

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

When objects are talking : How tacit knowing becomes explicit knowledge

The objective of this paper is to build a model of how tacit knowing is externalised and becomes reflected external knowledge. Knowledge Management (Nonaka, 1991, 1994; Nonaka, Toyama, & Konno, 2000) is an important field in Business Administration. Based on the model provided by Nonaka and his colleagues (Nonaka, 1994; Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Nonaka et al., 2000) researchers and practiti

The Swedish SPinal Cord Injury Study on Cardiopulmonary and Autonomic Impairment (SPICA) : Methodology, Cohort Demographics and Initial Results

OBJECTIVE: To present the methodology, cohort demographics and initial results of the Swedish SPinal Cord Injury Study on Cardiopulmonary and Autonomic Impairment (SPICA).DESIGN: SPICA is based on the Swedish Cardiopulmonary and Bioimage Study (SCAPIS), a study on cardiopulmonary diseases in a cohort of 30 000 people. The assessments in SPICA cover the structure and function of the cardiopulmonary

Lasting Effects of an Import Shock: Channels of Adjustment

This paper exploits a quasi-natural experiment to study the channels of labor market adjustment to an import shock. Using matched employer-employee data from Sweden, I study workers' adjustment after the removal of quotas set out by the Multi-Fiber Arrangement for Chinese producers upon China's entry into the WTO. I find evidence of substantial losses in terms of earnings and employment. Sectoral

”I don’t want to be paid for being a refugee!” A CMES seminar on Syrians in the Öresund Region

On Friday June 10 2016, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) at Lund University arranged a seminar devoted to explore refugee experiences among Syrians in the Öresund region. Organizers were CMES researchers Dalia Abdelhady and Joshka Wessels. Lund University and international researchers in law, religious studies, refugee studies, environmental studies, urban sociology and anthropology paOn Friday June 10 2016, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) at Lund University arranged a seminar devoted to explore refugee experiences among Syrians in the Öresund region. Organizers were CMES researchers Dalia Abdelhady and Joshka Wessels. Lund University and international researchers in law, religious studies, refugee studies, environmental studies, urban sociology and anthropology pa

Cytokines and Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling in prostate cancer : overview and therapeutic opportunities

The Janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway was originally identified as a key cellular mechanism mediating the action of cytokines, interferons, and growth factors for the control of gene expression. Extracellular signals mediated by cytokines are thus transduced through this pathway into transcriptional programs that regulate cell growth, differentiatio

Improved usability of pedestrian environments after dark for people with vision impairment : An intervention study

Walking is an important transport mode for sustainable cities, but the usability of pedestrian environments for people with impaired vision is very limited after dark. This study compares the usability of a walkway, operationalized in terms of (i) the pedestrian's ability to orient themselves and detect infrastructure elements, and (ii) the perceived quality of lighting in the environment (evaluat

The transformation by catalysis of prebiotic chemical systems to useful biochemicals : A perspective based on IR spectroscopy of the primary chemicals: I. the synthesis of peptides by the condensation of amino acids

It is now widely speculated that life originated at the "Black Smokers" of the undersea hydrothermal vents, where conditions exist for the formation of the primary ingredients and their subsequent transformation to higher biotic species such as amino acids, alcohols, etc. Any possible routes for the prebiotic oligomerization of simple compounds like amino acids, necessary for cell formation, has s

Life Satisfaction in Persons With Late Effects of Polio : A Test-Retest Reliability Study

Background: The Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LiSat-11), including one global item and 10 domain-specific items, is used to evaluate life satisfaction in persons with the late effects of polio (LEoPs). However, there is a lack of knowledge about its psychometric properties. Objective: To evaluate the test-retest reliability of the LiSat-11 and the associations between the global and domain-spec

Update on the EFFECTS study of fluoxetine for stroke recovery : A randomised controlled trial in Sweden

Studies have suggested that fluoxetine might improve neurological recovery after stroke, but the results remain inconclusive. The EFFECTS (Efficacy oF Fluoxetine - a randomisEd Controlled Trial in Stroke) reached its recruitment target of 1500 patients in June 2019. The purpose of this article is to present all amendments to the protocol and describe how we formed the EFFECTS trial collaboration i

The Visual Perception of Material Properties Affects Motor Planning in Prehension : An Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Components of Lifting Cups

The current study examined the role of visually perceived material properties in motor planning, where we analyzed the temporal and spatial components of motor movements during a seated reaching task. We recorded hand movements of 14 participants in three dimensions while they lifted and transported paper cups that differed in weight and glossiness. Kinematic- and spatial analysis revealed speed-a

Why precommercial procurement is not innovation procurement

In 2006 the European Commission introduced the concept of "Pre-Commercial Procurement" as an instrument to promote innovation and to mitigate grand challenges. One of the main motivations for the support of Pre-Commercial Procurement schemes was to use public needs as a driver for innovation. This concept was also introduced as a response to the need to reinforce the innovation capabilities of the

Analysing vegetation changes in the Sahel using sensor data from Landsat and NOAA

The semi-arid Sahel zone of Africa has suffered several periods of severe drought since about 1950. We have analyzed AVHRR Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) over the Sahel for the period 1982-2002, and found extensive areas of increasing NDVI. To verify these changes we have analyzed Landsat TM and ETM+ scenes from 1984-1986 and 1999-2001 for areas in the Sudan, Central African Republi

Dynamic Optimization of Transportation Networks with Delays

The topic of this thesis is the optimal control of transportation networks. The problem studied is a dynamical extension of a classical problem in economics, in which the objective is to distribute goods to maximize welfare, whilst satisfying constraints on production and consumption. The main contribution is to show that for a class of welfare functions and dynamics, the optimal control is highlyThe topic of this thesis is the optimal control of transportation networks. The problem studied is a dynamical extension of a classical problem in economics, in which the objective is to distribute goods to maximize welfare, whilst satisfying constraints on production and consumption. The main contribution is to show that for a class of welfare functions and dynamics, the optimal control is highly

The interplay between host haemostatic systems and Leptospira spp. infections

Hemostasis is a defence mechanism that protects the integrity of the vascular system and is comprised of the coagulation cascade, fibrinolysis, platelet aggregation, and vascular endothelium. Besides the primary function in preserving the vascular integrity, the haemostatic system cooperates with immune and inflammatory processes to eliminate invading pathogens during microbial infections. Under p

Mining for Mood Effect in the Field

We conduct what we believe to be the most methodologically rigorous study of mood effect in the field so far to measure its economic impact and address shortcomings in the existing literature. Using a large dataset containing over 46 million car inspections in Sweden and England in 2016 and 2017, we study whether inspectors are more lenient on days when their mood is predicted to be good, and if c

Transformation av geografiska data

Geografisk informationsbehandling baseras på insamling, lagring, analys och visualisering av geografiska data. Denna indelning utgör också grunden för bokens disposition. Boken är i första hand avsedd för introducerande kurser vid universitet och högskolor men vissa delar är lämpliga även på avancerad nivå. Den är också utmärkt för yrkesverksamma inom GIS som vill öka sina teoretiska kunskaper. Bo

Small normalized circuits for semi-disjoint bilinear forms require logarithmic and-depth

We consider normalized Boolean circuits that use binary operations of disjunction and conjunction, and unary negation, with the restriction that negation can be only applied to input variables. We derive a lower bound trade-off between the size of normalized Boolean circuits computing Boolean semi-disjoint bilinear forms and their conjunction-depth (i.e., the maximum number of and-gates on a direc