

Din sökning på "*" gav 534754 sökträffar

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This master’s thesis deals with the current situation of World literature in a French perspective. It elaborates how theoretical and critical contributions surrounding the polemic Manifeste pour une littérature-monde en français, signed by 44 writers and published in Le Monde 2007, in essence point toward a critique of La Francophonie and French universalism, and also toward a reconfiguration of t

Investigation of novel malaria parasite enzyme (DHODH) inhibitors based on 4-amino-3-benzylcoumarin and 4-amino-8-azacoumarin scaffolds

Abstract Plasmodium falciparum is the causative agent of the most serious and fatal malarial infections, and it has developed resistance to commonly employed chemotherapeutics. The de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis enzymes offer potential as targets for drug design, because, unlike the host, the parasite lacks pyrimidine salvage pathway.In search for new Plasmodium falciparum dihydroorotate dehydrog

Instagrams olika bilder - en presentation av identiteter

Uppsatsen problemformulering undersöker hur det visuella språket påverkar, inom det sociala mediet Instagram, personers identitetsuppfattning och interaktion i sociala sammanhang. Jag har undersökt problemställningen genom kvalitativa intervjuer och deltagande observationer av danska informanters bruk av det sociala mediet Instagram. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten vilar på Erving Goffmans begrepp I

A minor field study on abortion legislation and practice in Vietnam

Abort är lagligt i Vietnam sedan 1945. Vietnam har under flera årtioden haft bland de högsta aborttalen i världen. Avsaknaden av trovärdiga siffror på abort och samlad information på abort talar för ett behov av en övergripande beskrivning av nuvarande lagstiftning och situation. Inget övergripande arbete har tidigare gjorts kring abortlagstiftningen. Denna uppsats, till viss del utförd i Vietnam,Abortion was legalized in Vietnam in 1945. Vietnam has for decades had among the highest abortion rates in the world. Due to the lack of reliable numbers on abortion and a lack of collected information on abortion a comprehensive picture of the current legislation and situation is well needed. No overview of the abortion legislation in Vietnam has been provided earlier. This thesis, partly conduct

Foreign Aid's Impact on Income Inequality

Despite indications that inequality can have a large impact on development, little research on the relationship between foreign aid and inequality exists. The majority of the studies on the subject also focus on overall aid figures, thereby leaving the question of whether the purpose of aid matters unexplored. This study uses panel data on 116 countries over the time period 1972-2011 to focus on w

Oxidative modifications of human S100A9

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Oxidativa modifieringar av S100A9 S100A9 är ett protein i kroppen som får en förändrad struktur och funktion när det reagerar med syre. De strukturella förändringarna kallas oxidativa modiferingar. För att förstå processen skulle man kunna jämföra S100A9 med järn. När järn kommer i kontakt med syre får det en rödaktig färg och strukturen går från att vara stark tThe aim of this project was to examine how S100A9 binding to target molecules was affected by structural modifications with oxidizing agent in vitro. S100A9 was cultivated, purified and oxidative modifications were induced. The oxidative modifications where characterized with tryptohan fluorescence, Surface Plasmon Resonance technique (SPR) and MALDITOF-MS. To get access to protein to study recomb

Hur diabetes typ 2 kan påverka det dagliga livet - en litteraturstudie

Diabetes typ 2 är en sjukdom som ökar i hela världen. År 2013 hade ca 382 miljoner människor i världen diabetes. Diabetes typ 2 har ofta livsstilsrelaterade orsaker. Sjukdomen ställer stora krav på personens levnadsvanor, då diagnosen medför nya rutiner i vardagen. Syftet med litteraturstudien har varit att söka kunskap och förståelse för hur det dagliga livet kan påverkas hos personer med diabete

Specificity of plant-odor detecting olfactory sensory neurons in Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Homoptera: Psylloidea)

Abstract The blue gum psyllid, Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Homoptera: Psylloidea), is an economic threat to Eucalyptus plantations worldwide. To date, no efficient control method is available for this pest and the potential for semiochemical-based monitoring or control methods have not yet been investigated. Hence, I conducted the first study on the olfactory sense of C. eucalypti, investigating the

Barnmorskans erfarenhet av att identifiera och handlägga perinatal depression hos kvinnor - en intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Depression post partum utvecklas hos en tredjedel av alla kvinnor under graviditeten. Perinatal depression hos kvinnan kan medföra konsekvenser för hela familjen. Under den perinatala perioden är barnmorskan ansvarig för att bedöma om kvinna är i behov av särskilt stöd och omvårdnad. Syftet med studien är att tydliggöra centrala innebörder i barnmorskans erfarenhet av att identifiera och

Investment strategies and their performance - Do Hedge and Quant funds, as well as funds using Fundamental analysis, have different risk adjusted returns - and can any of them beat the market?

