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Refining the history of Younger Dryas and Early Holocene glacier oscillations in the Borgarfjörður region, western Iceland
The lower Borgarfjörður region, western Iceland, has been central to the reconstructions of the dynamics and collapse of the Icelandic Ice Sheet during the deglaciation. Here, extensive stratigraphical sections and landforms provide a rare opportunity to study past glacier dynamics in this part of Iceland. Previous studies reveal that a large outlet glacier in Borgarfjörður advanced during the Lat
Effect of membrane composition on DivIVA-membrane interaction
DivIVA is a crucial membrane-binding protein that helps to localize other proteins to negatively curved membranes at cellular poles and division septa in Gram-positive bacteria. The N-terminal domain of DivIVA is responsible for membrane binding. However, to which lipids the domain binds or how it recognizes the membrane negative curvature remains elusive. Using computer simulations, we demonstrat
“Mocked by the Archon of Lust” : Panarion 1.26 and Epiphanius’ Hyperboles on Sex and Ascetics Read in Light of Fourth Century Ecclesiastical Debates
This article argues that the depictions of Gnostic sects performing horrendous rites in Epiphanius of Cyprus’ work Panarion worked as rhetorical devices to shift focus away from his own position vis-à-vis marriage, sex, and consumptions of good food and wine, a position that was considered liberal in the context of fourth century eccle- siastical debates. It here is shown how Epiphanius’ descripti
Urban Appropriation Strategies : An Introduction
Point of no return : zero philopatry in an otherwise philopatric bird
The return of individual birds to an exact area in successional years is a remarkable phenomenon. Here we report on the remarkably reversed: the complete absence of returning individuals of a migratory passerine with otherwise pronounced philopatry. In Abisko in northern Sweden none of the banded adult willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus) returned to breed 2011-14. This is in stark contrast to
Valvular imaging in the era of feature-tracking : A slice-following cardiac MR sequence to measure mitral flow
BACKGROUND: In mitral valve dysfunction, noninvasive measurement of transmitral blood flow is an important clinical examination. Flow imaging of the mitral valve, however, is challenging, since it moves in and out of the image plane during the cardiac cycle.PURPOSE: To more accurately measure mitral flow, a slice-following MRI phase contrast sequence is proposed. This study aimed to implement such
Synthesis, life cycle assessment, and polymerization of a vanillin-based spirocyclic diol toward polyesters with increased glass-transition temperature
Bio-based rigid diols are key building blocks in the development and preparation of high performance bioplastics with improved thermal and dimensional stability. Here, we report on the straightforward two-step synthesis of a diol with a spirocyclic acetal structure, starting from bio-based vanillin and pentaerythritol. According to a preliminary life cycle assessment (LCA), the greenhouse gas emis
Humoral immunity in the spontaneously diabetic BB rat
Litters of BB rats with an expected high and low incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes were followed from weaning until the age of about 140 days. Islet cell surface antibodies (ICSA) and lymphocyte antibodies (LA) were determined in a radioligand assay with fixed rat insulinoma (RIN 5F) cells, an insulin-secreting cell line, or spleen lymphocytes. In the low-incidence litter, 2 out of 14 rats h
A retrospective epidemiological study of skin diseases among pediatric population attending a tertiary dermatology referral center in Northern Greece
BACKGROUND: The incidence of skin diseases in children is influenced by hereditary, social, and environmental factors. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of pediatric dermatoses at a University Hospital in Northern Greece.PATIENTS AND METHODS: We reviewed epidemiologic data of 940 patients, aged 0-18 years, who were referred to the outpatient clinic of a University Hospital
Bone and joint complications and reduced mobility are associated with pain in children with cerebral palsy
Aim: To investigate the relationships between pain in the lower extremities and back, and spasticity, bone/joint complications and mobility. Methods: Retrospective population-based registry study. Participants (N = 3256) with cerebral palsy (CP), 2.5-16 years of age, participating in the Swedish Cerebral Palsy Follow-up Program were included. Spasticity was measured using scissoring and the Modifi
Reflecting a crisis reaction : Narratives from patients with oesophageal cancer about the first 6 months after diagnosis and surgery
Aim: The aim of the study was to describe patients' experiences of emotional adaption following treatment for oesophageal cancer from diagnosis to 6 months after surgery. Design: A qualitative interview study using an inductive approach was carried out. Methods: Participants were recruited from two university hospitals in Sweden. Ten patients who had been operated for oesophageal cancer with curat
M&As in Africa – effects of law and governance
Purpose: The cultural and legal differences between foreign acquirers and African target firms can be substantial. There is also a large variation in cultures and legal systems within Africa. However, there is limited research on merger and acquisition (M&A) performance by foreign firms in Africa. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by exploring the “spillover by law” hypothesis (Mar
Taking work home : labour dynamics of women industrial homeworkers in Sweden during the second industrial revolution
Värmestress i urbana inomhusmiljöer : Förekomst och åtgärder i befintlig bebyggelse
Denna kunskapssammanställning beskriver hur hälsoskadlig värme kan uppstå inomhus, hur den kan identifieras och vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas med fokus på fastighetsägarens ansvar. Sammanställningen är begränsad till befintliga byggnader i Sverige och inkluderar skolor, äldreboenden, lägenheter, förskolor och kontor som är icke-industriella (utan industriella processer som producerar värme). Den pThis literature review describes how heat stress can develop indoors, how it can be identified, and what actions can be taken, with a focus on property owner’s responsibilities. The review is limited to existing buildings in Sweden and includes schools, retirement homes, apartments, preschools, and non-industrial offices (those without industrial processes that produce heat). The expected climate
Ethical and Methodological Challenges in Action Research on Homelessness Services
Action research has another objective than dominating concepts in social science research – where the research aspects of the study are emphasized rather than creating change, and where objectivity, neutrality and avoidance of bias are important notions in the research process. The action research approach also means that the researchers will cooperate with various actors, such as social workers aAction research has another objective than dominating concepts in social science research – where the research aspects of the study are emphasized rather than creating change, and where objectivity, neutrality and avoidance of bias are important notions in the research process. The action research approach also means that the researchers will cooperate with various actors, such as social workers a