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China’s growing E-commerce hitting the countryside: Nongcun Taobao
Biodrivmedel och markanvändning i Sverige
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The necessity of a canon had been restated, but literature, meanwhile, had lost a good share of its public. The self-referential syndrome evolved into an epidemic: there was a problem of reader-response approach at that moment. The public shrank and the cultural world became endogamous. This meant that a large part of the public was actually made of writers who craved for climbing the literary lad
Ett eget utomhus. Perspektiv på livet i villaträdgården
Det är lätt att bli nyfiken om man promenerar längs gatan i ett villaområde med rader av trädgårdar där olika projekt, stilar, material och växter avlöser varandra. Här lever människor med skilda erfarenheter, drömmar och ideal. De skapar sina egna miniatyrvärldar men delar samtidigt ljud, dofter, synintryck och gränser. Ett eget utomhus men på många sätt ett gemensamt utomhus. I den här boken utf
The Money-Energy-Technology Complex and Ecological Marxism : Rethinking the Concept of "Use-Value" to Extend Our Understanding of Unequal Exchange, Part I
This is Part 1 of an article arguing for an extended application of Karl Marx’s insight that the apparent reciprocity of free market exchange is to be understood as an ideology that obscures material processes of exploitation and accumulation. Rather than to confine this insight to the worker’s sale of his or her labor-power for wages, and basing it on the conviction that labor-power is uniquely c
Attention following and nonverbal referential communication in bonobos (Pan paniscus), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus)
A central issue in the study of primate communication is the extent to which individuals adjust their behaviour to the attention and signals of others, and manipulate others’ attention to communicate about external events. I investigated whether 13 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes spp.), 11 bonobos (Pan paniscus), and 7 orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) followed conspecific attention and led others
Long-term outcomes of the current remote magnetic catheter navigation technique for ablation of atrial fibrillation
Objectives. Comparisons between remote magnetic (RMN) and manual catheter navigation for atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation have earlier been reported with controversial results. However, these reports were based on earlier generations of the RMN system. Design. To evaluate the outcomes of the most current RMN system for AF ablation in a larger patient population with longer follow-up time, 112 pat
Ultra-high-performance supercritical fluid chromatography with quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPSFC/QTOF-MS) for analysis of lignin-derived monomeric compounds in processed lignin samples
The conversion of lignin to potentially high-value low molecular weight compounds often results in complex mixtures of monomeric and oligomeric compounds. In this study, a method for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of 40 lignin-derived compounds using ultra-high-performance supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPSFC/QTOF-MS) has been
Pensioner och andra socialförsäkringar i äldreperspektiv
Enhancing team creativity with playful improvisation theater : a controlled intervention field study
This study investigates the impact of an intervention of playful improvisational theater on organizational creativity. Teams from 9 participating organizations (N = 93) completed pre- and posttest measures of adult playfulness, workplace playfulness, individual creativity, group creativity, and psychological safety. Group creativity was assessed with the newly developed test Distributed Creativity
Pancreatic cancer : Disease dynamics, tumor biology and the role of the microenvironment
Pancreatic cancer is known for its propensity to metastasize. Recent studies have challenged the commonly held belief that pancreatic cancer is a stepwise process, where tumor cells disseminate late in primary tumor development. Instead it has been suggested that pancreatic tumor cells may disseminate early and develop independently and in parallel to the primary tumor. Circulating tumor cells can
Morbidities, Rate and Time Trends of Neonatal Mortality in Dilchora Referral Hospital, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, 2012-2017
Introduction: The study assessed causes of admission, the rate and time trends of neonatal mortality in DilChora referral hospital, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, 2013-2017. Methods: A hospital based 5 years retrospective study was conducted among neonates admitted to NICU from January 1/2013 to September 10/2017 in DilChora hospital, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Data was abstracted from Neonatal Intensive Care Uni
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It is significant to understand the subjective side of psychotherapeutic process. Therefore, the aim of this research was to reveal subjectively important psychotherapeutic changes, significant therapeutic factors, and the transformation of anger expression in psychotherapy. Data were collected using the method of psychotherapeutic story. Participants were asked to tell their psychotherapy story,
Att se över Sundet : Rumslig positionering och mobilisering på Baltiska utställningen 1914
Kollektivavtalens täckningsgrad samt organisationsgraden hos arbetsgivarförbund och fackförbund
The Right to Organise
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Case Notes on An Employee’s Pay Claim
Interaction mechanisms of low-level electromagnelic fields in living systems / edited by Bengt Nordön and Claes Romel.
The alteration of release of calcium ions from biological tissue by electromagnetic stimulation has bien reported by several authors (Kaczmarec and Adey 1974:, Bawin et al. 1975, 1978; Bawin and Adey 1976; Blackman et al. 1979, l980a,å; Joines and Blackman 1980, l98l; Joines et al. l98O). Bawin etal. (1975) reported that 147 MHz radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation altered the release of The 'ion cyclotron resonance hypothesis' was explored by Liboff et al. (1987) in an experiment involving incorporation of calcium-45 (n5Ca2*) in mixed human lymphocytes. The geomagnetic horizontal field component was'adjusted to 2l pT. The experiment was first performed at an amplitude of the applied oscillating field of 150 pT and a sharp minimum was obtained at the frequency of l43Hz, which corr