This thesis investigates the performance of Hedge and Quant funds, as well as funds with a Fundamental approach (here called Value funds). The funds are also compared with a world index. Weekly data over a two year period (2011-2013), from about 25 funds out of every class, is used. The results show no statistical difference between Quant and Value funds, while Hedge funds have a lower risk ad

Evaluation of cylindrical diffuser fiber tips for interstitial photodynamic therapy of prostate cancer

The aim of this thesis project is to evaluate the performance of cylindrical diffuser fibers in IPDT. Spectracure AB has developed a system for real time monitoring of dose parameters during IPDT treatment of prostate cancer using bare-end fiber tips. One of the parameters that is monitored is the effective attenuation coefficient, mu_{eff}, and the goal of this thesis is to study how well this pa

China's rural migrant workers and the household registration system: A case study of the effects of the Shanghai Hukou system reforms in a citizenship perspective

Since a series of economic reforms were introduced in China at the end of the 1970s, large numbers of rural people have flooded into urban areas to find employment but were excluded from the urban society in different ways. One important factor was associated with the Chinese household registration system. Even if rural migrant workers had lived and worked in the cities for years, they were not gr

Combining Inclusion and Individually Adaptive Learning in an Educational Game for Preschool Children

Digital educational games have been around for a long time and have shown to be pedagogically valuable. Unfortunately most games do not utilize technology to the extent that is possible. Not the least this applies to mathematical educational games for younger children. This work aims to combine several educational scientific approaches using current technologies, which traditionally had been very

Hur kan man tolka genus? - En genusundersökning av gravfältet Simris och Istabygravfältet i södra Sverige från yngre förromersk och romersk järnålder.

The overall aim of this study is to get closer look at the prehistoric individual on a more social level. This will be attempted through a qualitative understanding of how one can interpret gender using a source material from two Iron Age cemeteries both located in the very southeastern corner of Sweden. In doing this, the study revolves around a crucial understanding of three theoretical ideas: G

Using digital repeat photography for monitoring the regrowth of a clear-cut area

Sammanfattning Digitala övervakningskameror har tidigare använts inom fenologisk forskning för att kunna mäta grönskan i trädkronor. Man har under en längre tid kunnat koppla lövträdets årscykel till klimatförändringar och på så sätt haft ett starkt incitament att studera sambandet. I denna uppsats utforskas möjligheten att applicera metoden med digitalkameror på ett nyligen kalhugget område för aAbstract The use of inexpensive digital cameras in phenological research has been acclaimed since results in previous research have shown that they are reliable and precise in measuring greenness of vegetation. The work of this thesis aims to broaden the applicability by studying how well the method performs when measuring the regrowth of a clear-cut area. This is needed to complement existing res

Entanglement in nano systems

This bachelor thesis on entanglement in nano systems includes a short presen-tation of the history of quantum mechanics before entanglement takes the spot light. A definition of entanglement will be stated as well as a prescription to quantify it for a pure system. The knowledge will then be used to quantify the entanglement for the ground state of few particle systems containing 2, 3 and 4 particl

On the Distribution and Products of Totatives

This thesis concerns itself with relative primality of integers. It uses the concept of totatives, that is, integers relatively prime to a fixed number n, to investigate the distribution and products of those integers. The thesis presents two sufficient conditions for uniform distribution of totatives, a composite analogy of Wilson's theorem, and some results on partial products, including suf

Stackars deltidsanställda - ofrivilligt deltidsanställda och deras rätt till arbetslöshetsförsäkringen

The labor market, and therefore employment conditions, has changed in recent decades. Today, flexibilisation has led to a large number of employees who work part-time or lack permanent employment. An involuntary part-time worker refers to an individual who is working part-time and states that they want to work more hours than what the employer offers. As long as the employer complies with the prov