

Din sökning på "*" gav 533727 sökträffar

Search for heavy neutral leptons in decays of W bosons produced in 13 TeV pp collisions using prompt and displaced signatures with the ATLAS detector

The problems of neutrino masses, matter-antimatter asymmetry, and dark matter could be successfully addressed by postulating right-handed neutrinos with Majorana masses below the electroweak scale. In this work, leptonic decays of W bosons extracted from 32.9 fb−1 to 36.1 fb−1 of 13 TeV proton–proton collisions at the LHC are used to search for heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) that are produced throug

Short-term effect of pharmacologically induced alterations in testosterone levels on common blood biomarkers in a controlled healthy human model

Testosterone deficiency in males is associated with serious comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes type two, and also an increased risk of premature death. The pathogenetic mechanism behind this association, however, has not yet been clarified and is potentially bidirectional. The aim of this clinical trial was to gain insight into the short-term effect of changes in testosterone o

Effects of internal components on designing MIMO terminal antennas using characteristic modes

The Theory of Characteristic Modes has been shown capable of facilitating the development of many high-quality antennas through providing the characteristic modes (CMs) inherent to a structure. The CMs will change if the structure is altered; this property has been used to adapt terminal antennas, enabling good MIMO performance in compact structures. Previously these designs focused on altering th

Skin application of glutathione and iron sulfate can inhibit elicitation of allergic contact dermatitis from hexavalent chromium

Background: Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) caused by hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), is often severe and difficult to treat. The most common source of exposure to Cr(VI) in Sweden used to be cement, and more recently leather. The contact allergy can be diminished or inhibited if the exposure is decreased or ceases. Barrier creams against different kinds of allergens have been investigated for thei

Being the next of kin of an older person living in a nursing home : an interview study about quality of life

BACKGROUND: The length of stay in nursing homes before death in Sweden has significantly decreased, and nearly one-third of people die within 6 weeks of entering a nursing home. Support for the next of kin is one of the cornerstones of palliative care, but the principles are not always adhered to as recommended when caring for the elderly, which can affect the quality of life of their next of kin.

Simulation of Multiple-Antenna Terminal Performance in Massive MIMO Systems based on Indoor Measurements

In massive MIMO systems the uplink pilot signalstransmitted by a terminal define the channel seen by the basestation. This gives the terminal some degree of freedom selectingan uplink pilot transmission strategy. In this paper, we investigatethe benefit of different pilot transmission strategies when increasingthe number of antennas in the terminal. Building on previouswork on a simulation framewo

Can reducing cosmetic substances help prevent chromate contact allergy?

Background: Allergic contact dermatitis caused by Cr(VI) is often severe and difficult to treat. Therefore, primary prevention is a main goal but secondary prevention can be valuable to ease the symptoms or prevent relapse of Cr(VI) dermatitis when sensitization has occurred. Barrier creams have been tried for many chemical substances, but until now there is no successful barrier cream against Cr(

From Africa to Europe : evidence of transmission of a tropical Plasmodium lineage in Spanish populations of house sparrows

BACKGROUND: Avian malaria parasites are a highly diverse group that commonly infect birds and have deleterious effects on their hosts. Some parasite lineages are geographically widespread and infect many host species in many regions. Bird migration, natural dispersal, invasive species and human-mediated introductions into areas where competent insect vectors are present, are probably the main driv

Saddle point approaches in strong field physics and generation of attosecond pulses

Attoscience is the emerging field that accesses the fastest electronic processes occurring at the atomic and molecular length scales with attosecond (1 as = 10−18 s) time resolution having wide ranging physical, chemical, material science and biological applications. The quintessential and one of the most fundamental processes in this domain is the generation of phase locked XUV attosecond pulses.

The Commodification of Human Life : Labour, Energy and Money in a Deteriorating Biosphere

The chapter integrates physicalist and constructivist approaches to phenomena conventionally categorised as ‘labour’ and ‘energy’ by unravelling how the two entangled concepts reflect nineteenth-century modernity’s increasingly instrumental approach to both society and nature. Energy technologies became understood as the efficient harnessing of nature’s powers in much the same way as economists fo

Prioriteringsplattformen kan stärka förtroendet för vården : En stötta för rättvis fördelning av våra gemensamma resurser

Prioriteringsplattformen formulerar centrala idéer om sjukvårdens mål ochvärden. De kan och bör vara oförändrade, även om förutsättningarna att uppnå demändras. Gränserna för de behov som samhället anser att den offentliga sjukvården ska tillgodose kan ändras utan att de grundläggande målen överges. Plattformen kan bidra till att förbättra förtroendet för den offentligt finansierade hälso- och sjuThe platform for priority-setting contains key ideas about the mission, goals and values of health care in Sweden. The basic idea is that health care resources should be distributed primarily according to need and effect, and secondarily according to cost-effectiveness. Nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of their gender, age, religion, ethnic origin or political views. We also nee

NF-E2-related factor 2 activation boosts antioxidant defenses and ameliorates inflammatory and amyloid properties in human Presenilin-1 mutated Alzheimer's disease astrocytes

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a common dementia affecting a vast number of individuals and significantly impairing quality of life. Despite extensive research in animal models and numerous promising treatment trials, there is still no curative treatment for AD. Astrocytes, the most common cell type of the central nervous system, have been shown to play a role in the major AD pathologies, including a

Signal enhancement in supercritical fluid chromatography-diode-array detection with multiple injection

To circumvent the detrimental effects of large-volume injection with fixed-loop injector in modern supercritical fluid chromatography, the feasibility of performing multiple injection was investigated. By accumulating analytes from a certain number of continual small-volume injections, compounds can be concentrated on the column head, and this leads to signal enhancement compared with a single inj