

Din sökning på "*" gav 531126 sökträffar

A scattering study of concentrated lens protein solutions and mixtures - Towards understanding the molecular origin of presbyopia

Popular Abstract in English The eye is a complex device in charge of producing clear and sharp images of the outside world. While some people need glasses early on in their lives, others have nearly perfect vision until, all of a sudden, they have to hold books or documents further and further away from their eyes to be able to read them and eventually have to resort to reading glasses. This visuaHealthy eye lenses are transparent and flexible, able to adapt shape in order to focus on far away and close-by objects. With age, however, this flexibility is lost, leading to a condition known as presbyopia. This vision disorder where close-by objects appear blurred commonly starts around the age of 40. The aim of this thesis is to elucidate the molecular origin of the gradual hardening of the c

Long-Term Simulation of Coastal Evolution

There is a strong relationship between regional sediment transport and the local processes at tidal inlets and around coastal structures. Many coastal projects require quantitative understanding of these processes and the interactions between them. Regional sediment transport and shoreline evolution models that fully include important coastal processes at local scale are lacking at present. The ov

Experimental Archaeology – A Journey in Time from Enlightenment to Experience

The research history and conditions in experimental archaeology up until today show a heavy emphasis on technological studies within a hypothetical-deductive theoretical paradigm. How is it possible to enhance the conditions for experimental archaeology so that it can also develop as a humanistic area of research, more closely related to existential perspectives of human life? We argue for the int

Company and court. Institutional change at Cirebon, 1681-1735

The article emphasizes the opportunities presented to local potentates provided by the establishment of the Dutch East India Company as de facto sovereignty over West Java. Those seizing the opportunities prospered as never before; those who did not went under. The process altered indelibly the fabric of Javanese society.

Discontinuous Bifurcations of Elasto-Plastic Solution at Plane Stress and Plane Strain

Conditions for discontinuous bifurcations of the incremental fields in elastic-platic materials subjected to the condition of either plane stress or plane strain are derived and explicit expressions for the critical hardening modulus and the corresponding bifurcation directions are obtained for a quite general class of plasticity models. The only restriction is that the gradients of the yield func

Joint 2D-pilot-symbol-assisted-modulation and decision-directed frequency synchronization schemes for coherent OFDM

A new frequency offset tracking approach for OFDM has been addressed. Two-dimensional pilot-symbol assisted modulation (2D-PSAM) is employed in coherent OFDM for channel estimation and it is based on inserting known symbols spread out through the 2D time-frequency grid. We show that these scattered symbols can also be employed to perform frequency synchronization. Maximum likelihood estimation has

Asymptotically Good LDPC Convolutional Codes with AWGN Channel Thresholds Close to the Shannon Limit

In this paper, we perform an iterative decoding threshold analysis of LDPC block code ensembles formed by terminating (J,K)-regular and irregular AR4JA-based LDPC convolutional codes. These ensembles have minimum distance growing linearly with block length and their thresholds approach the Shannon limit as the termination factor tends to infinity. Results are presented for various ensembles and te

Generationsmålet - kontroverser kring klimat och konsumtion

Det svenska miljöpolitiska generationsmålet går ut på att ”till nästa generation lämna över ett samhälle där de stora miljöproblemen är lösta, utan att orsaka ökade miljö- och hälsoproblem utanför Sveriges gränser”. Det är ett ambitiöst mål med tanke på de enorma, ännu olösta, miljöproblem som mänskligheten står inför: klimatförändringar, miljögifter, biologisk utarmning. Målet antogs ursprunglig