

Din sökning på "*" gav 529373 sökträffar

Petrogenesis of Paleo-Mesoproterozoic mafic rocks in the southwestern Yangtze Block of South China : Implications for tectonic evolution and paleogeographic reconstruction

Three episodes of mafic magmatism are identified by zircon and baddeleyite U-Pb dating at 2299 ± 17 Ma, 1703 ± 8 Ma and 1511 ± 14 Ma in the southwestern Yangtze Block. These mafic rocks have tholeiitic compositions with enrichment of LILE but an absence of Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf anomalies, features similar to E-MORB. They have La/Ta (

Low predictive power of comorbidity indices identified for mortality after acute arthroplasty surgery undertaken for femoral neck fracture

Aims Our aim was to examine the Elixhauser and Charlson comorbidity indices, based on administrative data available before surgery, and to establish their predictive value for mortality for patients who underwent hip arthroplasty in the management of a femoral neck fracture. Patients and Methods We analyzed data from 42 354 patients from the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register between 2005 and 2012.

Characteristic mode analysis of planar dipole antennas

Planar monopole antennas are popular due to their attractive properties, but their operating mechanisms are still not well understood. Based on image theory, planar monopoles can be analyzed using their dipole counterparts. Here, the bandwidth and radiation pattern of planar dipoles is studied in detail using characteristic mode analysis for different design parameters. The results show that insig

Urban planning and town foundations

Urban growth is crucial for modernisation, and the wave of new towns in China since the 1980s is one example of a strategy employed by policymakers to encourage the process. This column analyses the long-run success of a town foundation policy in Sweden between 1570 and 1810. While the ‘artificially’ created towns failed to grow in the short term, they eventually began to grow and thrive, and toda

Reformen av CAP 2013 : Lärdomar för en bättre jordbrukspolitik efter 2020

Den senaste reformen av EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik (CAP) sjösattes 2015 med avsikten att göra det europeiska jordbruket mer konkurrenskraftigt och mer hållbart. Syftet med den här rapporten är att analysera vilka effekter reformen kan väntas få på svenskt jordbruk på områdena konkurrenskraft och miljö, för att undersöka om målen med reformen uppfylls eller ej. Analysen bygger på simuleringar

Cancer risks in ulcerative colitis patients

Patients diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC) are known to be at an increased risk of colorectal and liver cancers and leukemia. UC is an autoimmune disease, which may present a wider spectrum of cancers. We wanted to examine the risk of cancer in a large population of UC patients in order to reach high statistical power. A UC research database was constructed by identifying UC patients from the

Ecosystem Service Valuation for National Accounting : A Reply to Obst, Hein and Edens (2016)

While recent experimental frameworks for national ecosystem service accounting have shown substantial progress, in our view some crucial methodological issues remain that deserve further consideration before setting final standards. In response to the landmark work of Obst et al. (Environ Resour Econ 64:1–23, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s10640-015-9921-1), we provide arguments with regard to the suitabilit

Hadronic correlation functions in the QCD plasma phase

We present results for static hadronic correlation functions in the high temperature phase of QCD, obtained by the MTc collaboration. The measured screening lengths are compared with values for a gas of free quarks. In the ρ{variant} and N channels deviations from free quark propagation are found to be small at temperatures T ≥ 1.5Tc.

Deep inelastic electron-proton scattering

We study deep inelastic scattering of an electron or positron on an almost real photon target in the reaction e+e− → e+e− + hadrons with C = +, where one e+ or e− is scattered at small or zero angle, yielding a virtual photon γ(k), k2 ∼ O(−me2). The other e− or e+ scatters on this virtual photon, emerging at large angle. We emphasize particularly: (i) the pointlike QCD contribution to the structur

Novel, Film, and the Art of Translational Storytelling : Dai Sijie's Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise

This article examines the novel and film, Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise, by the Franco-Chinese writer and filmmaker Dai Sijie, the story of which takes place against the background of the Cultural Revolution. The first part of my analysis will make clear how the film illuminates and dramatizes the special texture, aesthetic, and structure of the novel. I then move on to investigate the li

High-Definition Nanoimprint Stamp Fabrication by Atomic Layer Etching

ABSTRACT: Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) has the potential for low-cost andhigh-throughput nanoscale fabrication. However, the NIL quality and resolution areusually limited by the shape and size of the nanoimprint stamp features. Atomiclayer etching (ALE) can provide a damage-free pattern transfer with ultimate etchcontrol for features of all length scales, down to the atomic scale, and for all fea

Dimension Engineering of High-Quality InAs Nanostructures on a Wafer Scale

Low-dimensional narrow-band-gap III-V semiconductors are key building blocks for the next generation of high-performance nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, and quantum devices. Realizing these various applications requires an efficient methodology that enables the material dimensional control during the synthesis process and the mass production of these materials with perfect crystallinity, reproduci

Association of CD11b + Monocytes and Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Injections in Treatment of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy

Importance: CD11b + immune cells have been implicated in the formation of choroidal neovascularization in experimental studies on animals and disease-association studies on humans. However, the clinical importance of such observations remains unknown. Objective: To investigate whether the proportion of CD11b + circulating monocytes is associated with the number of anti-vascular endothelial grow

The genetic diversity, morphology, biogeography, and taxonomic designations of Ammonia (Foraminifera) in the Northeast Atlantic

The genetic diversity, morphology and biogeography of Ammonia specimens was investigated across the Northeast (NE) Atlantic margins, to enhance the regional (palaeo)ecological studies based on this genus. Living specimens were collected from 22 sampling locations ranging from Shetland to Portugal to determine the distribution of Ammonia genetic types across the NE Atlantic shelf biomes. We success

Daylight utilization in the dense Swedish city : Benchmarks, metrics and tools securing good daylighting, low energy use and user acceptance

Scientific Poster titled “Low-energy daylit dwellings in the dense city - Benchmarks, metrics and tools securing good daylighting, low energy use and user acceptance”, Velux Academic Forum, Berlin, 2 May 2017. This dissemination illustrates the research questions and key aspects of a PhD research project regarding daylight utilization in Swedish apartment blocks, which was initiated in February 20

Impact of the fermentation parameters pH and temperature on stress resilience of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938

This study was undertaken to investigate the impact of culture pH (4.5–6.5) and temperature (32–37 °C) on the stress resilience of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 during freeze-drying and post freeze-drying exposure to low pH (pH 2)and bile salts. Response-surface methodology analysis revealed that freeze-drying survival rates Ncells after drying/Ncells before drying*100 were linearly related to p