

Din sökning på "*" gav 534873 sökträffar

Clinical Workshop: Maximizing the effect of exposure and cognitive restructuring.

This clinical workshop is aimed at child and adolescent mental health professionals. The workshop will focus on two interventions found in all first-line, evidence-based treatments for PTSD: exposure to the trauma memory and reminders, and cognitive restructuring of trauma-related beliefs. Participants will learn about the various way that effective exposure can be achieved through writing, oral r

Evaluating the potential benefits of float solar photovoltaics through the water footprint recovery period

In the context of higher demands on the development of clean energy technologies due to the issue of water shortage in China and the implementation of the 2060 carbon-neutral objective, floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems present novel opportunities for transforming the energy structure through land conservation and enhancement of power generation efficiency compared to conventional solar systems.

Nigral transcriptomic profiles in Engrailed-1 hemizygous mouse models of Parkinson's disease reveal upregulation of oxidative phosphorylation-related genes associated with delayed dopaminergic neurodegeneration

INTRODUCTION: Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, increasing both in terms of prevalence and incidence. To date, only symptomatic treatment is available, highlighting the need to increase knowledge on disease etiology in order to develop new therapeutic strategies. Hemizygosity for the gene Engrailed-1 ( En1), encoding a conserved transcription factor ess

Asymmetric contracting capabilities and the entropic effect of learning to contract

How do contracting capabilities affect contractual preferences and economic institutions? According to the learning to contract literature, contractual parties over time learn to discover more efficient ways of governing exchange relationships, thereby reducing transaction costs when governance structures are gradually better aligned with transaction attributes. However, the introduction of learni

The city as a symbolic and pragmatic problem.

In this paper, a view will be given on the establishment of large scale science facilities in Lund, Sweden, recognizing some of the recent political changes of this region around the end of 20th century and start of the 21st. During this time the well-renowned social democratic welfare politics in Sweden gave way to a more pragmatic third way politics with clear marks of a neoliberalist housing ma

Reclaiming Political Rights During a Rule of Law Crisis : The Role of the UN Human Rights Committee

How should democratic states approach and respond to secessionist movements using tactics contrary to the constitution to achieve their goals? What is the role of international human rights mechanisms in these processes? This article sheds light on these questions by examining how the UN Human Rights Committee approached and assessed two complaints that came before it in the wake of the Catalan De

Capillary leak syndrome was associated with more severe multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children during the COVID-19 pandemic

Aim: This population-based study investigated the occurrence of capillary leak syndrome (CLS) in children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), associated with COVID-19. We also examined associations between CLS and MIS-C disease severity. Methods: All eligible individuals aged 0–18 years, who were diagnosed with MIS-C in Skåne, southern Sweden, from 1 April 2020 to 31 July 2

"Vi kommer från olika världar"

Dagens utbildningssystem behöver ha större fokus på kreativt främjande om nästa generation ska få en god framtid. Människan behöver använda fantasi och kreativ förmåga till innovation för att kunna möta en oförutsägbar framtid, men problemet är att rådande utbildningssystem inte möter dessa behov. Syftet med studien har varit att synliggöra problem och möjligheter med teaterbesök för att således u

Dialogic dilemmas: Citizen participation in built environment alterations in Malmö, Sweden

Located in southernmost Sweden, Malmö is part of the quickly developing urban landscape that defnes that part of the country, and it is in close proximity to the Danish border. Like many other coastal and border regions around the globe, this Scandinavian region experiences continuous population profle changes related to migration and is also facing rising sea levels; these conditions demand renew

Multidirectional Heritage-Led Knowledge Exchange: Learning from Practice in 19 Rural Territories

Rural areas are regaining attention as key resource holders. This includes the attractiveness of intact and traditional cultural elements and heritage which helps to create new opportunities. However, renewal is needed for rural areas to be competitive beyond tourism. Knowledge exchange and transfer is seen as an enabling tool for regeneration and heritage valorization, although it has mostly beenRural areas are regaining attention as key resource holders. This includes the attractiveness of intact and traditional cultural elements and heritage which helps to create new opportunities. However, renewal is needed for rural areas to be competitive beyond tourism. Knowledge exchange and transfer is seen as an enabling tool for regeneration and heritage valorization, although it has mostly been

Metabolic dysfunction induced by HFD + L-NAME preferentially affects hippocampal mitochondria, impacting spatial memory in rats

High-fat diet-induced metabolic changes are not restricted to the onset of cardiovascular diseases, but also include effects on brain functions related to learning and memory. This study aimed to evaluate mitochondrial markers and function, as well as cognitive function, in a rat model of metabolic dysfunction. Eight-week-old male Wistar rats were subjected to either a control diet or a two-hit pr

Sex Differences in the Effectiveness of First-Line Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors in Psoriatic Arthritis : Results From the European Spondyloarthritis Research Collaboration Network

Objective: Women with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) may have reduced tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) effectiveness compared to men. We examined sex differences in treatment response and retention rates during 24 months of follow-up among patients with PsA initiating their first TNFi. Methods: Data from patients with PsA across 13 European Spondyloarthritis Research Collaboration Network registr

A Technique to Increase the Linearity of the Bootstrapped Switch

We present a detailed investigation into a source of distortion that affects the classic bootstrapped switch. Our analysis reveals that the transition phase between track mode and hold mode is a critical factor in causing the distortion. To address this issue, we propose a novel technique that effectively mitigates the problem. Our results, based on simulations conducted using a 22-nm FDSOI CMOS p

Transporthistoriska underlag till nytta för infrastruktur och forskning : en förstudie

Rapporten är resultatet av ett tvåårigt samarbetsprojekt mellan Centrum för Näringslivshistoria och Statens maritima och transporthistoriska museer, finansierat av Trafikverkets FoI-medel. Förstudien syftar till att undersöka de väg-, civilflygs- och järnvägshistoriska samlingarnas potential som källa till historisk och annan forskning och som resurs i Trafikverkets planering och verksamhet. Målsä

Hur rösten räknas : Om valsystemet

Sverige har ett proportionellt valsystem, med en faktor som kan göra valresultatet mindre representativt - riksdagsspärren på fyra procent. Hur påverkar spärren väljares och partiers strategiska beteende? Vilka förändringar har genomförts i systemet de senaste femtio åren och hur kan det komma att utformas i framtiden?

Religion in the European Refugee Crisis

This book explores the roles of religion in the current refugee crisis of Europe. Combining sociological, philosophical, and theological accounts of what is commonly considered a crisis, renowned scholars from across Europe examine how religion has been employed to call either for eliminating or for enforcing the walls around “Fortress Europe”. Religion, they argue, is radically ambiguous, simulta