Din sökning på "*" gav 533789 sökträffar
The use of occupations to challenge perceptions of age at a senior camp
Regulating indoor temperature: successful care prevention in warmer nursing homes in Japan
Screening effects in multielectron ionization of heavy atoms in intense laser fields
Multielectron ionization of Xe is described in terms of multistep processes, driven by a laser field which is screened by the motion of the outer 5p shell. In stepwise multiple ionization of the 5p shell, screening is successively reduced. The effective, local intensity will therefore increase during the stripping of the outer shell. In the 4d inner-shell region the effective intensity is very low
Oral therapy for riboflavin transporter deficiency - What is the regimen of choice?
Begrepp för de sociala formernas historia
Normative Transmission and Necessary Means
This paper focuses on the interaction of reasons and argues that reasons for an action may transmit to the necessary means of that action. Analyzing exactly how this phenomenon may be captured by principles governing normative transmission has proved an intricate task in recent years. In this paper, I assess three formulations focusing on normative transmission and necessary means: Ought Necessity
A synthesis of animal movement across scales
This chapter aims at synthesizing the knowledge presented in the chapters of the book’s three sections by addressing evolutionary compromises, dispersal, gene flow, and assisted movements. How climate change and other environmental changes at different scales may affect animal movement, migration, and dispersal in the future are also summarized here. Moreover, how the different senses are utilized
Normalisering av uppmätt energianvändning i byggnader
Senior bastards- rebellion against or a repetition of negative age codes?
Change in life satisfaction in very old single-living women in Latvia and Sweden – a 9 year follow-up
Göteborgs stifts herdaminne 1620−1999 : IV. Orusts och Tjörns, Vikornes södra och norra kontrakt
Rapid Rule-out of Acute Myocardial Infarction With a Single High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Measurement Below the Limit of Detection : A Collaborative Meta-analysis
Background: High-sensitivity assays for cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) are sometimes used to rapidly rule out acute myocardial infarction (AMI).Purpose: To estimate the ability of a single hs-cTnT concentration below the limit of detection (
Obstetric and perinatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by diabetes, and control pregnancies, in Kronoberg, Sweden
Background: Diabetes during pregnancy is an increasingly common metabolic disorder, associated with significantly increased risks for both mother and child. Aim of this study was to compare maternal and perinatal outcomes in women with pregestational (PDM) type 1 (T1DM), type 2 diabetes (T2DM), gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and compare these to pregnancies not complicated with diabetes. This
Individually addressable double quantum dots formed with nanowire polytypes and identified by epitaxial markers
Double quantum dots (DQDs) hold great promise as building blocks for quantum technology as they allow for two electronic states to coherently couple. Defining QDs with materials rather than using electrostatic gating allows for QDs with a hard-wall confinement potential and more robust charge and spin states. An unresolved problem is how to individually address these QDs, which is necessary for co
The Electronic Structure and the Chemical Bonding in NiO and La2NiO4 Crystals : A Comparison with CuO and La2CuO4
Modelling from quantum chemical data of the chemical bonding in NiO and La2NiO4 crystals comparatively to CuO and La2CuO4, is proposed. The increase of the ionicity degree of the Ni(II)–O bonding in comparison with Cu(II)‐O bonding is observed. The covalency is low and equally distributed in the equatorial plane and apical direction in the NiO6 octahedra in La2NiO4. As a supplementary data, which
Can measurements of 2HDM parameters provide hints for high scale supersymmetry?
Two-Higgs-doublet models (2HDMs) are minimal extensions of the Standard Model (SM) that may still be discovered at the LHC. The quartic couplings of their potentials can be determined from the measurement of the masses and branching ratios of their extended scalar sectors. We show that the evolution of these couplings through renormalization group equations can determine whether the observed 2HDM
Updated scalar sector constraints in the Higgs triplet model
We show that in the Higgs triplet model, after the Higgs discovery, the mixing angle in the CP-even sector can be strongly constrained from unitarity. We also discuss how large quantum effects in h→γγ may arise in a Standard-Model-like scenario and a certain part of the parameter space can be ruled out from the diphoton signal strength. Using T-parameter and diphoton signal strength measurements,
Search for a stable alignment limit in two-Higgs-doublet models
We study the conditions required to make the two-Higgs-doublet-model (2HDM) scalar potential stable up to the Planck scale. The lightest CP-even scalar is assumed to have been found at the LHC and the alignment limit is imposed in view of the LHC Higgs data. We find that ensuring stability up to scales 1010GeV necessitates the introduction of a soft breaking parameter in the theory. Even then, som
Nondecoupling of charged scalars in Higgs decay to two photons and symmetries of the scalar potential
A large class of two- and three-Higgs-doublet models with discrete symmetries has been employed in the literature to address various aspects of flavor physics. We analyze how the precision measurement of the Higgs to diphoton signal strength would severely constrain these scenarios due to the nondecoupling behavior of the charged scalars, to the extent that in the presence of exact discrete symmet