Din sökning på "*" gav 534442 sökträffar
Extremes and high level exceedances of stationary random fields for ocean structure reliability
Tackling urban vulnerability : An operational framework for aid organisations
Roman Christianity and Roman Stoicism : A Comparative Study of Ancient Morality
Christianity is commonly held to have introduced an entirely new and better morality into the ancient world, a new morality that was decidedly universal, in contrast to the ethics of the philosophical schools which were only concerned with the intellectual few. Runar M. Thorsteinsson presents a challenge to this view by comparing Christian morality in first-century Rome with contemporary Stoic eth
Prediction of wind effects on cold protective clothing
Stat och offentlig sektor
Diesel Engnine Cam and Roller Follower Tribology
Surfaces subjected to rolling and sliding contacts may suffer from contact fatigue. The cam and roller follower mechanism is a typical rolling and sliding contact. This thesis deals with the running in aspects to avoid high stress variation that leads to fatigue wear and the aspect of what happens to indentation damages that occurs on the surface if there are any particles in the lubricant. The pa
Branschöverskridande kompetensknippen. Nya perspektiv på Västsveriges näringslivsstruktur
Generation of coherent short-wavelength radiation --- High-order harmonics and x-ray lasers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den senaste utvecklingen av högintensitetslasrar har gjort det möjligt att studera nya fascinerande områden inom atomfysik. Två fenomen har studerats med Lunds Terawattlaser i intensitetsområdet 1013--1017 W/cm2: förstärkning av den spontana emissionen i plasmor från fasta strålmål och gasstrålmål, samt generering av övertonsstrålning av höga ordningar. Med hjälp av dThe recent availability of short-pulse, high-intensity, compact lasers has opened doors to new and fascinating areas in atomic physics. Using the Lund Terawatt Laser, the interaction of femtosecond, near-infrared and visible laser radiation with matter at intensities in the range 1013--1017 W/cm2 was studied. Out of many phenomena that occur in this intensity range, this thesis deals with two: th
Kommunala huvudmannastrategier för kostnadspress och utveckling : en studie av kommunal teknik
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under det senaste decenniet har utvecklingen i Sverige inneburit en ökad press på den kommunala sektorn vars roll och uppgifter i samhället har ifrågasatts. Ett återkommande ämne för debatt är betydelsen av politiskt inflytande i förhållande till behovet av effektiv produktion av offentlig service. I denna avhandling studeras vilka möjligheter en enskild kommunal försörThe aim of the study is to improve the understanding of strategy in politically governed organisations. From the perspective of a specific responsible authority the main purpose of the study is to describe and analyse how strategies emerge and develop. Competitive tendering and inter-municipal co-operation, has been studied as a two principally different strategic approaches to reduce costs and st
Popular Abstract in Swedish Jag har under min forskarutbildning vid Lunds tekniska högskola studerat proteiner med hjälp av en metod som kallas kärnmagnetisk resonans, NMR. I levande organismer regleras allt liv av tre typer av molekyler: DNA, RNA och proteiner. Den centrala dogmen i biokemi "DNA-RNA-Protein" innebär att den genetiska kod som ärvs i form av DNA och som finns i varje cell i kroppeThe general objective of the present thesis work was to examine 3-dimensional structure as well as the motional properties of two different types of two-domain proteins by solution-state NMR. One of the major tasks of this thesis work was to investigate the domain orientation of these molecules by employing residual dipolar couplings (RDC) which can be used as orientational restraints for increasi
Cognition and schizophrenia: improving real life function
Board control and innovation: an empirical study of small technology-based firms
Participatorisk forskning i kunskapssamhället. Några kunskapssociologiska frågeställningar kring forskning och praktik
Krisjournalistik eller journalistik i kris?
I denna rapport sammanfattas aktuell medieforskning inom risk- och kriskommunikationsområdet. Författaren diskuterar även mediernas roll att informera, granska och förklara risker och kriser samt lokaliserar kunskapsluckor inom forksningen som i sin tur på sikt kan generera ny forksning.
Tocharian B erkatse [A *arkäts] and related phenomena.
Myran, spindeln och den personligt erövrade kunskapen
Categorising tools for sustainability assessment
The aim of this paper is to provide a cohesive categorisation of the most common sustainability assessment tools within the broader objective of lifting the understanding of tools from the environmentally-focused realm to that of the wider concept of sustainability. The framework provided is based on four main categories: indicators/indices, regional material and energy flows, life cycle approach