

Din sökning på "*" gav 533392 sökträffar

Multisensory stimulation in stroke rehabilitation.

The brain has a large capacity for automatic simultaneous processing and integration of sensory information. Combining information from different sensory modalities facilitates our ability to detect, discriminate, and recognize sensory stimuli, and learning is often optimal in a multisensory environment. Currently used multisensory stimulation methods in stroke rehabilitation include motor imagery

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, ethyl anthranilate, CAS registry number 87-25-2.

The use of this material under current use conditions is supported by the existing information. This material was evaluated for Genotoxicity, Repeated Dose Toxicity, Developmental Toxicity, Reproductive Toxicity, Local Respiratory Toxicity, Phototoxicity, Skin Sensitization potential as well as Environmental assessment. Reproductive toxicity was based on the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC

Low-Power Nanowire Circuits and Transistors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur hade vår värld sett ut utan den teknologiska revolutionen som skett de senaste decennierna? Inget internet, inga mobiltelefoner, inga surfplattor? Drivkraften bakom att det hela är en väldigt liten beståndsdel som sitter i nästan all elektronik, den så kallade transistorn. En transistor kan se lite olika ut men är i stora drag en elektrisk komponent där man styr strThis thesis explores several novel material systems and innovative device concepts enabled by nanowire technology. State-of-the-art fabrication techniques such as electron beam lithography and atomic layer deposition are utilized to achieve high control and quality in the device fabrication. The devices in this thesis are based on two main types of design geometries, lateral and vertical, each of

Short-Pulse Photofragmentation and Fluorescence-based Diagnostics - Development and Applications

Popular Abstract in Swedish Eld har fascinerat människan i alla tider. Att sitta och värma sig vid en lägereld, sjunga sånger eller bara titta på hur elden rör sig är något de flesta har upplevt. Hur många har egentligen funderat på var värmen kommer ifrån, hur den gula färgen uppstår eller vad eld egentligen består av? Några av frågorna finns det nu svar på, men fortfarande finns det mycket att uThe work presented in the thesis covers the use of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence (PFLIF) with short laser pulses to determine species concentrations in different combustion environments. To attain quantitative species concentrations using LIF investigations of the influence of collisional quenching on the fluorescence signal strength is of vital

Speech recognition, working memory and conversation in children with cochlear implants

Abstract in UndeterminedThis study examined the relationship between speech recognition, working memory and conversational skills in a group of 13 children/adolescents with cochlear implants (CIs) between 11 and 19 years of age. Conversational skills were assessed in a referential communication task where the participants interacted with a hearing peer of the same age and gender. The measures were

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Ambiguous churches of the Baltic Sea: Nylars on Bornholm is used as a point of departure in a discussion of the so-called defensive churches or multi-functional churches at the Baltic Sea. The categorization of medieval society into four separate spheres, the church, the castle, the town and the countryside, is criticised as having created a heterogenous group of deviant churches. The deviant chur


An anthropomorphic phantom study was carried out in 2013-14 in two hospitals, one located in Russia (Mariinsky Hospital, Saint Petersburg) and the other in Sweden (Skåne University Hospital, Malmö). The aim of the study was to investigate the possibilities to reduce the patient dose from digital X-ray chest screening examinations. The existing chest imaging protocols were adjusted by changing the

Localization of DNA damage by current exchanging repair enzymes:

Background How DNA repair enzymes find the relatively rare sites of damage is not known in great detail. Recent experiments and molecular data suggest that individual repair enzymes do not work independently of each other, but interact with each other through charges exchanged along the DNA. A damaged site in the DNA hinders this exchange. The hypothesis is that the charge exchange quickly libera

Expression of sterol regulatory element-binding transcription factor (SREBF) 2 and SREBF cleavage-activating protein (SCAP) in human atheroma and the association of their allelic variants with sudden cardiac death.

Disturbed cellular cholesterol homeostasis may lead to accumulation of cholesterol in human atheroma plaques. Cellular cholesterol homeostasis is controlled by the sterol regulatory element-binding transcription factor 2 (SREBF-2) and the SREBF cleavage-activating protein (SCAP). We investigated whole genome expression in a series of human atherosclerotic samples from different vascular territorie

Gender Awareness in Islamic Education The Pioneering Case of Indonesia in a Comparison with Pakistan

This article analyzes the development of gender awareness in Islamic education in Indonesia and Pakistan in general, and the inclusion of a gender perspective in particular. The current situation in Islamic education is a result of their larger national contexts, not least concerning the factors focused upon in this study – educational reform, intellectual milieu, female student enrollment, politi

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Abstract in Danish Efter strukturreformen skal kommunerne planlægge og forvalte ud fra to delvist modsatrettede hensyn i forhold til grundvandet:optimal drikkevandsforsyning til borgerne og det samlede vandkredsløb. Det er ikke uden problemer. Et eksempel fra Nordsjælland.