

Din sökning på "*" gav 533445 sökträffar

Carpal tunnel syndrome and treatment of recurrent symptoms.

Abstract Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common compression lesion of peripheral nerves with a prevalence of 4%. It is often treated by release of the flexor retinaculum, which may completely relieve the symptoms. Although such treatment is considered successful, there are probably many patients with persistent or recurrent symptoms. Recurrence implies that the patient's symptoms were initially

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Abstract in Norwegian Vokativfrasar, her definerte som (nominal)frasar som refererer til adressaten for ei ytring utan å vera eit syntaktisk argument i ytringa, kan ha identifiserande eller predikerande funksjon eller markere eit trekk i samtalen. Vokativane kan vera frittståande frasar eller integrerte i ei setning, der dei i norsk blant anna kan stå i ein øyremerkt posisjon i venstreperiferien.

A probabilistic look at the Wiener-Hopf equation

Existence, uniqueness, and asymptotic properties of solutions Z to the Wiener-Hopf integral equation Z(x) = z(x) + integral(-infinity)(x) Z(x - y)F(dy), x greater than or equal to 0, are discussed by purely probabilistic methods, involving random walks, supermartingales, coupling, the Hewitt-Savage 0-1 law, ladder heights, and exponential change of measure.

Modeling and Performance Analysis of Alternative Heat Exchangers for Heavy Vehicles

Popular Abstract in English Low fuel consumption, and reduced exhaust emissions, as well as improved performance and durability become much more important than before for the vehicle industry. These requirements lead to a number of additional equipment installed in the vehicles. All these efforts increase the operating temperature in the engine compartment and reduce the available free space in thCross flow heat exchangers made from aluminum are common as radiators in vehicles. However, due to the increasing power requirement and the limited available space in vehicles, it is extremely difficult to increase the size of heat exchangers (HEXs) placed in the front of vehicles. Placing the heat exchanger on the roof or at the underbody of vehicles might offer opportunity to increase the size o

Placental transfer and pharmacokinetics of thiopentone in newborn infants.

Background and Objectives Thiopentone, a short-acting barbiturate, has been introduced as premedication for intubation in newborn infants. The objectives of this study were to assess the pharmacokinetics of thiopentone in newborn infants, and to unravel whether placental transfer of the drug should be taken into account if administered to infants exposed to it during delivery. Methods Plasma conce

Accounting for Macroeconomic Influences on the Firm

Accounting based measures of exposure to macroeconomic shocks in exchange rates, interest rates and inflation do not capture the economic effects on the corporation of such shocks. We suggest measures that conceptually are coefficients in a multiple regression. The coefficients capture the sensitivity of a firm's real value or cash flows to unanticipated changes in each variable holding other vari

Mot ett okänt mål - Humanistisk forskarhandledning och doktoranders deltagande i forskningsdebatten

Enligt Högskoleförordningen skall den som avlägger doktorsexamen kunna uppvisa en färdighet att i både tal och skrift delta i nationell och internationell forskningsdebatt. I denna artikel uppmärksammas några av de särskilda utmaningar som denna inriktning ställer forskarhandledare i humaniora och teologi inför. Intervjuer med tre rutinerade handledare redovisas och analyseras. Det framkommer att

Three-dimensional ultrasound imaging for discrimination between benign and malignant endometrium in women with postmenopausal bleeding and sonographic endometrial thickness of at least 4.5 mm.

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether endometrial volume or power Doppler indices as measured by three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound imaging can discriminate between benign and malignant endometrium, to compare their diagnostic performance with that of endometrial thickness measurement using two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound examination, and to determine whether power Doppler indices add any diagnostic inf

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Popular Abstract in Spanish Resumen En esta tesis se describe el desarrollo y la posterior aplicación en el aula de los Modelos Didácticos del Subjuntivo 1 y 2, cuyo mecanismo se centra en la utilización de una pregunta con la cual el estudiante podrá hacer la elección modal más adecuada para cada caso. El modelo unifica conceptos y valores adjudicados al subjuntivo y presenta la gramática desde uAbstract In the present thesis the development and subsequent implementation of the Didactic Models 1 and 2 of the Subjunctive is described. The models focus on the use of a question, with which the student makes the most adequate mode choice for each case. The model unifies perspective and meaning used with the subjunctive from a cognitive perspective, appealing to the inherent representational c

Gene expression profiling to define the cell intrinsic role of the SKI proto-oncogene in hematopoiesis and myeloid neoplasms.

The proto-oncogene SKI is highly expressed in human myeloid leukemia and also in murine hematopoietic stem cells. However, its operative relevance in these cells remains elusive. We have over-expressed SKI to define its intrinsic role in hematopoiesis and myeloid neoplasms, which resulted in a robust competitive advantage upon transplantation, a complete dominance of the stem and progenitor compar