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High proteinase 3-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) level measured by the capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method is associated with decreased patient survival in ANCA-associated vasculitis with renal involvement
Wegener granulomatosis (WG) and microscopic polyangiitis (MP), diseases associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), had an extremely poor prognosis before the introduction of cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids for their treatment. However, there is still reduced patient survival, and some studies have documented severe side effects of the immunosuppressants used. This 10-yr fol
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Bjud på en historia till maten
Wilms' tumour in infancy
During a 15-y period, 48 children were treated for Wilms' tumour (WT). Seven of them were < 1 y of age at diagnosis. One child presented with non-traumatic haematuria, but in all the other children WT was revealed as a palpable abdominal mass at routine examination or investigation due to another disease. The four children under 6 months of age at diagnosis were primarily operated upon; the others
Hymner från Guru Granth i norsk översättning : poetisk vägledning till kunskap om sikhisk religiös utövning
Review of "Sanger fra Adi Granth - sikhenes hellige bok", by Knut A. Jakobsen och Astri Ghosh, published by Verdens Hellige Skrifter, Den norske bokklubbene.
Följ med på silverkantad promenad
Flow cytometric DNA ploidy and number of cell populations in the primary breast cancer and their correlation to the prognosis.
In a prospective study on 516 breast cancer patients flow cytometry DNA ploidy and number of cell populations (defined as number of DNA stem lines) detected in the primary tumor were evaluated for prognostic purposes. the median follow-up time was about 5 years. in the 241 node negative cases, those patients with three or more cell populations had the worst prognosis, with a distant recurrence-fre
Djuretik i teori och praxis
In animal ethics animal capacity to suffer and experience is a selfevident point of departure when elaborating theories for respecting animals. Less often the practical consequences of "respecting an animal" is discussed in these theories, still they want to influence our behavior towards the animals. So, in order to know what is respectful, we need to connect scientific knowledge about an animal
Det fångna majestätet. Några kommentarer om subjektets kris och allegoriseringen av världen
The difficult balancing act —personal assistants’ possibilities of applying the ethical principles embodied in the LSS legislation.
Genetic variance of SGK-1 is associated with blood pressure, blood pressure change over time and strength of the insulin-diastolic blood pressure relationship.
Plutonium hot particle separation techniques using real-time digital image systems
Two real-time digital imaging systems, able to replace conventional autoradiography for radioactive hot particle separation and identification, are presented in this paper. The hot plutonium particles used for the study originate from the Thule nuclear weapon accident, Both of the real-time imaging techniques are initiated with sample splitting and measurements with a HPGe detector. in order to de
Adaptive Control of Robot Manipulator Motion
Review Nyberg, Karlstads stifts herdaminne VI
Leptin is reduced in lean subjects with type 2 diabetes in bangladesh.
Effective cell and gene therapy in a murine model of Gaucher disease.
Recrystallization of waxy maize starch during manufacturing of starch microspheres for drug delivery: Optimization by experimental design
Gelatinized starch/water dispersions with a water content of 70% w/w were studied in order to evaluate the influence of the incubation time at two fixed temperatures (6 and 37 degrees C) on the recrystallization behavior. The starch material was produced from waxy maize starch by acid hydrolysis followed by a mechanical treatment, i.e. a high pressure homogenization. Empirical models for the recry
Silicone Membrane Equilibrator: Measuring Chemical Activity of Nonpolar Chemicals with Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Microtubes Immersed Directly in Tissue and Lipids.
The chemical activity of organic chemicals directs their diffusion and partitioning and is consequently crucial for their transport, distribution, and toxic effects. A silicone membrane equilibrator is introduced for measuring the chemical activity of nonpolar organic chemicals in lipid-rich samples: (I) A 6 m poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) microtube (300 mum i.d., 640 mum o.d.) was placed in a sam
Microbial BOD sensor for monitoring treatment of wastewater from a rubber latex industry
A cell-based biosensor system was designed for monitoring an anaerobic process for treatment of high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) levels in wastewater samples from a factory processing concentrated rubber latex. The BOD biosensor used immobilized mixed culture of microorganisms as the biological sensing element and an oxygen electrode as the transducer. The assay principle is based on the deter