Limit-based fire hazard model for evaluating tunnel life safety
Investigates the accuracy of using fire Dynamics equations in tunnel fire Safety risk analysis
Investigates the accuracy of using fire Dynamics equations in tunnel fire Safety risk analysis
Many items of culture which are conveyed from one culture to another may take verbal form, and then constitute what Jakobson called "translation proper." If such diffusions involve a co-occurrent change of semiotic systems, they are of such a different nature, that we better reserve another term for it: transposition. Whether or not accompanied by transpositions, such as pictures, translational ev
This study presents an approach for partitioned fluid-structure interaction (FSI) applied to large structural deformations, where an incompressible turbulent solver is combined with a structural solver. The implementation is based upon two different open-source libraries by using MPI as a parallel communication protocol, the packages and OpenFOAM. FSI is achieved through a strongly-coupled scheme.
The incidence of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma has increased rapidly in Sweden in the past decades. Here, we present a prospective study of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden (MISS)-cohort, with 29,460 participating women in southern Sweden that investigates the risk factors for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Data on the host and skin cancer risk factors were collected through questionnaires
The effect of secretin on glucagon and insulin release and its interaction with glucose has been studied in cultured mouse pancreatic islets by column perifusion. Glucose alone showed the well-known stimulation of insulin release and inhibition of glucagon release. Addition of 10 mM secretin increased glucagon secretion at 3 mM d-glucose by 300% while no change in insulin release could be seen at
Purpose: Genetic diversities in different countries affect the performance of HIV test kits. Therefore, WHO recommends evaluation of every HIV test kit in countries' context before its use. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of Genscreen ULTRA HIV Ag-Ab and Bioelisa.Materials and methods: The study had used 400 characterized plasma samples obtained from CDC Atlanta bio-bank de
Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is widely used to treat recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) because of its anti-coagulant effects. Although in vitro studies have suggested additional immunological effects, these are debated. We therefore investigated whether LMWH could modulate immune responses in vivo during pregnancy of women with unexplained RPL. A Swedish open multi-centre randomised controlled
En signal är en fysisk kvantitet som varierar med någon oberoende variabel, t.ex. tid eller rum, som förmedlar information. En signal vars statistiska egenskaper är konstant i tid kallas stationär, medan signaler vars egenskaper varierar med tiden kallas icke-stationära, vilket är de vanligaste i naturen. Denna avhandling fokuserar på statistiska metoder för icke-stationära signaler. De applikatioThis thesis focuses on statistical methods for non-stationary signals. The methods considered or developed address problems of stochastic modeling, inference, spectral analysis, time-frequency analysis, and deep learning for classification. In all the contributions, an example of a biomedical application of the proposed method is provided, either to electroencephalography (EEG) data or to Heart Ra
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate satisfaction and factors associated with satisfaction in elderly undergoing lumbar disc herniation surgery.METHODS: In the national Swedish register for spinal surgery (SweSpine) we identified 2095 patients aged > 65 years (WHO definition of elderly) whom during 2000-2016 had undergone LDH surgery and had pre- and one-year postoperative data (age,
Melanoma tumors are driven by a hyperactivated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway, and therefore can generally be classified by mutations within the B-Raf proto-oncogene (BRAF), RAS family of proto-oncogenes, neurofibromin 1 (NF1), or other genes. At the transcriptional level, several genetic classifications of melanoma have converged on the distinction between melanogenesi
This paper addresses the influence of III-V nucleation routines on Ge substrates for the growth of high efficiency multijunction solar cells. Three exemplary nucleation routines with differences in thickness and temperature were evaluated. The resulting open circuit voltage of triple-junction solar cells with these designs is significantly affected (up to 50 mV for the best optimization routine),
Background It has been demonstrated that medical students are capable of learning microsurgical techniques. We hypothesize that microsurgical training might give insight into the importance of delicate tissue handling and correct knot tying that could have a positive influence on macrosurgical skills. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of microsurgical training on macrosurgic
Introduction Morphine may decrease the intensity of chronic breathlessness but data from a large randomised controlled trial (RCT) are lacking. This first, large, parallel-group trial aimed to test the efficacy and safety of regular, low-dose, sustained-release (SR) morphine compared with placebo for chronic breathlessness. Methods Multisite (14 inpatient and outpatient cardiorespiratory and palli
Background: A possible connection on vascular basis between impaired kidney function and cognitive dysfunction has been suggested in previous studies. Contradictory results regarding specific cognitive domains have been reported. The aim for this study was to investigate the association between kidney function and specific cognitive domains. Methods: In this cross-sectional design, data from the g
Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus is an important pathogen in horses that causes severe diseases such as pneumonia and abortion. Furthermore, it is a zoonotic agent, and contact with horses is a known risk factor. In this study, we investigated the working hypothesis that the zoonotic potential varies among S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus strains in association with differences in M-like protei
Exiplexes are a special kind of molecular complexes, which exist only due to a weak bond in an excited state. The theoretical description of these complexes requires the usage of multiconfigurational theory (CASSCF or RASSCF) followed by second order of perturbation theory. Formation of exiplex complex from pyridine and cyano-anthracene has been studied.
Hur går det till när människor kommer överens om att ha sex? Hur vet de att den andra verkligen vill? Och vad är det som gör att det ibland är svårt att dra en tydlig gräns mellan samtyckesbaserat sex och övergrepp? Samtyckesdynamiker undersöker dessa frågor på basis av ingående och djupt personliga intervjuer med tjugo bi-, homo- och heterosexuella kvinnor och män. Boken tar avstamp i den juridis