

Din sökning på "*" gav 533078 sökträffar

Power Efficiency for Software Algorithms running on Graphics Processors

Abstract in UndeterminedPower efficiency has become the most important consideration for many modern computing devices. In this paper, we examine power efficiency of a range of graphics algorithms on different GPUs. To measure power consumption, we have built a power measuring device that samples currents at a high frequency. Comparing power efficiency of different graphics algorithms is done by m

The construction sector tries to take the lead - A sector lead approach to Construction process improvement

In many reports the improvements of the actors in the construction sector have been requested. One explicit factor that has been called for is an increase in cooperation and communication between the different actors. The Swedish construction sector in general has not been swift in accepting new process improvements as they have been put forward by academics or government. There are many possible

The Effects of Cutbacks in Swedish Sickness Benefits

Since 1990 sickness benefits have been reduced in Sweden. In this paper we use data from the labour force survey to study the introduction of a qualification day in 1993. Our main centre of interest is the distributional effects caused by this cutback, and to this end we analyse a large number of interactions between background variables and the reform dummy. Considerable attention is thus paid to

Den schartauanske lekmannen

The position and role of the layman in the Schartau Church revival tradition is emphasized as a complement to earlier research on clergymen and women. Spiritual letters, funeral sermons, and fictional literature are used as sources.

Himantormia – an Antarctic genus in the Parmeliaceae (lichenized ascomycetes).

The phylogeny of the Patagonian-Antarctic genus Himantormia is investigated with nuclear ITS rDNA sequences in PAUP. The monotypic genus Nimisia is synonymized with Himantormia, and the new combination H. deusta is proposed. The secondary chemistry was investigated using HPLC; protocetraric, stictic, succinprotocetraric and confumarprotocetraric acids were detected in H. deusta for the first time,

Coiled coil cytoskeleton in cell architecture and osmotic stress response in Streptomyces

Popular Abstract in English Antonie van Leeuwenhoek is known as the father of microbiology, because he made the first microscopic observation of bacteria in human history, published in 1683. For the naked human eyes, bacterial cells are too small to observe, and the development of microscopy techniques has since then been fundamental for examining bacterial cells. Recent advances in visualizing toCoiled coil proteins emerge as important determinants of bacterial cellular organization. Several such proteins display properties characteristic to metazoan intermediate filament (IF) proteins, and are therefore designated bacterial IF-like proteins. The best studied examples of the latter are crescentin in Caulobacter crescentus that determines the curved cell shape, and FilP (filament forming-p

Extending the nuclear cranking model to tilted axis rotation and alternative mean field potentials

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den föreliggande doktorsavhandlingen handlar om en kärnfysikalisk modell, kallad cranking-modellen, för beräkningar av egenskaper hos snabbt roterande atomkärnor. I modellen tvingas ett deformerat (icke-klotformat) kraftfält att rotera kring en axel genom masscentrum, samtidigt som partiklarna i atomkärnan, protonerna och neutronerna, rör sig i sina s.k. banor inuti denThe nuclear model for three dimensional cranking is extended to include a generalization of the Strutinski renormalization procedure from principal axis cranking to cranking about an tilted axis. A new computer code has been written for realistic, full-scale calculations within the three dimensional cranking model. The code is developed for calculations to produce output of high precision to allow

Erland Nordenskiöld - ett indianlif

Erland Nordenskiöld, son till den berömde Adolf Nordenskiöld, Nordostpassagens upptäckare, var liksom sin far forskningsresande, men hans blickar riktades mot sydligare områden. Han startade sin karriär som zoolog med en resa till Patagonien 1899. Under följande expeditioner till Argentina, Bolivia och Peru kom dock hans intresse att allt mer koncentreras till den indianska befolkningen – med den

Broken technologies : the humanist as engineer : an Introduction

There are many possible definitions of “technology” and I will discuss some of these in this book. However, in this introduction let me use a definition of Svante Lindqvist who defines technology very intuitively as “those activities, directed towards the satisfaction of human wants, which produce change in the material world.” He says also “the distinction between human “wants” and more limited h