

Din sökning på "*" gav 526291 sökträffar

Electrical and Structural Properties of Si1−xGex Nanowires Prepared from a Single-Source Precursor

Si1−xGex nanowires (NWs) were prepared by gold-supported chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using a single-source precursor with preformed Si–Ge bonds. Besides the tamed reactivity of the precursor, the approach reduces the process parameters associated with the control of decomposition characteristics and the dosing of individual precursors. The group IV alloy NWs are single crystalline with a const

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Article on Chinese religious views on loss and bereavement.

From Board Games to Unicorns: Gamification and Its Impact on Ideation for Nascent Entrepreneurs

Title: From Board Games to Unicorns: Gamification and Its Impact on Ideation for Nascent Entrepreneurs Seminar date: January 11th, 2023 Course: FEKH99, Bachelor Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Business administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Jonathan Andersson, Måns Heurlin, Jonathan Rooth Supervisor: Joakim Winborg Keywords: Ga

Environmental (Property) Rights in Market-Based Management

The growing awareness of an impending environmental crisis coupled with a series of national and regional environmental disasters led, in the 1960s and 1970s, to the birth of the global environmental movement and the widespread recognition of the need to protect the environment for both current and future generations. Against this backdrop the concept of 'environmental rights' surfaced as a means

Dendritic cell stress responses after exposure to a novel rubber skin sensitizer

Vi utsätts dagligen för en mängd främmande kemikalier, varav vissa är skadliga både för miljön och folkhälsan. Ett exempel är ämnen som orsakar allergiska hudsjukdomar och som är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till arbetsrelaterade sjukdomar inom vissa yrken. Det är därför viktigt att utveckla effektiva metoder för att identifiera och begränsa förekomsten av dessa skadliga ämnen i ett tidigt skede.It is widely recognized that exposure to harmful chemicals can affect our health. Allergic contact dermatitis is an allergic skin disease and one of the most common work-related diseases in today’s society. It can be caused by numerous substances, including rubber chemicals. They can be particularly problematic since many professions have daily contact with rubber chemicals, e.g., by wearing dispo

Increasing circulating levels of Tenascin C in response to the Wingate Anaerobic test

AIM: Tenascin C (TNC) is a large extracellular matrix glycoprotein. It is involved in development and upregulated both during tissue repair and in several pathological conditions, including cardiovascular disease. Extracellular matrix proteins play a role in promoting exercise responses, leading to adaptation, regeneration, and repair. The main goal of this study was to investigate whether a short

Analysis of simulated functional diversity in tropical forests: Differences between cultivated and naturally grown secondary forests in Cambodia

Accelerated deforestation represents a major global environmental concern. Over the last decades Cambodia has experienced a drastic decrease in forest cover and measures to halt deforestation have not been as effective as planned. In order to support reforestation, as well as appropriate sustainable forest management practices, two aspects need to be taken into account: (a) the ecosystem functioni

Spectral approximation of quadratic operator polynomials arising in photonic band structure calculations

Galerkin spectral approximation theory for non-self-adjoint quadratic operator polynomials with periodic coefficients is considered. The main applications are complex band structure calculations in metallic photonic crystals, periodic waveguides, and metamaterials. We show that the spectrum of the considered operator polynomials consists of isolated eigenvalues of finite multiplicity with a nonzer

Residual-based adaptive refinement for meshless eigenvalue solvers

The concept of an adaptive meshless eigenvalue solver is presented and implemented for two-dimensional structures. Based on radial basis functions, eigenmodes are calculated in a collocation approach for the second-order wave equation. This type of meshless method promises highly accurate results with the simplicity of a node-based collocation approach. Thus, when changing the discrete representat

Making space: citizens, parties and interest groups in two ideological dimensions

In liberal democracies, interest groups and political parties constitute the primary organizational carriers of citizens’ preferences into the decision- making of the executive and legislative institutions. While political science research has put extensive efforts into understanding both channels of representation, their combined effect for citizen representation has only recently come into focus