

Din sökning på "*" gav 529636 sökträffar

Upplevelse av maternal gatekeeping hos pappor med postpartumdepression

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka i vilken grad depression och omvårdnadsrepresentationer samvarierar hos pappor efter barns födelse. Särskild vikt gavs åt sambandet mellan pappornas grad av depression och deras upplevelse av maternal gatekeeping. När en pappa har en upplevelse av maternal gatekeeping känner han sig utestängd från delar av famljelivet och omvårdnaden av barnet. Målgruppen The aim of this study was to examine to what extent father’s postpartumdepression and caregiving representations correlated. Of special interest was the relationship between fathers severity of depression and their experience of maternal gatekeeping. When a father experiences maternal gatekeeping he feels excluded from parts of family life and caregiving of the child. The target group of the study

Multidimensional Perfectionism and Health: The Role of Perceived Stress and Perceived Somatic Complaints

The present study investigated the relationship between multidimensional perfectionism, perceived stress and perceived somatic complaints among Swedish university students. Two hundred and thirteen students participated in the study. The aim of the study was to investigate whether male and female students differ in terms of groups of perfectionism, perceived stress and perceived somatic complaints

"Real men change nappies"

The purpose of this study was to examine in which way paternity was constructed in Sweden’s largest parenting magazine Vi Föräldrar and also what constructions were made regarding gender equality in these presentations. The method content analysis was applied to explore how paternity was presented in 18 numbers from 2015-2016 of Vi Föräldrar. By applying theories, a framework was created from whic

Kooperativ Hyresrätt - En användbar upplåtelseform för ökad nyproduktion i Sverige

Den svenska bostadsmarknaden står idag inför oanade prövningar. En ständig befolkningsökning och höjda priser på bostäder försvårar för vissa segment. Nyproduktionstakten de senaste åren ha inte varit vad som önskats, och flertalet fastighetsbolag har svårt att få ihop sina kalkyler. År 2002 lagstadgades en ny upplåtelseform i Sverige, kooperativ hyresrätt, med förhoppning att kunna få fart på nyp

CRM System: Användningen av CRM system inom nystartade företag

Studien undersöker på vilket sätt nystartade företag använder CRM system och hur det stödjer organisationen. För att genomföra studien har vi intervjuat två nystartade företag. Intervjuerna har utförts via e-post med en person på respektive företag. Mycket av den litteratur som finns inom området CRM, CRM system och CRM strategier beskriver hur det används inom stora eller medelstora företag. Med

Impulse response analysis of neuromodulation for the treatment of motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease

In adaptive deep brain stimulation, a treatment for motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, the target of the stimulus is usually in the sub-thalamic nucleus or the globus pallidus. In this thesis, a new stimulus target called reticular thalamus is investigated in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease. The responses to the stimulus were recorded from both local field potentials and action potentials f

Tillväxteffekter för andra generationens granskog efter tidigare genomförd kalkning

Syftet med den här studien är att studera tillväxten under perioden 1992 fram till våren 2016 för andra generationens granskog efter tidigare genomförd kalkning. Skogen och skogsproduktionen är och har länge varit en stor och viktig del i Sveriges utveckling och ekonomi. Att studera tillväxten av skog är därför av stort intresse för många aktörer inom svenska skogsindustrin. I slutet av 1960-taletThis study aims to investigate the growth of a spruce forest, where the soil has been treated with lime before planting. The study period reaches from 1992, when the spruces were planted until 2016. In Sweden, the forest industry plays an important role of the country´s development and economic conditions. A study of forest growth is therefore of large interest for many actors within the Swedish f

Design, Build and Test of planar antennae

Planar antennae have become very popular owing to their relative ease of manufacture and unobtrusive nature (they are conformal to surfaces) especially with regard to certain devices such as smart phones, watches and fitness gadgets. Although the fractional bandwidth of planar antennae is small, the actual bandwidth in absolute terms is high owing to the higher centre frequencies used and proves u

Development of a wear index and its methodology related to mineral processing - Part I

