

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Heart rate variability and intima media thickness

Increased activity in the sympathetic nervous system is part of the physiological stress response and is expressed in the heart rate variability (HRV). The objective of this study was to examine associations of HRV and intima media thickness (IMT). In 2002, satisfactory measurements of HRV of 78 voluntary participants were made, both during a stress test and during sleep. IMT in 2002 and the progr

Facklig styrka eller reformistisk strategi?

Artikeln ”Facklig styrka eller reformistisk strategi?” publicerades i Zenit nr 4 (nr 86) 1984 som en kommentar till Anders Perssons recension i Zenit nr 2 (nr 84) 1984 av Anders Kjellbergs doktorsavhandling Facklig organisering i tolv länder (Lund: Arkiv förlag 1983). Redaktionen klippte dock av utrymmesskäl bort ett stycke som under rubriken ”Facklig styrka – än en gång!” publicerades i Zenit nr

Statistics for chemistry students - how to make a statistics course useful by focusing on applications

By putting emphasis on applications in two basic statistics courses for chemistry students and chemical engineering students we have enhanced student motivation and increased student activity. In addition to a traditional in-class exam, the students complete a take-home project where statistical problems relevant to chemists are discussed. We give several examples of the course and project materia

Renal angioplasty causes a rapid transient increase in inflammatory biornarkers, but reduced levels of interleukin-6 and endothelin-1 1 month after intervention

Objective To examine prospectively whether inflammatory biomarkers and endothelin (ET)-1 are increased in patients with renal artery stenosis (RAS), and to investigate how treatment with percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) affects these variables during the first month after intervention. Methods One hundred patients with suspected RAS undergoing renal angiography were included. PTR

Utsikter : föreläsningar från Helgonabacken

Utsikter - föreläsnngar från Helgonabacken ("Views - Lectures from Helgonabacken" consists of public lectures by teachers at the Department for Comparative Literature, Lund university. Most of the lectures deal with contemporary Swedish literature, but there are also texts on Italian and Danish poetry and American cinema.

Isolated 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis in two sisters caused by a Xp21.2 interstitial duplication containing the DAX1 gene.

Context: Testis development is a tightly regulated process that requires an efficient and coordinated spatiotemporal action of many factors, and it has been shown that several genes involved in gonadal development exert a dosage effect. Chromosomal imbalances have been reported in several patients presenting with gonadal dysgenesis as part of severe dysmorphic phenotypes. Results: We screened for

Ethanol and its effects on fracture healing and bone mass in male rats

Operatively induced, standardized tibia fractures in 42 10-week-old male rats were fixed with intramedullary nails. 21 of the rats were fed liquid containing 15% ethanol. 5 weeks after inducing the fracture, the rats were killed and the total body bone mineral density (BMD) was analyzed with the DEXA technique, and the mechanical properties of the fractured and the unfractured tibiae as well as th

Stress computations on perforated polygonal domains

A high order accurate and fast algorithm is constructed for 2D stress problems on multiply connected finite domains. The algorithm is based on a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with non-singular operators. The unknown quantity is the limit of an analytic function. On polygonal domains there is a trade-off between stability and rate of convergence. A moderate amount of precomputation

Expression of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) in ileum and other extraprostatic tissues

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a widely used marker for prostate cancer. In the literature, there are reports of nonprostatic expression of PSA that potentially can affect early diagnosis. However, the results are scattered and inconclusive, which motivated us to conduct a more comprehensive study of the tissue distribution of PSA and the closely related protein human glandular kallikrein 2 (h

Sequence typing reveals extensive strain diversity of the Lyme borreliosis agents Borrelia burgdorferi in North America and Borrelia afzelii in Europe

The genetic polymorphism of Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia afzelii, two species that cause Lyme borreliosis, was estimated by sequence typing of four loci: the rrs-rrlA intergenic spacer (IGS) and the outer-membrane-protein gene p66 on the chromosome, and the outer-membrane-protein genes ospA and ospC on plasmids. The major sources of DNA for PCR amplification and sequencing were samples of the

Effect of the head-group geometry of amino acid-based cationic surfactants on interaction with plasmid DNA

The interaction between DNA and different types of amino acid-based cationic surfactants was investigated. Particular attention was directed to determine the extent of influence of surfactant head-group geometry toward tuning the interaction behavior of these surfactants with DNA. An overview is obtained by gel retardation assay, isothermal titration calorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy, and cir

Garnet chemistry from the Sloinge excavation, Halland and additional Swedish and Danish excavations - Comparisons with garnet, occurring in a rock context

Information on the geological origin of raw garnet is a pre-requisite for the better understanding of garnet production and trade in ancient societies. The presented study is a first attempt to determine possible source rocks for the garnets found in the Sloinge excavation in southwest Sweden. It includes analyses of garnets from other excavations in Sweden and Denmark. It is also an attempt to de

Rat insulin promoter 2-Cre recombinase mice bred onto a pure C57BL/6J background exhibit unaltered glucose tolerance

beta-Cell-specific gene targeting is a widely used tool when studying genes involved in beta-cell function. For this purpose, several conditional beta-cell knockouts have been generated using the rat insulin promoter 2-Cre recombinase (RIP2-Cre) mouse. However, it was recently observed that expression of Cre alone in P-cells may affect whole body glucose homeostasis. Therefore, we investigated glu

Hepatitis C virus RNA in blood donor sera detected by the polymerase chain reaction: comparison with supplementary hepatitis C antibody assays

The low specificity of screening ELISAs for antibodies to hepatitis C virus in blood donors has called for confirmatory tests. Two types of supplementary antibody assays are available, recombinant immunoblot assays (RIBA-1 and RIBA-2) and an antibody consumption test referred to as a neutralization assay. Amplification of viral nucleic acid by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) provides an antibo

Influence of Oxygen Vacancies on the Properties of Ceria-Supported Gold

The adsorption of CO on narrosized gold particles deposited on a cerium oxide substrate is strongly influenced by the roughness and concentration of oxygen vacancies of the CeOx substrate surface. Literature showed that Au nucleates at step edges on oxidized samples. For oxidized samples we found that the Au dispersion is dependent on the surface roughness. A rough CeO2 surface has a higher step d