

Din sökning på "*" gav 438415 sökträffar

A local marine source of atmospheric particles in the High Arctic

The chemical composition of non-refractory submicron aerosol (NR-PM1) was characterized at the Villum Research Station (Villum) at Station Nord in North Greenland during spring-summer 2016 using a Time of Flight Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ToF-ACSM). The composition is dominated by sulfate (48%) and organic species (40%). Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) identified three key factors co

The Making of a Mosque with Female Imams : Serendipities in the Production of Danish Islams

In the last decade a number of women-led mosques have emerged in Europe and North America. In The Making of a Mosque with Female Imams Jesper Petersen documents the serendipitous, yet predictable, emergence of the Mariam Mosque in Copenhagen. The study first demonstrates that individuals’ facing the unpredictable plays a decisive role in social processes. This leads to an investigation of how sere

Familial risk of dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy : a national family study in Sweden

AIMS: This study aims to determine the familial incidence of dilated (DCM) and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree relatives of affected individuals.METHODS AND RESULTS: In this population-based multigenerational cohort study, full-siblings, half-siblings, and cousin pairs born to Swedish parents between 1932 and 2015 were included, and register-based

Information behaviour research for what? The role of information behaviour research in addressing societal challenges

The panel initiates a discussion on the role of information behaviour research in addressing majorchallenges facing our society. These include climate change, political extremism, and health threats –in many of which information plays a crucial role. The panel asks, first, what is the role andresponsibility of information behaviour research in addressing societal challenges, and second, is therea

Tools for BIM-GIS Integration (IFC Georeferencing and Conversions): Results from the GeoBIM Benchmark 2019

The integration of 3D city models with Building Information Models (BIM), coined as GeoBIM, facilitates improved data support to several applications, e.g., 3D map updates, building permits issuing, detailed city analysis, infrastructure design, context-based building design, to name a few. To solve the integration, several issues need to be tackled and solved, i.e., harmonization of features, int

Prognostic implications of left ventricular hypertrophy diagnosed on electrocardiogram vs echocardiography

It is unclear whether 12-lead ECG employing standard criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) provides similar information with respect to long-term cardiovascular risk as echocardiography. The authors performed a retrospective cohort study of 1376 individuals without cardiovascular disease, who underwent ECG (LVH defined using the Sokolow-Lyon voltage combination (>35 mm) or the Cornell vo

Detection of units with pervasive effects in large panel data models

The importance of units that influence a large number of other units in a network has become increasingly recognized in the literature. In this paper we propose a new method to detect such pervasive units by basing our analysis on unit-specific residual error variances subject to suitable adjustments due to the multiple testing issues involved. Accordingly, a sequential multiple testing (SMT) proc

Designing and implementing procurement requirements for carbon reduction in infrastructure construction–international overview and experiences

Carbon emissions emanating from infrastructure construction are substantial, and public infrastructure clients have begun to include carbon reduction goals in their procurement requirements. This is a new and complex field where practices vary and are still developing. Based on project documentation and interviews we map and analyze the design and implementation of carbon reduction requirements in

Analytical Modeling and Multiphysics Simulation of Acousto-Electromagnetic Interaction

A model for interaction between acoustic and elec- tromagnetic waves based on photoelasticity is presented. A radar equation based on physical, geometric and system parameters is shown, as well as a condition for maximizing interaction (equivalent to the Bragg condition in acousto-optics). The photoelastic model is used to implement a multiphysics simulation of the problem. The Bragg condition is

Cosmopolitanism and individual ethical reflection–the embodied experiences of Swedish veterans

This article aims to enable a conversation between cosmopolitan thought, with focus on individual ethical experiences and reflections, and research on embodied military experiences. While we derive our ethical reasoning from cosmopolitanism, we concede that it lacks sensitivity to individuals’ other-regarding reflections and acts. Moreover, it does not sufficiently problematize the ways in which c

Early Adolescents' Motivations to Defend Victims of Cyberbullying

The aim of this study was to investigate how different types of motivation to defend victims of bullying would be associated with various bystander behaviors in cyberbullying situations among early adolescents in Sweden. Data were collected from 460 Swedish adolescents aged between 11 and 15 years who completed a survey in their classroom. Results showed that autonomous motivation to defend was po

Introduction: Medical Case Histories as Genre : new approaches

This article outlines a number of new approaches in the history of medicine and medical humanities to the study of medical case histories from a genre-theoretical vantage point. Differentiating between morphological and structuralist concepts of genre, the essay proposes the investigation of similarities and differences among specific series of case histories in order to recover evolving, changing

Evaluation of Effects of Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Physical Activity Habits and Blood Lipid Levels in Persons With Type 1 Diabetes Managed With MDI : An Analysis Based on the GOLD Randomized Trial (GOLD 8)

Background: People with type 1 diabetes generally view it easier to exercise when having continuous information of the glucose levels. We evaluated whether patients with type 1 diabetes managed with multiple daily insulin injections (MDI) exercised more after initiating continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and whether the improved glycemic control and well-being associated with CGM translates into

Net zero: Copenhagen’s failure to meet its 2025 target casts doubt on other major climate plans

The city of Copenhagen, often celebrated as one of the world’s greenest for its cycling culture and other initiatives, recently defaulted on its pledge to become carbon-neutral by 2025. This early failure in the global race to net zero emissions (a balance between CO₂ emitted and absorbed) may foreshadow backtracking by other target-setters, indicating that pledges to cease contributing to climate

Cross-Platform Emotions and Audience Engagement in Social Media Political Campaigning : Comparing Candidates’ Facebook and Instagram Images in the 2020 US Election

This study provides a cross-platform, longitudinal investigation of pictures depicting political candidates posted to Facebook and Instagram over a 15-month period during the 2020 US election(n = 4,977). After motivating an exploratory research design, we set out to expound: the extent of cross-platform image posting across Facebook and Instagram; the emotion expression of politicians across the t

The 2p53s, 3p and 3d configurations in neon-like Ti XIII and Fe XVII

Spectra emitted from laser-produced plasmas of scandium, titanium, vanadium and chromium have been recorded in the region 270-600 Å, and lines belonging to the 3s-3p and 3p-3d transition arrays in neonlike ions have been identified. The 2p53s, 3p and 3d energy levels have been derived from the observations for Ti XIII and from solar flare lines for Fe XVII. Hartree-Fock calculations and parametric

Det var det där typiska "läsa sig framåt i livet"

Syftet med den här artikeln är att se närmare på kopplingen mellan positioner som framkommer i Finlandssvenska, manliga berättelser om skolprestation och affekten skam. Genom att se till positionerad underlägsenhetoch överlägsenhet, vill jag illustrera hur skam har en funktion i det berättade. Över och underlägsenhet används sompositionering mot berättelsen om skolprestation och gentemot föreställThe aim of this article is to illustrate the connection between narrative positioning and qualia in the re-telling of Finn-Swede boyhoods; and the function of shame. Shame works as an affective backdrop to male stories of school and achievement. The shame is constructed by master narrative positioning and shows a resistance to cultural certainties regarding boy’s school performance in a Finnish co

The factor analytical approach in near unit root interactive effects panels

In a recent study, Bai (2013) proposes a new factor analytical (FA) method for estimation of stationary dynamic panel data models with fixed effects. Our interest in this method originates with the fact it does not require explicit demeaning of the data, a practice that is known to cause problems of bias and low power in near unit root panels. The purpose is to study the properties of FA when appl