

Din sökning på "*" gav 534706 sökträffar

Site characterisation at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory through seismic refraction

The successful construction of any well-functioning structure is dependent on a good understanding of the ground on which it lies. Several methods and techniques have been developed to model subsurface conditions and properties with the purpose of gaining comprehensive knowledge of geological conditions. Seismic refraction presents a geophysical method of subsurface investigation capable of provid

Förutsättningar som påverkar vägprojekteringsprocessen

Project has different basis that must be completed to be able to present a finished product. Knowledge of the area and how the projection works will be used in efforts to implement the empirical study. Design assumptions are divided into two groups where some items are specific to a particular product while others are general conditions in all projects. The goal is to identify the conditions and a

Vem bör göra vad i sjukvården? : Kuratorers syn på sin yrkesroll utifrån holistisk rehabilitering

Who does what among health care professions? : Medical social workers view on their profession regard to holistic rehabilitation The purpose of the present study is to deepen the knowledge about the work and views of medical social workers working within rehabilitation care. Specifically, their work and views with regard to holistic rehabilitation is focused. Holistic rehabilitation is in the pre

Neurotransmitter MIPs for the Potential Use in Amperometric Sensors

Molecular imprinting technology is a field where polymer technology is utilised to synthesise high affinity particles, much like antibodies. This project has dealt with the imprinting of the neurotransmitter molecules serotonin and histamine. Serotonin polymers were synthesised using methacrylic acid and acrylamide as functional monomers relying on hydrogen bonding for the imprinting effect. None

A Case study Exploring the links between Kenya's Education policies and parent's primary education school choice.

The study investigates the way education policies affecting primary education provision have been implemented in Kenya to reveal issues derived from their implementation and the impact they have had on parent's choice of school. The study used a qualitative research approach where data was collected through a desk study and semi-structured interviews. The desk study was used for the purpose o

Tillgänglighet av e-böcker på folkbibliotek : en aktörscentrerad idéanalys

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate ideas in the Swedish debate about e-books in relation to Litteraturutredningen (2012), with focus on ideas that concern access of e-books within the public library. Access is discussed in relation to Buckland’s (1991) six barriers of access of information and Habermas’s (2003) democratic public sphere, as well as the Swedish Library Act (2013:801). I

Tvingande byrårotation – Är det någonting för Sverige? En studie av huvudintressenternas ställningstagande

Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för huvudintressenternas uppfattningar i Sverige kring den obligatoriska byrårotationen med hänsyn till oberoende och revisionskvalitet. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av huvudintressenterna är negativt inställda till den obligatoriska byrårotationen, speciellt i sin slutgiltiga utformning som troligtvis kommer vara utan påverkan på varken det fakt

Why austerity? An analysis of the coalition of Italian parties and social partners that supported the establishment of the Monti cabinet

The international financial crisis has hit southern European countries remarkably hard. As a consequence, governments have introduced economic austerity in order to cope with such a difficult situation. Perhaps most important, left-wing and right-wing parties have contributed to the implementation of these economic policies. Given this unexpected consensus, this thesis examines the Italian case st

Search for azimuthal anisotropic flow in proton-proton collisions

Kvark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) är ett tillstånd av materia som har väldigt hög densitet och en temperatur på 2,000,000,000,000 K. Man tror att universum såg ut såhär precis efter the Big Bang, Den Stora Smällen. Vid detta tillstånd kunde inte hadroner (t.ex. protoner och neutroner) bilda atomkärnor som är grunden till all materia. Detta inträffar på grund av att gluonerna, som binder ihop kvarkarna inutIn high energy heavy ion collisions a new state of matter called quark gluon plasma is produced. An important observable is azimuthal anisotropy flow. Data from the ALICE experiment is used in the search for azimuthal anisotropic flow in pp collisions, at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 7$ TeV. p--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV are used to create a baseline. It is expected to find symmetries in $\De


The essence of the project is based on how wear affects a product. I saw a flaw in the furniture industry that mass-produces products with materials that are negatively affected by wear and tear. These products have a short lifespan and contributes to the ”throw-away” culture where the product is either replaced or thrown away more often than necessary. I wanted to make a living-room table that du

Mass evacuation - human behavior and crowd dynamics - What do we know?

