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Från plan till invasion
Bibliska serier om riddare
Utfasning av fossila drivmedel. En analys av hur skatter, utsläppsrätter och reduktionsplikt kan bidra.
Impact of different waste management practises on global climate change.
Covid-19-pandemin och den svenska strategin : Epidemiologi, postmodernism och svensk exceptionalism
Aims The aim is to characterize the underlying epidemiological ideas behind the Swedish COVID-19 strategy in the spring of 2020 and their plausible relation to Swedish exceptionalism and postmodern view of science. The aim is not to finally evaluate the long-term handling of the pandemic in Sweden. Results Overconfidence in natural herd immunity (although not officially stated), individual respons
Occupational allergic contact dermatitis to 4,4-methylenebis(cyclohexylisocyanate)
Taming the Survey: Managing the Employee Survey to Create Space for Change Oriented Leadership
Higgs boson production cross-section measurements and their EFT interpretation in the 4ℓ decay channel at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Higgs boson properties are studied in the four-lepton decay channel (where lepton = e, μ) using 139 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded at s√=13 TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The inclusive cross-section times branching ratio for H→ZZ∗ decay is measured to be 1.34±0.12 pb for a Higgs boson with absolute rapidity below 2.5, in good agreement with the Standard Mo
Analyzing Runic Swedish by a computerized grammar
Sex- and age differences in lower urinary tract dysfunction in healthy children
AIM: Information about healthy children's urinary tract symptoms is scarce but would be helpful in children with congenital urinary tract conditions. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction (LUTD) questionnaire.METHODS: A 15-item questionnaire based on definitions by the International Children's Continence Society (ICCS) about urinary tract function, was
Shattered Images : French Indochina as a Failed Symbolic Resource
Several generations of French leaders had high expectations for French Indochina’s usefulness as a symbolic resource for unifying the nation after times of disaster, but in fact the colony time and again proved to be little more than a burden. This chapter explores how a variety of factors, not the least of which was poor planning on the part of the French métropole, dashed the high hopes French l
Comorbidity of Geo-Helminthes among Malaria Outpatients of the Health Facilities in Ethiopia: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Background: Coinfection of malaria and intestinal helminths affects one third of the global population, largely among communities with severe poverty. The spread of these parasitic infections overlays in several epidemiological locations and the host shows different outcomes. This systematic review and meta-analysis determine the pooled prevalence of malaria and intestinal helminthiases coinfectio
Effects of experimentally induced islet-cell surface antibodies on pancreatic ß cells
Cardiovascular implantable electronic device therapy in patients with left ventricular assist devices : insights from TRAViATA
Background: There is conflicting observational data on the survival benefit cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) in patients with LVADs. Methods: Patients in whom an LVAD was implanted between January 2008 and April 2017 in the multinational Trans-Atlantic Registry on VAD and Transplant (TRAViATA) registry were separated into four groups based on the presence of CIED prior to LVAD implant
Supernova explosions in active galactic nuclear discs
Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are prominent environments for stellar capture, growth, and formation. These environments may catalyse stellar mergers and explosive transients, such as thermonuclear and core-collapse supernovae (SNe). SN explosions in AGN discs generate strong shocks, leading to unique observable signatures. We develop an analytical model that follows the evolution of the shock prop
Fractionation of hardwood using steam explosion and hydrotropic extraction : Process development for improved fractionation
The utilisation of biomass instead of fossil resources is an important alternative for the transition into a sustainable society. Biomass, owing to its primary constituents—cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin—has the potential to replace many products that are produced from fossil resources today, including plastics, textile fibres and fuels. To fully exploit this potential, all of the componentsThe utilisation of biomass instead of fossil resources is an important alternative for the transition into a sustainable society. Biomass, owing to its primary constituents—cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin—has the potential to replace many products that are produced from fossil resources today, including plastics, textile fibres and fuels. To fully exploit this potential, all of the components
Amazing numbers and bottom rankings : the reporting of nursing home resident user surveys in the press
Purpose: Media reporting is one of many circumstances that nursing homes have to relate to, because of the reputational risks. The aim of this article is to investigate media representations of Swedish nursing homes in relation to reports on an annual national user survey. Design/methodology/approach: The empirical data consist of 381 Swedish newspaper articles about the survey results. The questi
Early humoral defence : Contributing to confining COVID-19 to conducting airways?
Early airway responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection are of interest since they could decide whether coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) will proceed to life-threatening pulmonary disease stages. Here I discuss endothelial-epithelial co-operative in vivo responses producing first-line, humoral innate defence opportunities in human airways. The pseudostrati