Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar
District heating and bioenergy systems - efficiency and emissions
Bio-propane from glycerol for biogas addition
In this report, the technical and economical feasibility to produce higher alkanes from bio-glycerol has been investigated. The main purpose of producing this kind of chemicals would be to replace the fossil LPG used in upgraded biogas production. When producing biogas and exporting it to the natural gas grid, the Wobbe index and heating value does not match the existing natural gas. Therefore, th
Site-controlled Ge quantum dot growth on Si by the use of electron beam pre-patterning
By growth of Si on substrates that have been pre-patterned by electron-beam induced carbon nano-growth masks, nano-holes form at the Si surface. We have grown self-assembled Ge quantum dots in these holes by ultra high vacuum chemical vapour phase deposition (UHV-CVD). We usually find four dots in each hole. By varying the amount of deposited Ge, we can obtain either four dome-shaped or four pyram
Footprints in the cotton fields: The Industrial Revolution as time-space appropriation and environmental load displacement
Det cykliska argumentet i Platons Faidon
Vad är en stad?
Geijer och bloggarna : en dinosaurie, några filosofer och en stor mängd kretskort
Om att förklara och förstå
Taxing the Financial Sector - General Legal Report
Current status of dosimetry at the boron neutron capture therapy facility at Studsvik, Sweden
The beam was successfully characterized in air and in phantom using various radiation dosimeter:,. The determination of the thermal neutron and photon components of the mixed beam in phantom can be determined with acceptable uncertainties, while the uncertainty of the high-energy neutron component is considerable but of limited clinical significance. The beam intensity is sufficiently high for rea
På samma scen. Om samarbete mellan amatör- och yrkesteater. Exemplet Huskvarna.
On the same stage is a case study showing the co-operation between amateurs and professionals in a play called Bara tusen korta år (Just a Thousand Short Years) by Alf Henrikson (1905-1995). Performances were given in the summers of 1994 ? 1998 in Huskvarna. The amateurs were from Huskvarna while the professionals were employed by the regional theatre in Jönköping. When investigating this project
Discursive strategies in economic texts
I konstruktionernas värld
Landbohøjskolen och den funktionella traditionen
Dynamic Description with Computer Supported Pictures
A methodology was developed and tested in six case studies at four medium-sized manufacturing companies within the machine engineering industry. Existing and planned work environments and production processes were described with the aid of computer-generated pictures. The pictures were used within the framework of an action research methodology in which managers and those employees affected, toget
On Managing Disruption Risks in the Supply Chain - the DRISC model
Popular Abstract in Swedish BAKGRUND Fokus riktas allt mer mot försörjningskedjan och allt mindre mot det enskilda företaget i takt med att konkurrens mellan enskilda företag ersätts av konkurrens mellan försörjningskedjor. Det är emellertid endast det enskilda företaget som kan fatta beslut och vidta åtgärder, men dessa beslut och åtgärder måste idag ske utifrån ett kedjeperspektiv. Med ökat foBackground Today's modern, industrialized society is based on globalization, specialization and mass-production. It is a society dependent upon highly integrated, continuously ongoing supply chain flows. Disruptions in those flows may cause devastating negative consequences, both for the individual company, for the supply chain, and for the society at large. Purpose and objectives The purpose o
”Det är smart att använda historia i nya händelser…” Historiebruk i skola och samhälle
Om hur historia brukas i skola och samhälle