

Din sökning på "*" gav 534776 sökträffar

Shinto-Buddhism Syncretism - A historical peculiarity or a renewed spiritual paradigm?

The long process of syncretization between Shinto and Buddhism has defined much of Japan's philosophical and theological history. This process was only interrupted with the Meiji Restoration, following which the Meiji government enforced an ideology of the two religions being completely separate as part of its State Shinto system. Countless temples and Buddhist treasures were lost in the proce

Patienters erfarenheter av delaktighet och information vid mötet med en distriktssköterska på vårdcentral

Bakgrund: Tidigare studier visade att patienter uttryckte att de inte gjordes delaktiga i beslut kring sin omvårdnad. De menade även att information i samband med vård var otillräcklig samt att kvinnor ansåg sig vara delaktiga i större grad än män, liksom patienter på mindre vårdcentraler. Personcentrerat förhållningssätt sågs vara i linje med distriktssköterskornas riktlinjer att patienter ska gö

Debt Buy-back - a study of recent trends in syndicated lending

I tider av finansiell instabilitet kan lån som handlas på andrahandsmarknaden vara prissatta till en låg nivå (under ”par”). Som ett resultat kan låntagare som har tillgång till likvida medel dra nytta av marknadsförutsättningarna genom att köpa sin egen skuld. Eftersom de inte kan vara innehavare av fordringar mot gentemot sig själva, kommer sådan skuld att släckas ut med effekten att låntagaren During times of financial instability, loans which are traded in the secondary loan market may be priced at a low level (“sub-par”). As a result, borrowers who have liquid funds available to them may benefit from the market conditions by purchasing their own debt. Since they cannot be holders of claims against themselves, such debt will extinguish with the effect of the borrower having “repaid” it

Struggling to be a good feminist in the bedroom- Young, female, self-identified feminists talk about their sexuality

The focus of this thesis is to explore how young, female, self- identified feminists perceive and talk about their sexuality and in which way they express the possibilities and restraints it includes. Moreover, it examines if and how the female, self-identified feminists resist the restraints regarding their sexuality, and how they negotiate the problems that arise between ideology and practice. T

Finding a common ground : which implications does the introduction of Environmental Management Systems have for the competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises in Baden-Württemberg, Germany?

The objectives of this thesis are to find a common ground for business and environmental interests and to evaluate the potential of Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) as transition tools to lead towards a greener economic paradigm. For these purposes it was assessed, which implications EMSs have for the competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) within the first three years

Can China Stomach What's in Store for Them?

As incomes in China have grown, their consumption bundles of food products have changed. Through the use of quadratic and linear Almost Ideal Demand Systems for official Chinese governmental provincial panel-data, this thesis examines consumer demand for various food products in rural and urban areas in China from 1995 to 2011. Additionally, a survey was handed out to university students in Shangh

Den kontroversiella khaten - en litteraturöversikt över vetenskaplig forskning om khatbruk och dess effekter

Problem/Bakgrund: Den afrikanska växtdrogen khat används främst av folkslag från Afrikas Horn samt den arabiska halvön. Med en utökad flyktingström från dessa områden, främst Somalia, till bland annat Europa, så har även khatbruket spridits på liknande sätt i världen. Den somaliska folkgruppen upplevs som svårintegrerade som en minoritetsgrupp, och khatbruk ges delvis skuld för detta. De vetenskap

Finland’s Catch-up: Convergence Through Economic Restructuring

The aim of the paper is to examine the Finnish economic transformation and the catch-up process from 1975 onwards. Moreover, this paper looks into the forces behind the rapid convergence. Finland, an example country, used to be a peripheral country that has only in the past decades transformed into an economy where innovation, technology and education have gained important roles. Given this ec

Effects of Femininity and Masculinity in Voice and Appearance on Stereotype Judgement

Earlier studies have shown that both gender and masculine or feminine traits affects judgement about a person's qualities. This study builds upon earlier research and investigates the relation between voice and appearance with respect to gender based stereotype judgement, by letting participants listen to and then rate two of totally eight different digital characters, four female and four mal

Är jag osynlig? En litteraturstudie om barns påverkan av att ha föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom

Problem/Bakgrund: Barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar är en grupp, som för några år sedan det sällan talades om. Föräldrar blev psykotiska, gjorde självmordsförsök, hämtades av polis, blev inskrivna och lika fort utskrivna. Barnen fanns där men märktes knappt, ingen frågade om deras egna upplevelser eller mående. Ingen berättade vad som hade hänt eller vad som skulle ske. Utvecklingen har gått fra

Mellan europeisk kris och amerikansk utopi

In this thesis I study depictions of USA in works written by the two Swedish authors Anna Lenah Elgström (1884-1968) and Lars Gustafsson (1936- ). The purpose is to shed light on the expressions of modernity in crisis in their depictions of the USA. To fulfill this purpose I study the material from a phenomenological method approach combined with a theoretical focus. I find that they both give exp

Georgia through the Eyes of the Georgian Heavy Metal Musicians - A Country of Cultural Crossroads

The subculture of heavy metal has often been perceived as a counterculture to the leading mainstream cultural expressions and paradigms. In the light of globalization the heavy metal culture has spread to far off places around the world from its origin in the West. The Georgian heavy metal culture began developing in the last two decades since the fall of the Soviet Union, when new influences and

Utveckling av VDC inom mark och anläggning

This report presents how far NCC current VDC tools and methods in building construction can be implemented in road and infrastructure projects also what new tools, methods that can be created helped by pre-selected software’s. VDC is well developed within the construction of building and research and resources in the field have been spent under a longer period of time unlike in road and infrastruc

Rational Emotional Furniture

This project started from a will to understand and reflect over our behaviours and ourselves; as designers, as individuals and as users. The first part of the project reflects this will through a deep research on two intertwined, polarized yet highly mutually dependent Human attributes; rational thinking on the one hand and emotional thinking on the other. The research has an open end; it gives an

Diskursen som styr den fria kulturen: en analys av politik och meningsskapande i finansieringsprojektet Kulturbryggan

I uppsatsen vill vi undersöka den makt som utövas i kulturpolitiken. Det är angeläget för statsvetenskaplig forskning att studera kulturpolitik, då kulturen inte kan särskiljas från resten av samhället. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur finansieringsprojektet Kulturbryggan kan förstås i relation till nyliberal diskurs. Då Kulturbryggan delar ut bidrag till fria konstprojekt, vill vi även u

Neandertalarna och den moderna människan. En analys av det nuvarande läget inom forskningen kring jaktvapen och jaktstrategier

Differences in technological traditions we find between Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans has long been debated. It is important to discuss whether the differences in the handling of flint and other raw materials between the two populations . The use of raw materials are obviously directly related to the production of tools used to acquire food . Besides the quality of the material, also

Att ändra utrikespolitisk inriktning

Ukrainian foreign policy was under presidents Kravchuk and Kutchma predominantly a game of lip service to European integration combined with a reluctant but steady political co-operation with Russia. When Viktor Yushchenko was brought to power after the Orange Revolution in 2004 the political game changed and real steps towards a deep political and economical integration with Europe were quickly t