

Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar

Possibly specific immune complexes in sera of patients with untreated acute myelogenous leukemia

Eleven patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in the acute stage of the disease were studied. Sera of seven patients were assayed for complement‐dependent cytotoxicity to autochthonous AML cells and sera of four patients were tested with allogeneic target cells before and after ultrafiltration at low pH. No specific cytotoxic activity could be detected in any untreated sera. Ultrafiltratio

Studies on adenovirus type 9‐induced mammary fibroadenomas in rats and their malignant transformation

After inoculating newborn W/Fu rats with adenovirus type 9,27 of 27 females developed mammary fibroadenomas with a latency period of 14–25 weeks. No tumors were observed after inoculation with adenovirus type 5 or in males with the type 9 inoculation. After persistence of the tumors for 3–14 months, malignant transformation of the stroma resulted in different types of sarcoma in three rats: fibros

Value Creation of Healthcare Services- Developing a Healthcare Matching Model

Healthcare in Sweden is dealing with problems regarding accessibility for patients. Moreover, there is a lack of an overall model concerning matching specialist care to patients. Against this background, the purpose was to develop a preliminary healthcare matching model and discuss the barriers of this model. Theoretically, the study draws on the concepts of matching and coordination completed wit

Associations of prenatal methylmercury exposure and maternal polyunsaturated fatty acid status with neurodevelopmental outcomes at 7 years of age : results from the Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition Cohort 2

BACKGROUND: Fish is a primary source of protein and n-3 PUFA but also contains methylmercury (MeHg), a naturally occurring neurotoxicant to which, at sufficient exposure levels, the developing fetal brain is particularly sensitive. OBJECTIVES: To examine the association between prenatal MeHg and maternal status of n-3 and n-6 PUFA with neurodevelopment, and to determine whether PUFA might modify p

Rekindling the Agenda on Women, Peace and Security: can the EU lead by example?

The terrain of war and peace is not gender neutral. This was recognised for the first time by the UN Security Council in its resolution 1325 (UNSC 1325) adopted on 31 October 2000. It is a historic decision for the global efforts to achieve the equality of women and girls in this terrain. For the first time, the principal organ with primary responsibility for international security acknowledged a

Management of Spontaneous Isolated Mesenteric Artery Dissection : A Systematic Review

Background and Aims: There are increasing reports on case series on spontaneous isolated mesenteric artery dissection, that is, dissections of the superior mesenteric artery and celiac artery, mainly due to improved diagnostic capacity of high-resolution computed tomography angiography performed around the clock. A few case–control studies are now available, while randomized controlled trials are

Om ofrivillig ensamhet bland äldre : Intervjuer och dialog med yrkesverksamma inom Vård- och omsorgsförvaltningen i Helsingborg

År 2020 genomfördes ett deltagarbaserat projekt om ofrivillig ensamhet bland äldre inom Vård- och omsorgsförvaltningen i Helsingborg. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ett antal anställda inom olika verksamheter och på olika nivåer inom Vård- och omsorgsförvaltningen resonerade om ofrivillig ensamhet och analysera hur de förhållningssätt, strategier och strukturer som framträdde kunde först

Energy efficient buildings by use of reinforced masonry walls : An experimental study

Användning av ytförstärkning har undersökts som ett led i att förbättra murade ytterväggars energiprestanda. De experimentella undersökningarna genomförda vid Lunds tekniska högskola visar att genom användning av ytförstärkning kan tjockleken på den bärande delen i en yttervägg minskas med mellan 30 - 50 procent jämfört med dagens väggtyper. Väggarnas bärförmågan kan samtidigt bibehållas eller ren

Authenticity, copying and the critical gaze : The crisis of representation

AbstractIn contemporary western theatre and actor’s training there is a tension between different traditions in the actor’s work, concerning the bodily practices that are related to representation, construction of identities, authenticity and self-expression. One aspect of the actor’s methodical tradition – the openness for suffering and sacrificing oneself in the name of the arts – will be displaIn contemporary Western theatre and actor’s training, there is a tension between different traditions in the actor’s work, concerning the bodily practices that are related to representation, construction of identities, authenticity and self-expression. One aspect of the actor’s methodical tradition – the openness to suffering and sacrificing oneself in the name of the arts – will be displayed and

Power Scaling Laws for Radio Receiver Front Ends

In this paper, we combine practically verified results from circuit theory with communication-theoretic laws. As a result, we obtain closed-form theoretical expressions linking fundamental system design and environment parameters with the power consumption of analog front ends (AFEs) for communication receivers. This collection of scaling laws and bounds is meant to serve as a theoretical referenc

The Republican Forum Romanum

The Forum Romanum constituted the religious, political, economic and administrative centre of Rome for more than a millennium. During this time it went through several changes. It transformed from a liminal zone in the periphery of the Iron Age settlements into a communal space and sacred ground; later into an arena for political struggle and civic ambition; and finally into a showcase for Imperia

A population-based study on the effect of a routine second-look resection on survival in primary stage T1 bladder cancer

Objective: To assess the value of second-look resection (SLR) in stage T1 bladder cancer (BCa) with respect to progression-free survival (PFS), and also the secondary outcomes recurrence-free survival (RFS), bladder-cancer-specific survival (CSS), and cystectomy-free survival (CFS). Patients and methods: The study included 2456 patients diagnosed with stage T1 BCa 2004–2009 with 5-yr follow-up reg

Thermal Performance Analysis in a Zigzag Channel Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger under Different Conditions

In this study, the effect of axial heat conduction on thermal performance in a zigzag channel printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) with supercritical liquefied natural gas as the working fluid is studied by a numerical method under different conditions. The influence factors include Reynolds number, operating pressure, inlet temperatures of the cold side, and wall thermal conductivity. The result

Influence of core divisome proteins on cell division in Streptomyces venezuelae ATCC 10712

The sporulating, filamentous soil bacterium Streptomyces venezuelae ATCC 10712 differentiates under submerged and surface growth conditions. In order to lay a solid foundation for the study of development-associated division for this organism, a congenic set of mutants was isolated, individually deleted for a gene encoding either a cytoplasmic (i.e. ftsZ) or core inner membrane (i.e. divIC, ftsL,

The mineralosphere—interactive zone of microbial colonization and carbon use in grassland soils

To improve our understanding of early microbial colonization of pristine minerals and their group-specific C utilization, we exposed minerals (illite/goethite/quartz) amended with artificial root exudates (ARE, glucose, and citric acid) in grassland soils for a period of 24 weeks. FTIR spectra indicated that mineral-associated ARE were used within the first 2 weeks of exposure and were replaced by

Characterization of simultaneous uptake of xylose and glucose in Caldicellulosiruptor kronotskyensis for optimal hydrogen production

Background: Caldicellulosiruptor kronotskyensis has gained interest for its ability to grow on various lignocellulosic biomass. The aim of this study was to investigate the growth profles of C. kronotskyensis in the presence of mixtures of glucose–xylose. Recently, we characterized a diauxic-like pattern for C. saccharolyticus on lignocellulosic sugar mixtures. In this study, we aimed to investiga