

Din sökning på "*" gav 528965 sökträffar

Utvärdering av toleranser för mekaniska komponenter - Spårbarhet, kalibrering och analys av mätdata

En optimal tolerans är nyckeln till att skapa en produkt som är både billig att tillverka och samtidigt uppfyller kraven gällande livslängd och funktion. Att hitta den optimala toleransen är ofta betydligt svårare än vad man tror och kräver både tillverknings- och konstruktionskunskap.In recent years measurement techniques and equipment have developed well. The new measurement technology has made companies realize that products not are according to drawings. Meanwhile the products still works as planed and can be sold to customers. The reason that the details are not according to drawings can be traced to a surface with narrow angle tolerance. The project is limited to two sma

Waste wood for electricity production - Possible solutions for IKEA Industry

This master thesis is written at the faculty of engineering at Lund University in collaboration with IKEA Industry. The aim is to analyze the potential in electricity production from excess wood biomass coming from production. The available biomass varies in form, quantity, size and moisture content. Various technologies, handling different kind of feedstock for electricity production were investi

A Life Cycle Assessment of Gilt-head Seabream (Sparus aurata L.) aquaculture using different fish feeds

Aquaculture is the culture of plants, algae or animals that live in aquatic systems. It started being developed in the 50s and it has increased enormously since then. Aquaculture has the potential of mitigating some worldwide problems such as the global hunger and the fishing pressure. However, aquaculture is not perfect and it has several impacts over the environment. In order to assess all of th

Fjärrextrahering av komprimerade filarkiv

Continuous Integration is an approach to handle the complexity in modern software development projects. Instead of developing modules separately and then performing a time consuming phase of integrating all modules in the end of each project, it is possible to continuously test the compatibility of a single module as they develop. The company HMS Industrial Networks is a leading independent distri

Weak acids’ microbial and sensorial effect on marinated herring

Marinated herring is a food product usually with a sauce containing acetic acid. In this project the weak acids malic acid, citric acid, and lactic acid were evaluated for use in the sauce for marinated herring instead of using acetic acid. The microbial and sensorial effects of the acids were evaluated. From the sensorial test, the marinated herring in a sauce with lactic acid was chosen as the

Public Entertainment Buildings: An Investigation of the Spatial Distribution of Theatres, Amphitheatres, and Circuses in the Area of the Western Roman Empire

This thesis has investigated the spatial distribution of entertainment buildings in the area of the Western Roman Empire. This was done by first collecting data on all known entertainment buildings and plotting it in ArcGIS. The spatial distribution was then described and a number of different approaches was used to analyze the data. Factors that were analyzed includes: where the different types o

KRAMA filmmateria: En studie i Öyvind Fahlströms filmer

I uppsatsen studeras och kartläggs den svenske konstnären Öyvind Fahlströms (1928-1976) arbete med filmmediet; något som inom den samlade Fahlströmforskningen återkommande hamnat i periferin. Genom kontinuerliga närläsningar presenteras och kontextualiseras Fahlströms tentativa och sparsmakade filmografi i sin kronologi och helhet. Samlingen filmer Fahlström hann färdigställa under sin livstid utg

Ha-Torah - den största gåvan eller den tyngsta bördan? Judisk och kristen tolkningstradition

The Jewish concept of Torah (Ha-Torah) is often described as “the Greatest Gift,” especially among Jews themselves. Within the Christian tradition, especially the Lutheran, the Torah seems to reflect rather the opposite – a heavy burden. This essay addresses the relevant issues concerning the Concept of Torah. What does it mean? What is the Torah of significance for Judaism and Christianity in the

Gröna taks samhällsekonomiska nytta och kostnader

Gröna tak – en samhällsekonomiskt lönsam lösning för att bibehålla viktiga ekosystemtjänster i städer? Den växande urbaniseringen är en global trend och idag bor åtminstone 54 procent av världens befolkning i städer. År 2070 förväntas 70 procent av världens befolkning bo i städer och Sverige är idag det land med näst högst urbaniseringstakt. Precis som i flera andra länder används i Sverige förtäCity densification in Sweden has decreased the amount of green areas in Swedish cities. This undermines the existing ecosystem services that could for instance provide climate change mitigation and adaption. Green roofs are considered to be a product that can strengthen or substitute the urban ecosystem services produced by natural vegetation. This paper investigates whether retrofitting green roo

