

Din sökning på "*" gav 527946 sökträffar

Strategic Voting under Coalition Governments

När en väljare röstar med andras beteende i åtanke och politikutfall i sikte är det en "strategisk" röst. Den här studien relaterar väljares strategiska överväganden till olika steg i regeringsbildningsprocessen: att ta plats i parlamentet, ingå i regering, och påverka politikutfallet. Detta innebär att väljaren ibland tänker som ett parti på vad rösten kan få för konsekvenser. Utifrån detta perspIf a voter defects from preference under the consideration of policy outcomes and others' behavior, it is a "strategic vote". This thesis relates voters' strategic considerations to the government formation process: the chances for a party to gain seats, enter office, and affect overall policies. This implies that voters sometimes think like parties on the governmental consequences of the vote. Fr

Changes in the ST-interval segment of the fetal electrocardiogram in relation to acid-base status at birth.

Objective To assess the occurrence of ST-interval segment changes of the fetal electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiotocographic (CTG) abnormalities preceding acidaemia at birth. Design Case-control study. Setting University hospital labour ward. Sample Newborns with severe cord artery metabolic acidaemia (pH < 7.00 and lactate >/= 10 mmol/l; n= 24), moderate metabolic acidaemia (pH 7.00-7.09 and lact

English on the streets of Sweden: An ecolinguistic view of two cities and a language policy

The position of English vis-a-vis Swedish in Sweden is gaining attention because of a growing concern that the encroachment of English in certain Swedish domains will result in Swedish simultaneously losing ground. A current language policy proposal, entitled Mal i mun, commissioned by the Swedish government addresses this concern, in part, by outlining recommendations for the respective roles of

Semplates: a new concept in lexical semantics?

This short report draws attention to an interesting kind of configuration in the lexicon that seems to have escaped theoretical or systematic descriptive attention. These configurations, which we dub SEMPLATES, consist of an abstract structure or template, which is recurrently instantiated in a number of lexical sets, typically of different form classes. A number of examples from different languag

Annotation of Selaginella moellendorffii Major Intrinsic Proteins and the Evolution of the Protein Family in Terrestrial Plants.

Major intrinsic proteins (MIPs) also called aquaporins form pores in membranes to facilitate the permeation of water and certain small polar solutes across membranes. MIPs are present in virtually every organism but are uniquely abundant in land plants. To elucidate the evolution and function of MIPs in terrestrial plants, the MIPs encoded in the genome of the spikemoss Selaginella moellendorffii

Scientific rationale for the development of gene therapy strategies for Parkinson's disease.

The ever-evolving understanding of the neuronal systems involved in Parkinson's disease together with the recent advances in recombinant viral vector technology has led to the development of several gene therapy applications that are now entering into clinical testing phase. To date, four fundamentally different approaches have been pursued utilizing recombinant adeno-associated virus and lentivir

On generalized low-density parity-check codes based on Hamming component codes

In this paper we investigate a generalization of Gallager's (1963) low-density (LD) parity-check codes, where as component codes single error correcting Hamming codes are used instead of single error detecting parity-check codes. It is proved that there exist such generalized low-density (GLD) codes for which the minimum distance is growing linearly with the block length, and a lower bound of the

Characterization of Hairdresser Exposure to Airborne Particles during Hair Bleaching.

Respiratory symptoms among hairdressers are often ascribed to the use of bleaching powders that contain persulfate salts. Such salts can act as allergens and airway irritants but the mechanisms behind the negative health effects are not fully known. In order to understand why some hairdressers experience respiratory symptoms during, and after, sessions of hair bleaching, it is of importance to cha

Orthostatic hypotension in genetically related hypertensive and normotensive individuals.

OBJECTIVES: Prevalence and determinants of orthostatic hypotension remain largely unexplored in younger individuals without significant burden of chronic diseases. METHODS: We investigated frequency and main associations of impaired orthostatic response in a cohort of 469 middle-aged hypertensive patients and 453 of their normotensive first-degree relatives. RESULTS: 13.4% of hypertensive and 5.5%

Serotonin-dopamine interaction in the induction and maintenance of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias

Appearance of dyskinesia is a common problem of long-term Levodopa (L-DOPA) treatment in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and represents a major limitation for the pharmacological management of the motor symptoms in the advanced stages of disease. An increasing body of evidence points to dopamine released as a false neurotransmitter from the striatal serotonin terminals as the main pre-synaptic d

Cost-Efficient Drilling Using Industrial Robots with High-Bandwidth Force Feedback

Here we present a method for high-precision drilling using an industrial robot with high-bandwidth force feedback, which is used for building up pressure to clamp up an end-effector to the work-piece surface prior to drilling. The focus is to eliminate the sliding movement (skating) of the end-effector during the clamp-up of the end-effector to the workpiece surface, an undesired effect that is du

Neutrophil-derived proteinase 3 induces kallikrein-independent release of a novel vasoactive kinin.

The kinin-forming pathway is activated on endothelial cells and neutrophils when high-molecular weight kininogen (HK) is cleaved by plasma kallikrein liberating bradykinin, a potent mediator of inflammation. Kinins are released during inflammatory conditions such as vasculitis, associated with neutrophil influx around blood vessels. Some patients with vasculitis have elevated plasma levels of neut