

Din sökning på "*" gav 533090 sökträffar

Evolution of the structure and dynamics of bovine serum albumin induced by thermal denaturation

Protein denaturation in concentrated solutions consists of the unfolding of the native protein structure, and subsequent cross-linking into clusters or gel networks. While the kinetic evolution of structure has been studied for some cases, the underlying microscopic dynamics of proteins has so far been neglected. However, protein dynamics is essential to understand the specific nature of assembly

Energy use in hotels and low-energy schools : Measurements and analysis of energy use and user-related parameters

Decreasing CO2 emissions in the building sector by improving energy efficiency isan essential part of the goal to reduce global CO2 emissions, as the sector accountedfor nearly 40 percent of the energy-related CO2 emissions in 2017.There are six main parameters that affect a building's energy use. These areoutdoor climate, building envelope properties, building services and energysystems, operatio

Excess body weight, weight gain and obesity-related cancer risk in women in Norway : the Norwegian Women and Cancer study

Background: Excess body weight and weight gain have been reported to independently increase the risk of several cancers. There are few published studies in nationally representative populations of women on specific, ‘obesity-related’ cancers in relation to prior weight change and relevant confounders. Methods: Based on self-reported anthropometry, we prospectively assessed body mass index (BMI), w

Simulation of construction operations applied to in situ concrete frameworks

The erection process of in situ cast concrete frameworks in multi-storey housing consists of multiple on site activities in which labour, equipment and materials are interacting in a complex system. Studies have shown that the current process involves a wide range of non-value adding activities, resulting in poor process efficiency. This paper presents a model developed for discrete-event simulati

A ribonucleotide reductase from Clostridium botulinum reveals distinct evolutionary pathways to regulation via the overall activity site

Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is a central enzyme for DNA building block synthesis. Most aerobic organisms, including nearly all eukaryotes, have class I RNRs consisting of R1 and R2 subunits. The catalytic R1 subunit contains an overall activity site that can allosterically turn the enzyme on or off by the binding of ATP or dATP, respectively. The mechanism behind the ability to turn the enzyme

Engineers and the Knowledge Gap between Andean and Nordic Countries 1850-1939

Rather than exogenous endowments, natural resources can be seen as economically exploitable resources thanks to knowledge improvements. This underscores the need to understand why some natural resource abundant countries are able to develop their own technologies while others are not. We tackle this issue by looking at the evolution of engineering faculties and graduate engineers from 1850 to 1939

Electrostatically Driven Structure Formation in Clay Dispersions

Lera är ett naturligt förekommande material och består utav små finkorniga lermineraler, vilka utgörs till stor del av laddade nanopartiklar, även kallade lerflak. Dessa har en platt form med en tjocklek på en miljarddels meter (1 nanometer) och diametern kan variera alltifrån fem till tusen gånger större än tjockleken. Detta kan jämföras med ett A4-ark, där längden på kortsidan är tusen gånger stClay minerals consist of clay platelets, which are anisotropic in both size and charge, and these can form a lamellar structure depending on the size, making it a seemingly perfect model system for an electrical double layer. The situation is however, from a structural point, slightly less ideal. Clay is a challenging system since it has a polydisperse distribution of anisotropic clay platelets an

Assessing Nature’s Contributions to People

Do the misty mountains, fast-flowing rivers, and sandy beaches leave you in awe and fill you with insatiable wonder? Does nature bring you a jubilant feeling? Nature contributes to our quality of life in multiple ways. Some of these gifts are easily visible, like the clothes you wear, the food you eat, and the water your drink. However, some contributions, such as flood protection and pollination

What have residents got to do with it? : Variations in energy use and energy-related behaviours in single-family houses

Trots likadana tekniska förutsättningar visade den aktuella avhandlingen på att energianvändningen varierade stort mellan hushåll – vilket även tidigare forskning pekat på. Det skiljde en faktor två till tre mellan högsta och lägsta energianvändningen för de grupper av likadana hus som studerades. Skillnaden i vattenanvändning var ännu större, nämnare bestämt en faktor sex. De boendes val och vardTo achieve global energy goals, energy use in residential buildings must decrease. The implementation of technical measures is crucial but alone it is not sufficient; residents need to change their behaviour as well. However, households are not a homogeneous group in terms of their energy use and behaviour; rather, the use varies between households and over time. To promote energy savings in build

Ceq Wong vocabulary

The vocabulary contains 947 meaning-word pairs ("entries") corresponding to core LWT meanings from the recipient language Ceq Wong. The corresponding text chapter was published in the book Loanwords in the World's Languages. The language page Ceq Wong contains a list of all loanwords arranged by donor languoid.

Human Rights, Culture and the Rule of Law

This new book examines the relationship between culture and respect for human rights. It departs from the oft-made assumption that culture is closely linked to ideas about community. Instead, it reveals culture as a quality possessed by the individual with a serious impact on her ability to enjoy the rights and freedoms as recognised in international human rights law in meaningful and effective wa

Echocardiographic predictors of recoarctation following surgical repair – a Swedish national study

Background: Following surgical repair of aortic coarctation (CoA) there is a risk for restenosis (reCoA), particularly in the first year of life. It was the aim of this study to identify reCoA risk factors by analyzing postoperative pre-discharge echocardiograms. Methods: Retrospective analysis of echocardiograms of children born operated for CoA in Sweden 2011-2017. Results: 253 children were incBackground Following surgical repair of aortic coarctation (CoA) there is a risk for restenosis (reCoA), particularly in the first year of life. It was the aim of this study to identify reCoA risk factors by analyzing postoperative pre-discharge echocardiograms. Methods Retrospective analysis of echocardiograms of children born operated for CoA in Sweden 2011-2017. Results 253 children were includ

Mitochondrial NAD(P)H oxidation pathways and nitrate/ammonium redox balancing in plants

Plant mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is characterised by alternative electron transport pathways with different energetic efficiencies, allowing turnover of cellular redox compounds like NAD(P)H. These electron transport chain pathways are profoundly affected by soil nitrogen availability, most commonly as oxidized nitrate (NO3 −) and/or reduced ammonium (NH4 +). The bioenergetic strategi