Tidsaspekter och visualitet i modetrender : en studie om Snapchats påverkan och betydelse för spridningen av modetrender inom modesystemet

Speed and visual influence on fashion trends – a study of Snapchat’s impact and significance on the spread of trends in the fashion system through visual images. Today’s fashion system has reached its climax due to technological advances and increasingly speedy nature of how fashion trends are conveyed to consumers. The tool used to examine the thesis of this study was a qualitative text analysis

Adaptive Beamforming for Next Generation Cellular System

In this work aMatlab model of a simplified LTE system has been implemented. The PUSCH and PDSCH signal chains has been used for reception and transmission of data and DM-RS symbols are used as pilots. Moreover, the model supports communication and interference between multiple users and base station antennas. The wireless channels are modeled as multi-path Rayleigh fading and are continuous in tim

Watershed-based payment for ecosystem services in Liberia: Examining prospects and challenges for implementation in the St. Paul River Basin

Payments for watershed services (PWS) are intended to provide incentives to land users to adopt sustainable land management practices. They are also increasingly viewed as having positive impacts on the livelihood of local communities around protected areas. The St. Paul River, located in the St. Paul River basin, is the main source of potable water and hydroelectricity to Monrovia, a city with ab

ICT and Strategic Sustainable Development: Proposing a Sustainable ICT Hardware Procurement Framework Considering Relevance and Feasibility

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world in business sales, energy consumption as well as waste streams. It is pressured for conflict minerals, unsustainable raw material use and hazardous substances, and must quickly respond to these challenges. One way to drive this change is sustainable procurement, with environmental and social minimum a

Filter Bubble Effects on Deliberative Democracy? – A Realist Synthesis of Empirical Research

In 2011 Eli Pariser coined the term ‘filter bubble’ and warned that online algorithm driven filters based on users’ click behaviour, would risk to reduce the diversity of public discourses and thereby deliberative democracy. Through the multidisciplinary and iterative Realist Synthesis method, the aim of the study has been to synthesise empirically based understanding of how online algorithm drive

Effective methods for prediction and visualization of contaminated soil volumes in 3D with GIS

Geografiska Informationssystem (GIS) har visat sig vara bra hjälpmedel i projekt för förorenad mark. Idag utvecklas 3D-modellering inom många områden mer och mer. Att kombinera 3D-modellering under markytan med fördelarna med att använda GIS för rumslig data är däremot begränsad. I den här studien har möjligheterna till interpolering av förorenade jordvolymer i 3D undersökts. Studien är fokuserad Geographical Information Systems (GISs) have shown to be of great help in the work at contaminated sites. Today there is an increase in the development of 3D modeling in many fields. However, to combine the advantage working with spatial data in a GIS and 3D modeling for subsurface soil data is limited. In this study, the possibilities of interpolating volumes of soil contamination in 3D were inve

LED som ljuskälla i huvudljussignaler

With today's sustainability thinking and environmental awareness, it is more important than ever to customize even our railway, with its components, for tomorrow's needs. An investment in the replacement of light source is not only an environmental and economic benefit, but also a win for the maintenance. We have chosen in this thesis to investigate why LED technology is not yet incorporat

Energy Optimization of Radio NGR Micro G1

Energioptimering utav Ericssons radio NGR Micro G1 Sedan lång tid tillbaka har mänskligheten belastat vårt klimat och ekosystem. Idag känner vi till konsekvenserna av vårt leverne och runt om i världen skrider regeringar och organisationer till verken och styr om vårt samhälle mot en mer hållbar framtid. Man söker ständigt nya lösningar som förbättrar och minskar energikonsumtionen och utsläppen fRigorous studies have been conducted on Ericsson's NGR Micro G1 B2/B25 radio. The radio's part in the telecommunications chain and components within the radio have been determined and mapped according to certain characteristics giving an understanding of their function. The obtained knowledge has been applied in order to make the operation of the radio more energy efficient. This has been

Beyond the Right to Life: The Right to Live in Dignity in the European Convention on Human Rights

The right to life includes a right to live in dignity, a right to a dignified existence under the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, that requires the realisation of certain socio-economic and cultural rights. The European Court of Human Rights however, does not employ the same approach. Even though it does accept the interpretation of socio-economic rights in the context of the rights protecte