The field of mass evacuation has existed for a long time. Already during the Roman Empire era evacuation problematic was considered. In modern times the field has gained more attention during the last couple of decades, especially for sports grounds and stadiums. Through analysis of some well-known historical crowd disasters and through a literature survey the aim has been to compile the most impo

Optimizing mechanics and the process of fixing sensor PCB card to optics after active alignment

This report describes the development of a new fixing process when attaching a sensor PCB card to a camera assembly. The thesis focused on cameras which requires calibration to find the optimal position of the sensor PCB card, a process called active alignment. The development process applied for this thesis was derived from the Generic Development Process by Ulrich and Eppinger. Interviewees wit

Den gudomliggjorda skapelsen: en konstruktiv studie om gudomliggörelse och antropologi inom nutida luthersk teologi

The aim of this MA thesis is firstly to describe and investigate the theologico-anthropological aspect of the doctrine of deification within contemporary Lutheran theology. Secondly, the aim of the thesis is to propose a theological anthropology that considers the human need and ability to grow, mature and deepen in life and in relationship to oneself, one’s neighbor and God. I argue that this per

En destinationspersonlighets uppbyggnad - Fallstudie Göteborg

Titel: En Destinationspersonlighets Uppbyggnad; Fallstudie Göteborg. Seminariedatum: 2015-06-04 Kurs: FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå Författare: Daniel Sepulveda, Fredric Falk, Filip Ericsson Handledare: Clara Gustafsson Syfte: Att undersöka om de funktionella attributen har en påverkan på den upplevda destinationspersonligheten med hjälp av faktoranaly

Combating Trafficking in Women for Labour Purposes and establishing State responsibility: The Plight of Ethiopian Migrant Domestic Workers in Saudi Arabia

The research explores the protections provided for migrant domestic workers who are highly undervalued and often exposed to trafficking, despite comprising an integral part of the labour force worldwide. Saudi Arabia is a focus destination country for the study, as it emerged from among the top destination countries absorbing 61 percent of recorded Ethiopian migrant domestic workers. Despite such

Startup and stabilization of anaerobic membrane bioreactors at ambient temperature

There has been an increasing interest in wastewater treatment in last decades to reduce human footprint. Primarily, anaerobic technology focused on treatment and stabilization of sludge, but now the tendency is to give it a major role in low cost treatment of high/low strength wastewaters, since anaerobic digestion offers energy generation through gas production. Anaerobic membrane bioreactors (A

No title

This work investigated the differences in the usage of pronouns between Danish and Swedish. A pronominal definition was formulated and pronominal lexemes were reviewed. Out of this, the most important pronominal differences were analysed, supplemented with historical connections when necessary. Results from searches in corpuses were used to confirm statements. Some of the reviewed pronouns are use

Socialt hållbarhetsarbete i byggsektorn

Begreppet social hållbarhet saknar entydig definition. Hos entreprenör och beställare inom byggsektorn finns både engagemang och visioner kring social hållbarhet men dessa skiljer sig mellan aktörerna. Denna studie ska identifiera likheter och skillnader i aktörernas synsätt. Studiens syfte är att finna en samsyn hos entreprenör och beställare för att skapa goda förutsättningar till ett socialt an

Globalized economic development; are we to fear Coastal China’s exports?

This paper examines technological sophistication on a longitudinal scale for Coastal China and South Korea. It uses historical trade and development data from 9 countries to construct a weighted average in which development of economic performance for both countries are evaluated and compared against. China’s trade data consists 91% from export in its “coastal area”, in order to give a more accura

Revisionsberättelsen förändras

I denna uppsats undersöks hur revisorer ställer sig till införandet av key audit matters (KAM) i den rena revisionsberättelsen med fokus på ett antal problemområden. Key audit matters är en förändring som innebär ett nytt avsnitt i revisionsberättelsen där revisorn beskriver områden som varit viktigast under revisionen. Detta görs genom att den internationella standardsättaren IAASB släpper en ny