IKEA Kungens kurva. Värdering varuhus i Sverige
Historik, bebyggelse och kulturmiljövärdering enligt H3UNS mall. Utredningsuppdrag IKEA/UULAS arkitekter (intern publikation)
Historik, bebyggelse och kulturmiljövärdering enligt H3UNS mall. Utredningsuppdrag IKEA/UULAS arkitekter (intern publikation)
Överliggare är något som Lunds universitet har haft gott om, och deras namn skymtar förbi som skuggor från en förfluten punschdoftande tid; ”Den Siste Athenaren” Otto Steiman, Sam Ask, Adolf Herrlin – listan kan göras lång. Likaså har Lunds universitet haft gott om akademiska original, både sådana som gjort karriär, och sådana som aldrig ens tagit en examen.Arkivarien vid universitetsarkivet HenriLund has had its fair share of eternal students, and their names appear like shadows from an arrack punch-flavoured past: “The Last Athenian” Otto Steiman, Sam Ask, Adolf Herrlin – the list goes on. Similarly, Lund University has had many academic eccentrics, both of the kind who made a career for themselves and the kind who never even completed a degree. Here, University archivist Henrik Ullstad
Background: Gastric ulcers are painful sores with discontinuity in the entire thickness of stomach lining. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are among the major classes of drugs used in treatment of gastric ulcers by inhibiting H+/K+ATPase pump thus reducing acid secretion. The prototype of PPIs is omeprazole, one of its new derivatives, esomeprazole is known to have superior activity against NSAIDs i
Continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are increasingly implanted to support patients with end-stage heart failure. These patients are at high risk for complications, many of which necessitate emergency care. While rehospitalization rates have been described, there is little data regarding emergency department (ED) visits. We hypothesize that ED visits are frequent and often requi
The present paper reports different applications which have a common data source: Automatic Road Analyzer (ARAN) of the Transport Infrastructure Laboratory of the University of Catania. Data surveyed with ARAN were used to develop performance indicators of the road asset. A BIM model makes possible to improve the flexibility in information access and to merge data with the aim to allow a complete
The paper target is to analyze the influence of passing lane section and merging area lengths, which represent a critical part in the geometric design of passing lanes. The lack of observed data and the still limited implementation of short passing 2 + 1 lane in Poland do not allow to perform a reliable performance-based design of their length to balance context and economical restrains with opera
The Huang-Huai-Hai River Basin covers the major political and socioeconomic centers of China. Thus, flood protection and economic development by sustainable water supply are important. Due to this, it is imperative to study distribution and variation of precipitation characteristics under climate change. As hydrological observations are limited, scholars have done more research on daily, monthly,
Background: Fear of Birth is common in pregnant women and associated with negative physical and mental health. There is a clear comorbidity with anxiety and depression. Internet-delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy has been suggested as a treatment option for Fear of Birth and a randomized controlled trial comparing internet-delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with midwifery led counselling as
Research infrastructures such as biobanks are increasingly important for science and society. This paper focuses on the transition of biobanks from being a research tool of individual research groups to complex, internationally networked research infrastructures supporting large-scale biomedical investigations, and the challenges that this change poses for governance in relation to management, fun
For scientists and policy-makers it is important to understand the value of networks and collaborations for scientific quality and commercialisation of research results. The interplay between funding mechanisms and research collaborations is of particular importance in this context. We explore this interplay with an empirical analysis of international research collaborations involving EU countries
Background/Aims: Preliminary clinical trials have suggested that dearterialization (interruption of arterial blood supply) is beneficial to patients with liver tumours. The aim of this report was to review the outcome of all patients undergoing dearterialization for colorectal liver metastases and to analyze whether refinement of the technique was followed by improvement in outcome. Methods: Retro
Rheumatoid arthritis-associated joint pain is frequently observed independent of disease activity, suggesting unidentified pain mechanisms. We demonstrate that antibodies binding to cartilage, specific for collagen type II (CII) or cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), elicit mechanical hypersensitivity in mice, uncoupled from visual, histological and molecular indications of inflammation. C
In recent years, the flash flood occurs frequently and intensively. It has become a world-wide focus in the field of disaster prevention and mitigation. The flash flood critical rainfall determination method, flash floods forecasting model and experience forecasting method are the most commonly used methods. This study focused on the application of hydrological models for flash floods simulation.T