This Master Thesis was performed for Sandvik SRP in collaboration with the Institution for Industrial Production Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. Tool wear is one of the main cost drivers in the mining industry. By being able to characterize what kind of rock involved, you can choose a more beneficial tool material to minimize the wear and thereby reduce the maintenance costs. The purpos

A Quantitative Evaluation and Proposition of Cache Policies in Mobile GPUs

Caches today are an important part of mitigating the performance gap between processors and memory which has increased during the last 50 years. Cache policies are vital for the performance of caches and their mission is to select the data which should be contained in the cache and are therefore important for the performance of processors. Graphics processors are very memory bandwidth intensive an

From Another Point of View The Cultural Dimension of Open Innovation Collaboration between Business and Academia

This study aims to enrich the understanding of the cultural dimension of open innovation (OI) collaboration between business and academia by focusing on challenges and how professionals build trust with universities to overcome them. It examines collaborative OI activities between IBM and universities in the Nordic region. We see the need to study this issue as the cultural aspect is an underexplo

Being (dis)obedient: An analysis of the climate justice movement's use of civil disobedience at COP21 in the light of the French state of emergency

Within the climate justice movement there is a clear tendency in the last years towards actions of civil disobedience. The Red Lines protest in Paris during COP21 was meant to be one of the main events of the movement in 2015. However, the Paris attacks on November 13 and the subsequent state of emergency drastically changed the conditions for political protests. This thesis provides an analysis o

Development of a combined In-Cell ELISA and flow cytometry method for quantification of uptake of PEGylated nanoparticles by Raw264.7 and HepG2 cells

Cancer is one of today’s most common causes of human mortality. For long, chemotherapeutics has been a conventional treatment of the disease, but due to its low precision and high frequency of side effects, this treatment has been highly debated. Nanosized particles, so called nanoparticles (NPs), have emerged as a promising tool for cancer treatment, due to their ability of selectively reaching t

Kunskapsöverföring i byggbranschen - En studie av en materialleverantör inom fasadsystem

What factors should be taken into account in the transfer of knowledge in the construction industry? The report aims to identify the knowledge transfer process in the construction industry between actors in the production. This is done to improve the operators' understanding of the importance of knowledge and see what factors can help to improve the results of the execution.

Packaging Waste in Remote Communities: Opportunities and Challenges: A Case Study for Tefé, Amazon

Growing amounts of waste generation in remote areas without proper waste management systems is a problem to human health and the environment. The Amazon holds the biggest freshwater resources in the world, is a biodiversity hotspot and its communities are placed in distances that can take days by boat to be reached. A National policy with EPR instruments requires private companies to take-back pac


People’s obsession over objects and constantly renewing them was the initial core of the project. This led us in the direction of the fast fashion industry. The unrelenting change of trends forces the consumer to continuously update their wardrobe, while the time spans for new trends keep decreasing. The textile industry is one of the largest environmental issues of today. By focusing on outdoor e

Environmental Disclosure of European Oil & Gas Compies - In context of Paris Climate Change Agreement COP21

Purpose: The primary aim of this study is to assess current environmental reporting undertaken by oil and gas companies in Europe with respect to COP 21. Methodology: This study is exploratory in nature. By developing an environmental performance assessment framework incorporating COP 21 requirements and oil and gas industry specific voluntary disclosure guidelines, a qualitative content analysis

The cultural creation of affect amongst vegan consumers: An ethnographic analysis of online consumption communities

This thesis addresses a critical research gap in understanding vegan consumer culture and problematizes dominant theory on consumer culture by establishing the cultural importance of affect towards consumption. These goals are researched in tandem by exploring affective expressions and creations of affective orientations amongst vegans in online consumption communities. An ethnographic study was u

The relationship between Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence

The relationship between Knowledge Management (KM) and Business Intelligence (BI) is di-vided into two steps. First, differences and similarities between the concepts, and second, what interaction the concepts have within organisations. Eight qualitative interviews with ex-perts in the field of BI have been done. The most significant difference is in the knowledge sources, where KM handle explicit