

Din sökning på "*" gav 532447 sökträffar

Microfluidics Separation and Analysis of Biological Particles

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hoppet väcks för sömnsjuka Det sticker till i benet. Du viftar med handen, men alltför långsamt. Du ser en glimt av den ljusbruna flugan, stor som ett bi, och hör hur den surrar vidare genom den varma afrikanska eftermiddagen mot sitt nästa blodmål. Tsetseflugans bett kliar. Inom ett par dagar har det förvandlats till en arg röd svullnad. Därinne förökar sig parasiternIn the last decade, powerful communication and information technology in the form of the mobile phone has been put into the hands of more than 50% of the global population. In stark contrast, a lack of access to medical diagnostic technology with which to diagnose both communicable and non-communicable diseases will mean that many of these people will die of easily treatable conditions. Small, por

Future RFID and wireless sensors for ubiquitous intelligence

Next generation RFID towards ubiquitous wireless sensing and identification requires high network throughput along with long operation range and ultra low energy consumption. In this paper, we review future RFID for ubiquitous intelligence and their technology needs from system to device perspectives. As a promising enabling technology, ultra wideband radio (UWB) and its use in various RFID implem

Review of Adrian Velicu, Civic Catechisms and Reason in the French Revolution

Katekeser är en genre som vanligtvis förknippas med lutheransk religionsundervisning, och inte revolutioner. Dess form, att ställa en antal givna frågor och ge ett definitivt svar för varje fråga synes lämna föga utrymme för självständigt och kritiskt tänkande. Frågandet som teknik är en retorik; syftet är att styra läsarens tänkande i avsedd riktning. Inpräntande av normer, inte radikala reflekti

Proximity-based reminders using Bluetooth

A smartphone is a personal device and as such usually hosts multiple public user identities such as a phone number, email address, and Facebook account. As each smartphone has a unique Bluetooth MAC address, Bluetooth discovery can be used in combination with the user registration to a server with a Facebook account. This makes it possible to identify a nearby smartphone related to a given Faceboo

Diskret medicin. Berättelser om astma i annonser och frågelistsvar 1950–1970.

This study highlights the medical object as an approach to study illness narratives. The medical objects is discussed as a way in broadening the study of medicine and includes other dimensions than those related to the pharmacological treatment. The aim of the article is to use narratives about asthma to analyse the culture around body, illness and health in the mid-1900s. The study focuses on the

Backscratching in Hierarchical Organizations

In this paper we investigate the role of reciprocity in sustaining the emergence of implicit collusive agreements in hierarchical organizations. We conduct a laboratory experiment in which an agent hires, on behalf of the principal, one worker out of two candidates. The two candidates differ in their ability and, once employed, the worker chooses a level of non-contractible effort to exert in two

Bioenergy Systems and Supply Chains in Europe: Conditions, Coordination and Capacity

There are considerable biomass resources in the European Union and mature conversion technologies to exploit the potentials of bioenergy. A challenge confronting the European Union and Member States is how to accelerate the implementation of bioenergy systems and related supply chains. This chapter contributes to the identification, analysis, and discussion of constraints for bioenergy in the Euro

Political Liberalism and the Politics of Race: Beyond Perfectionism and Culture

It is a commonplace to suggest that liberal theory should construct principles which are race-neutral, that policies should be ‘color-blind1. This study criticizes the description of race neutrality in recent theories of political liberalism. The author begins by addressing recent writings on political liberalism by John Rawls, and explores the assumptions about racial practices which support Rawl

NMR Self-Diffusion Studies of Surfactant and Polymer Systems. Methodology and Applications

The main focus of this thesis has been to explore how the PFG NMR technique for diffusion measurements can be used to obtain useful information from various systems. The investigated systems have one thing in common; they belong to the general field of surface and colloid chemistry. The thesis is divided in two parts: one section is a summary and the other section contains four publications from