

Din sökning på "*" gav 531363 sökträffar

Use and Redesign in IS: Double Helix Relationships?

The theme of this monograph of Informing Science is a dialectic perceived to exist between meaningful use and reflection upon use. This dialectic between use and reflection on use (or thinking, and thinking about thinking) may be consdiered in the following way. Each of these elements is subject to change. As reflection triggers change in use, and such change triggers further reflection, a spiral

Norm Supporting Actors and Structues at the very local level of Implementation in Higher Education

This Norm focussing article starts exploring the various influence processes that take place in connection with the dawn of a new theme - the environment and then sustainable development - in today's society. The Swedish society has in the early 1990-ies declared that educational institutions, places designed for the intentional influence, shall utilise the new environmental theme in its practice.

Truthers: the 911 Truth Movement and the Culture of Conspiracy

This paper describes the beliefs and practices of the 911 truth movement, who believe that the World Trade Center collapse was caused by a "controlled demolition" and not by the hijacked airplanes. They try to expose the lie of the "official conpsiracy theory" of hijackings. The "truthers" have a coherent belief system, virtual communities and demonstrations, and enemies such as the mainstream med

Solidarity and sharing in the Common European Asylum System: the case of Syrian refugees

Although the vast majority of Syrians flee to neighboring countries, an increasing number is trying to reach European soil. On one end of the spectrum, individuals escape their war-torn country seeking protection elsewhere and on the other end the European Union (EU) and its Members States bear specific obligations for granting protection, stemming from their international and regional legal commi

Language history and culture groups among Austroasiatic-speaking foragers of the Malay Peninsula

The Malay Peninsula is a crossroads for people, languages and cultural influences, apparent in today's vibrant mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Thai and European. Yet this modern state of affairs all but conceals signals of much older situations of diversity. Thus, some 140,000 people grouped together under the label Orang Asli (Malay for 'aboriginal people') represent a range of cultural and biolog

Bokslutet från början

Bokslutet från början är en kombinerad fakta- och övningsbok som är en direkt fortsättning på grundboken i bokföring, Bokföring från början. I denna bok fördjupas kunskaperna. Steg för steg behandlas de olika områden man måste behärska för att kunna upprätta ett fullständigt bokslut med årsredovisning i enlighet med årsredovisningslagens krav. För varje moment finns ett stort antal övningar.

Visual ecology of insect superposition eyes

Popular Abstract in Swedish I djurvärlden finns två dominerande ögontyper: kameraögon och facettögon. Kameraögat har en enda lins som fokuserar en bild på ögats retina, medan facettögon har många delögon som var och en har en lins. Båda typerna av ögon hittas inom Arthropoda men facettögon är klart vanligast. Det mest spridda typen av facettöga kallas appositionsöga och har en lins till varje ljusIn the superposition compound eye each rhabdom (light sensitive unit) receives light through many ommatidial facets, while in the apposition compound eye every rhabdom receives light from a single facet. The superposition design increases photon capture, which is an advantage in dark environments. Despite their advantage in dim light, superposition eyes can sometimes be found in insects that live