theory for the isotropic, homogeneous, lossless cavity.
The Constructive Articulation of Entrepreneuring: Sensemaking and Language-in-Use.
Stochastic Control Theory
No title
We investigated properties of electrical contacts to filamentary nanocrystals based on InAs, synthesized by chemical-beam epitaxy. Robust, low resistive Ohmic contacts were manufactured to InAs segment of filamentary nanocrystals both directly and indirectly, through a catalytic particle at the top of nanocrystals. Current-voltage characteristics and degradation characteristics of devices based on
The Utilitarian Criterion, Finite Sensibility, and the Weak majority Preference Principle. A further analysis
Collecting data for quality improvement and research in Swedish health care, and the individual patient's right and ability to protect their privacy
Economic integration and price differences on food products - a special focus on EU enlargements
Att peppa men inte ta över? Stödsamtal som syftar till våldsutsatta kvinnors ’empowerment’ inom kommunala specialistenheter
Moment-method calculations on multiple apertures using singular basis functions
The transmission properties of perforated perfectly conducting screens are of practical interest. The treatment of non-periodical structures by numerical tecniques, such as the method of moments, is very computer intensive. In this paper it is shown that using well adapted basis functions, the number of unknowns can be drastically reduced. Advantages and limitations of the method are discussed. Nu
National guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of esophageal and colorectal cancers
Theoretical development of rotational CARS for combustion diagnostics
[abstract missing]
An Audio-Haptic Mobile Guide for Non-Visual Navigation and Orientation
People who have visual impairments may have difficulties navigating freely and without personal assistance, and some are even afraid to go out alone. Current navigation devices with non-visual feedback are quite expensive, few, and are in general focused on routing and target finding. We have developed a test prototype application for Android in which a user may scan for map information using the