

Din sökning på "*" gav 534207 sökträffar

The immune modulator Linomide prevents neuronal death in injured peripheral nerves of the mouse

Neuronal death after injury or disease could result from imbalanced cytokine expression. Linomide (LS-2616, quinoline-3-carboxamide), a synthetic immunomodulator with effects on cytokine production, suppresses autoimmune diseases of the nervous system. Here adult mice were pre-treated with 200 mg/kg/day of Linomide for 9 days, after which the sciatic nerves were crushed. After another 10 days of L

Greek sculpture as a tool in understanding the phenomenon of movement quality

Previous research has shown that movement quality may be described as offering a general impression of a whole unified person, understood as a relation between postural stability, free breathing and awareness, which combined produce a refinement of movement as well as enhancing well-being. The phenomenon could further be structured in terms of four movement dimensions: structural, physiological, p

Direct numerical simulation of H2/air combustion with composition stratification in a constant volume enclosure relevant to HCCI engines

Two-dimensional direct numerical simulation (2-D DNS) is used to investigate the effect of turbulence intensity and composition stratification on H2/air mixture auto-ignition in a constant volume enclosure relevant to homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines. Different turbulence levels, composition fluctuations, EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) ratios, initial pressure, domain length

Analysis of wind-induced vibrations in high-rise buildings

Buildings are getting taller due to increased urbanisation and densification of cities. More advanced construction methods and the desire to construct impressive buildings is also supporting the trend. Due to their inherent slenderness resulting in low eigenfrequencies, these buildings are susceptible to wind-induced vibrations which can be highly disturbing for occupants. Already barely perceivab

A. EUF-fördraget

Rättsfallskommentar - EU-domstolens domar under år 2011 på den direkta beskattningens område

Increased levels of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAP-K) detected in the injured adult mouse sciatic nerve

Adult mouse sciatic nerves (SNs) with attached dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were analysed for the presence of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAP-K) during normal and regenerative conditions. By immunohistochemistry, MAP-k was found to be present in the normal nerve at low levels in both Schwann cells and DRG nerve cell bodies, with a profoundly increased expression during regeneration. In axonal o

Protein kinase C and mouse sciatic nerve regeneration

We have studied the role of protein kinase C (PKC) in peripheral nerve regeneration by using the cultured adult mouse sciatic nerve, which displays regrowth of sensory axons under serum-free conditions. By the use of immunohistochemistry we show that one of the isoforms of PKC, PKCβ, is present in the nerve cell bodies of normal nerves and is upregulated after injury. In spite of this, the specifi

Clients' experiences of a work rehabilitation process

Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe clients' experiences of a work rehabilitation process. Method: Ten clients who had participated in work-related rehabilitation at a rehabilitation centre in the northern parts of Sweden were interviewed using a narrative approach. The interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis focusing on clients' descriptions of the goals, contents a

Influence of foundation type and soil stratification on ground vibration - A parameter study

Vibration of machinery and construction work are major sources of noise and vibration pollution in the urban environment. The frequencies dominating the vibration, and the distances over which it spreads via the ground, depend on the source. However, soil stratification and foundation type have a significant influence. Thus, in order to achieve fair accuracy in the prediction of ground vibration c

Child Rights, Classroom and School Management : Change Projects from the International Training Programme Batch 13 - 2010b

In 2003 Lund University Commissioned Education was given the task, after publictender, to create and administrate a programme on “Child Rights, Classroom andSchool Management” following the provisions and principles contained in the UNConvention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Sida’s development policy on Education and other internationally ratified instruments in the areas of child rights and e

Motion control system of MAX IV Laboratory soft x-ray beamlines

At the MAX IV Laboratory, five new soft x-ray beamlines are under development. The first is Species and it will be used to develop and set the standard of the control system, which will be common across the facility. All motion axes at MAX IV will be motorized using stepper motors steered by the IcePAP motion controller and a mixture of absolute and incremental encoders following a predefined coor

Child Rights, Classroom and School Management : Change Projects from the International Training Programme Batch 20-2014a

Lund University has offered the Sida-financed International Training Programmeon Child Rights, Classroom and School Management since 2003. Theprogramme targets those in a position from which they can initiate processesof change in the education sector in their countries. During the programmeall participating teams initiate a change project in their respective countriesaiming at the realization of

Child Rights, Classroom and School Management : Change Projects from the International Training Programme Batch 21 - 2014b

Lund University has offered the Sida-financed International Training Programmeon Child Rights, Classroom and School Management since 2003.The programme targets those in a position from which they can initiate processesof change in the education sector in their countries. During the programmeall participating teams initiate a change project in their respectivecountries aiming at the realization of

Essays in Quantitative Finance

This thesis contributes to the quantitative finance literature and consists of four research papers.Paper 1. This paper constructs a hybrid commodity interest rate market model with a stochastic local volatility function that allows the model to simultaneously fit the implied volatility of commodity and interest rate options. Because liquid market prices are only available for options on commodity