

Din sökning på "*" gav 534550 sökträffar

Styrning genom frivillig koordinering? En studie av europeiska socialfondens genomförande i lokal förvaltning

EU-funding opportunities create incentives for local governments to partake in the implementation of EU regional policies; yet there is a lack of knowledge on the local effects in everyday municipal work. In this article we examine how the European Social Fund (ESF) is used by the EU and national level to govern local activities, how the subnational level acts in response to this and with what con

Heavy Ion Results from ATLAS

These proceedings provide an overview of the new results obtained with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, which were presented in the Quark Matter 2017 conference. These results were covered by twelve parallel talks, one flash talk and eleven posters. These proceedings group these results into five areas: initial state, jet quenching, quarkonium production, longitudinal flow dynamics, and collectivity

Breast ultrasound : recommendations for information to women and referring physicians by the European Society of Breast Imaging

Abstract: This article summarises the information that should be provided to women and referring physicians about breast ultrasound (US). After explaining the physical principles, technical procedure and safety of US, information is given about its ability to make a correct diagnosis, depending on the setting in which it is applied. The following definite indications for breast US in female subjec

The association between areas of secondary hyperalgesia and volumes of the caudate nuclei and other pain relevant brain structures—A 3-tesla MRI study of healthy men

Introduction Central sensitization plays a pivotal role in maintenance of pain and is believed to be intricately involved in several chronic pain conditions. One clinical manifestation of central sensitization is secondary hyperalgesia. The degree of secondary hyperalgesia presumably reflects individual levels of central sensitization. The objective of this study was to investigate the association

The Phenomenology of Eye Movement Intentions and their Disruption in Goal-Directed Actions

The role of intentions in motor planning is heavily weighted in classical psychological theories, but their role in generating eye movements, and our awareness of these oculomotor intentions, has not been investigated explicitly. In this study, the extent to which we monitor oculomotor intentions, i.e. the intentions to shift one’s gaze towards a specific location, and whether they can be expresse

Digital technologies for education in China: National ambitions meet local realities

China has been a pioneer in including information and communication technologies for educational purposes (ICT4E) in national educational policies. Having recognized the role technology can play in education in the late 1990s, the country has by now emerged as an international leader in propagating the benefits of ICT4E. At the levels of the school and individual learner, however, ICT4E still play

Experimental investigation of methane lean blowout limit; effects of dilution, mass flow rate and inlet temperature

Lean blowout (LBO) is one of the major instability problems of premixed combustion. LBO equivalence ratio is a function of inlet temperature and pressure, mass flow or aerodynamic loading, and fuel composition. All these, except the last, vary during startup and with load. Developing gas turbine combustors capable of operating within wider range of fuel compositions requires extensive knowledge ab

Chemical analysis of combustion products from a high-pressure gas turbine combustor rig fueled by jet A1 fuel and a flscher-tropsch-based fuel

A comparative experimental investigation has been performed, comparing the emissions from a synthetic jet fuel and from Jet AI. In the investigation, the unburned hydrocarbons were analyzed chemically and the regulated emissions of NOX, CO and HC were measured. All combustion tests were performed under elevated pressures in a gas turbine combustor rig. A Swedish company, Oroboros AB, has developed

Från Kongl. Museum till Nationalmuseum

Artikeln behandlar det museala arbetet inom Kongl. Museum från 1790-talet till och med 1850-talet, med omgestaltade rum, förvärv av samlingar, konservatorernas arbete och Konstakademiens utbildning av konstnärer. Under denna period växer museiprofessionen fram, vilket utgör förutsättningen för det nya museet på Blasieholmen på 1860-talet.

Search for supersymmetry in events with four or more leptons in s =13 TeV pp collisions with ATLAS

Results from a search for supersymmetry in events with four or more charged leptons (electrons, muons and taus) are presented. The analysis uses a data sample corresponding to 36.1 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions delivered by the Large Hadron Collider at s=13 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Four-lepton signal regions with up to two hadronically decaying taus are designed to target a range

Cardiovascular biomarkers predict fragility fractures in older adults

Abstract OBJECTIVE To assess the role of four biomarkers of neuroendocrine activation and endothelial dysfunction in the longitudinal prediction of fragility fractures. METHODS We analysed a population-based prospective cohort of 5415 community-dwelling individuals (mean age, 68.9±6.2 years) enrolled in the Malmö Preventive Project followed during 8.1±2.9 years, and investigated the longitudinal Objective To assess the role of four biomarkers of neuroendocrine activation and endothelial dysfunction in the longitudinal prediction of fragility fractures. Methods We analysed a population-based prospective cohort of 5415 community-dwelling individuals (mean age, 68.9±6.2 years) enrolled in the Malmö Preventive Project followed during 8.1±2.9 years, and investigated the longitudinal associati

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Behandlar ett förbisett arkivmatrial som visar vilken roll Oscar (I) och Josephina som kronprinspar i Sverige spelade i de arkitektoniska och konstnärliga förbindelserna mellan Stockholm och München från 1820-talet till och med 1840-talet, däribland kontakterna med Leo von Klenze och Ludwig Schwanthaler.

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Artikeln behandlar ett specifikt motiv i den franska impressionismen från 1860-talet: den bortvända kvinnogestalten, ofta i promenaddräkt. Här berörs relationen till carte-de-visite-fotografiets helfiguriga promenadmotiv och en äldre figurkomposition från Watteau.

Developer Marketing: The Essential Guide

Software developers are gaining increasing influence within every company they work for and work with. Engaging at C-level is no longer sufficient: the software developer is now a powerful force in decision-making.This book is intended to be the “textbook” for those working - or starting - in developer marketing. It will teach you how to engage with developers to build a two-way relationship that

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Objetos como los artefactos no interactúan con los usuarios, no significan por sí mismos y no comunican. Estas premisas tienen implicaciones en la forma en que se asumen las actuales tendencias del diseño que dan por sentado, sin mayor atención, las interacciones entre el artefacto y los usuarios, olvidando que dichas interacciones fueron formuladas en un contexto cibernético y no en un contexto s

Experiences of living with persisting post-stroke dysphagia and of dysphagia management–a qualitative study

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate people’s experiences of living with dysphagia after stroke, and their experiences of dysphagia management. Methods: The study design was qualitative, and an open-ended approach to data collection was used, with follow-up probing questions to gain more information as needed. Personal interviews were conducted with five persons who had persisting mod